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Universität Münster
Institut für Mathematische Logik und Grundlagenforschung
Einsteinstraße 62
48149 Münster
This institution in GERiT
48149 Münster
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Reine Mathematik
Tent, Katrin
Emmy Noether International Fellowships
Completed projects
Konstruktivität und logische Komplexität in Arithmetik und Mengenlehre
Burr, Wolfgang
Research Grants
Current projects
AEI-DFG: Mapping class groups from above and below
Fioravanti, Elia
Model theory of valued fields with endomorphism
Hils, Martin
Jahnke, Franziska
The AKE Philosophy: From Arithmetic Geometry to Classification Theory
Jahnke, Franziska
Completed projects
Analytische Kombinatorik und endliche Modelltheorie
Weiermann, Andreas
Anwendung der Theorie der inneren Modelle auf Fragen der Absolutheit und Korrektheit
Schindler, Ralf
Anwendungen der Theorie der Kernmodelle insbesondere in der Kardinalzahlarithmetik (bzw. pcf-Theorie)
Schindler, Ralf
Archivarische Behandlung und wissenschaftshistorische Auswertung des SCHOLZ-Nachlasses
Diller, Justus
Beweistheorie und analytische Kombinatorik
Weiermann, Andreas
BN-Paare in der Modelltheorie
Tent, Katrin
Generalized Baire spaces - definability and paradoxical sets
Schindler, Ralf
Geometric and Combinatorial Configurations in Model Theory
Hils, Martin
Martin-Pizarro, Amador
Tent, Katrin
Geometric model theory, pseudofinite combinatorics, and compressible types
Bays, Martin
Inner model theoretic geology
Schindler, Ralf
The interplay between algebra and logic
Schindler, Ralf
Strüngmann, Lutz
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Group theoretic aspects of negative curvature
(Project Head
Tent, Katrin
Completed projects
Abstract classification theory: topological spaces, groups, and descriptive set theory
(Project Heads
Schindler, Ralf
Tent, Katrin
Central tasks
(Project Heads
Cuntz, Joachim
Deninger, Christopher
Lück, Wolfgang
Schneider, Peter
Tent, Katrin
Definable reducibility
(Project Heads
Miller, Benjamin
Schindler, Ralf
Groups, Buildings, and Model Theory
(Project Head
Tent, Katrin
Groups, Buildings and Model Theory
(Project Head
Tent, Katrin
Groups, geometries and model theoretic modularity
(Project Head
Tent, Katrin
Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Hartl, Urs
Löwe, Matthias
Tent, Katrin
Model theory of valued fields and definable groups
(Project Heads
Hils, Martin
Jahnke, Franziska
Tent, Katrin
SFB 878: Groups, Geometry and Actions
Deninger, Christopher
Lück, Wolfgang
Tent, Katrin
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Applications of inner model theory to precipitous ideals, forcing axioms and stationarity.
Adolf, Dominik
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2044: Mathematics Münster: Dynamics – Geometry – Structure
Nikolaus, Thomas
Ohlberger, Mario
Additional Information
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