Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Zoologisches Institut
Am Botanischen Garten 1-9
24118 Kiel
This institution in GERiT
24118 Kiel
Research Grants
Current projects
A gradient of sexual selection and sexual conflict: parental investment and sex-role reversal and their genomic footprints
Böhne, Astrid
Roth, Olivia
Deciphering the evolutionary mechanisms shaping the regulatory circuitry underlying the novel brooding organ in syngnathids (pipefishes & seahorses) using cutting-edge single-cell multiomics
Schneider, Ralf
Immunological rearrangement -an opportunity for unique male pregnancy evolution?
Roth, Olivia
New Caledonian biogeography from the perspective of snails from springs and groundwater
Haase, Martin
Podsiadlowski, Lars
Promoting action on broad ocean challenges by delving into the past, present and future of European syngnathids
Roth, Olivia
The role of C. elegans fatty acid metabolism in pathogen defense
Dierking, Katja
Completed projects
Abschätzung der Introgression von Haustierallelen in den Genbestand autochthoner Wildtierpopulationen bei der Katze (Felis silvestris) mittels vergleichender DNA-Analysen an rezentem und subfossilem Material
Hartl, Günther B.
Allorecognition in Ciona intestinalis: molecular basis for self-sterility in a hermaphroditic urochordate
Khalturin, Konstantin
Archäozoologische Untersuchungen zum frühmittelalterlichen Nonnenkloster St. Irminen in Trier (8.-10. Jahrhundert)
Clemens, Lukas
Die zoologischen Funde der neolithischen Siedlung Heidmoor, Kr. Segeberg
Hoika, Jürgen
Dissecting molecular mechanisms of high immune specificity in C. elegans
Dierking, Katja
Schulenburg, Hinrich
Epithelial defense in Hydra
Bosch, Thomas C. G.
Ernährungsökologische Nische und Habitatstruktur in benthischen Nahrungsnetzen [Teilprojekt 4 von 6 Anträgen im Rahmen eines Paket-Antrags "Vergleich von Kontrollmechanismen in marinen und limnischen Nahrungsnetzen"]
Brendelberger, Heinz
Evolution von Selbst-/Nichtselbst-Erkennungssystemen: Charakterisierung des BsCD94-1-Rezeptors im Urochordaten Botryllus schlosseri, Identifikation des dazugehörigen Liganden und Analyse der Biologie immunkompetenter Botryllus-Blutzellen
Bosch, Thomas C. G.
High speed film analyses of rapid prey-capture mechanisms in rove beetles (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae)
Betz, Oliver
Holocene development of the vertebrate fauna and the related environmental change in the south-western Baltic area with special emphasis on the Mecklenburg Bay
Heinrich, Dirk
Isolation und Charakterisierung von Transkriptionsfaktoren, die in Hydra an der Regulation des kopfspezifischen Gens ks1 beteiligt sind
Bosch, Thomas C. G.
Peptide als Musterbildungssignale: zur Funktion von HEADY bei Achsenbildung und positionsabhängiger Differenzierung in Hydra
Bosch, Thomas C. G.
Strukturaufklärung des porenbildenden Proteins Amoebapore A von Entamoeba histolytica mit Hilfe der NMR-Spektroskopie
Grötzinger, Joachim
The role of C-type lectin domain proteins in C. elegans immunity
Dierking, Katja
Trans-generational immune priming & sexual immune dimorphism across a parental care gradient in two fish families
Roth, Olivia
Uncovering