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Klinikum der Universität München
Campus Innenstadt
Kinderklinik und Kinderpoliklinik im
Dr. von Haunerschen Kinderspital
Lindwurmstraße 4
80337 München
This institution in GERiT
80337 München
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Analyse der Immunantwort der NKT Lymphozyten auf die EBV-Infektion vor dem Hintergrund der primären Immundefekte XLP-1 und XLP-2 zur molekularbiologischen Definition weiterer XLP-Entitäten
Hauck, Ph.D., Fabian Harald
Characterization of the molecular makeup of the hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) niche and its signals that support HSC homing, self-renewal, proliferation and engraftment in vivo in the zebrafish model
Binder, Vera
Characterizing Functional Genetic Variants Linking Immunity and Schizophrenia
Kim-Hellmuth, Sarah
Der Einfluss des angeborenen Immunsystems auf die erworbene Immunantwort im Neugeborenenalter in Abhängigkeit vom Vorliegen einer mütterlichen Atopie
Schaub, Bianca
Die Rolle der T-Zell-Aktivierung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Transkriptionsfaktors NF kappa B bei frühkindlichem Asthma bronchiale
Schröter, Christian
Functional analysis of a new genetic variant suspected to cause a novel form of primary immunodeficiency featuring frequent respiratory infections, a susceptibility to herpesviral infection and lymphoid malignancy in three individuals.
Gothe, Ph.D., Florian
Induktion und Modulation der Apoptose im Tiermodell der obstruktiven Uropathie
Lange-Sperandio, Bärbel
Potenzierung der neurogenen Inflammation in den Atemwegen durch Adenoviren-Vektoren
Beer-Wedde, Katrin D.
XIAP Deficiency and Intestinal Inflammation: Study of an Orphan Disease and Pathways relevant for Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Schwerd, Tobias
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Entwicklung gentherapeutischer Strategien zur Behandlung des Wiskott-Aldrich- Syndroms
Klein, Christoph
Genetik der kongenitalen Neutropenie
Klein, Christoph
KFO 110: Stem Cell Transplantation and Immunmodulation - Development of Molecular Therapeutic Strategies in Pediatrics
Welte, Karl
Klinische, genetische und immunologische Charakterisierung monogener Autoimmunerkrankungen bei Kindern
Klein, Christoph
Zentrale Verwaltungskosten
Klein, Christoph
Research Grants
Current projects
Decoding the role of RIPK1 in human immunity and intestinal inflammation - Molecular insights from children with monogenic RIPK1 deficiency
Kotlarz, Daniel
Disrupting spliceosome-licensed oncogene collaboration networks for precision cancer therapy
Braun, Christian Joerg
Schneider, Günter
Multinational study on rural environmental protection for childhood asthma – a central role for dendritic and regulatory B-cells during immune maturation
Schaub, Bianca
Rare lung diseases in children: phenotyping, genetics, course and disease burden
Griese, Matthias
Role of pro- and anti-inflammatory NF-κB and MAPK signaling of innate dendritic cells during asthma development in childhood and its modulation through farm environmental exposure
Schaub, Bianca
Role of steroid hormone differentiation during adolescence in metabolism and cardiometabolic health
Harris, Carla
Standl, Ph.D., Marie
Unraveling the immunological and microbial mechanisms of hay fever protection by multi-omics data integration
Pagani, Ph.D., Giulia
Completed projects
3-Methylcrontonyl-CoA: Carboxylase Mangel Charakterisierung der Variabilität von Phänotyp und Genotyp
Röschinger, Wulf
Components of distinct rural environments confer asthma protection in childhood via A20-mediated immune effects in dendritic cells on regulatory T cells
Schaub, Bianca
Das Immunsystem des Neugeborenen: Charakterisierung des Phänotyps und Funktion von T Zellen im Nabelschnurblut im Rahmen von Endotoxinstimulation
Schaub, Bianca
Der Einfluss von probiotischen Bakterien auf die orale Mikroflora sowie den oralen/dentalen Biofilm
Arweiler, Nicole
Der Na-K-2Cl-Kotransporter in der perinatalen Lunge, transepithelialer Elektrolyttransport während der Lungenentwicklung
Flemmer, Andreas W.
Environmental dissemination and accumulation of antibiotic pharmazeuticals, pathogens, and resistance determinants as caused by wastewater irrigation
Grohmann, Elisabeth
Siemens, Jan
Funktionelle Charakterisierung der humanen Gene und Proteine der frühen peroxisomalen Biogenese PEX3 und PEX19
Muntau, Ania Carolina
Induktion und Modulation von Entzündungsprozessen im neonatalen Tiermodell der obstruktiven Uropathie
Lange-Sperandio, Bärbel
Inflammation und Regeneration im neonatalen Tiermodell der obstruktiven Uropathie
Lange-Sperandio, Bärbel
Interstitial lung diseases (ILD) due to disturbed processing and function of the lipid transporter ABCA3 as a result of mutations in the ABCA3 gene
Griese, Matthias
Mechanisms of action and therapeutic potential of AHR and DRD5 receptors in Acute Myeloid Leukemia with MLL-fusion gene
Fleischmann, Katrin Kristina
Molekulare Auswirkungen von Gendefekten im Surfactantsyntheseapparat von Typ II Pneumozyten bei interstitiellen Lungenerkrankungen (ILD)
Griese, Matthias
Multi-centre analysis of immune-regulatory mechanisms that protect from childhood asthma in distinct rural environments
Schaub, Bianca
Novel strategies for personalized treatment of lung cancer using H19 gene regulatory sequences combined with targeted nucleic acid delivery
Klein, Christoph
Rudolph, Carsten
Querschnittsstudie zum Zusammenhang zwischen der Fettsäurenzusammensetzung von Serumlipiden, dem Fettverzehr und der Prävalenz bronchialer Hyperreaktivität, allergischer Sensibilisierung und atopischer Manifestationen bei Erwachsenen
Koletzko, Berthold V.
SOLAR III: Asthma and allergies from school age up to working life - analyses of occupational exposures and transgenerational effects over three generations. 20-years Follow-up of the ISAAC Phase II Study in Germany.
Radon, Katja
Vogelberg, Christian
Therapie der neonatalen Lungenhypoplasie durch tracheale Okklusion und / oder Perlurcarbon am Kaninchenmodell der kongenitalen Zwerchfellhernie
Flemmer, Andreas W.
Unraveling the molecular pathophysiological landscape in primary immunodeficiencies to improve personalized medicine approaches.
Grimbacher, Bodo
Untersuchungen zum in vivo Stoffwechsel ungesättigter Fettsäuren mit stabilen Isotopen
Koletzko, Berthold V.
Uromodulin and Inflammation in Neonatal Obstructive Nephropathy
Lange-Sperandio, Bärbel
Heisenberg Professorships
Completed projects
Environment and development of immunological tolerance with the focus on the development of allergic diseases
Schaub, Bianca
Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Deciphering the genetic basis of human immune response variation
Kim-Hellmuth, Sarah
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Decoding molecular disease mechanisms in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease – A systems biology-driven approach
Kotlarz, Daniel
Environment and development of immunological tolerance with the focus on the development of allergic diseases
Schaub, Bianca
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Impact of exclusive enteral nutrition on microbiome signatures and function in pediatric Crohn’s disease
(Project Heads
Haller, Dirk
Schwerd, Tobias
Completed projects
Clinical and Functional Characterization of the Genetic Basis of Chronic Viral Infections in Humans
(Project Head
Klein, Christoph
Deciphering the role of Cyclin-T1 in human immune cell plasticity – Insights from children with inflammatory bowel disease
(Project Heads
Klein, Christoph
Kotlarz, Daniel
Genetic and immunological analysis of inflammatory bowel disease in children
(Project Head
Klein, Christoph
Mechanisms and reversion of leukemia-induced tolerance in murine model systems
(Project Head
Klein, Christoph
Rare human diseases involving neutrophil granulocytes – new models to study trafficking and cell migration
(Project Head
Klein, Christoph
The Role of the endosomal adapter molecule p14 in cytokine-receptor signal transduction and hematopoiesis
(Project Head
Klein, Christoph
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Hochleistungsflüssigchromatographie mit Kopplung an ein Triple Quadrupol Massenspektrometer (LC-MS/MS)
Konfokales Lasermikroskop
Zellanalyse- und Hochgeschwindigkeitssortiersystem
Current projects
Deciphering genetic regulatory effects of nucleic acid immunity in human dendritic cell populations
(Project Head
Kim-Hellmuth, Sarah
Dissection and correction of human regulatory T cell dysfunctions by CRISPR engineering
(Project Heads
Kotlarz, Daniel
Schumann, Kathrin
Genetic regulation of protein expression during immune cell development in human neonates
(Project Heads
Kim-Hellmuth, Sarah
Nußbaum, Claudia Franziska
Studying inborn errors of immunity affecting neutrophil granulocytes
(Project Head
Klein, Christoph
Completed projects
Identification of novel biomarkers and underlying immune mechanisms for allergic and non-allergic asthma in childhood: prediction of outcome and translation to clinics
(Project Head
Schaub, Bianca
Metagenomic Determinants of Asthma Protection in Environmental Dust
(Project Heads
Ege, Ph.D., Markus
von Mutius, Erika
Service Platform Functional Genomics
(Project Heads
Buch, Thorsten
Legatzki, Antje
WBP Fellowship
Current projects
Epigenetic and niche-specific regulation of human hematopoietic stem cell development in the fetal bone marrow
Frenz-Wießner, Stephanie
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 303: Infection and Immunity
Heesemann, Jürgen
GRK 1202: Oligonucleotides in Cell Biology and Therapy
Endres, Stefan
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 1006: Graduate School of Quantitative Biosciences Munich (QBM)
Frey, Erwin
Additional Information
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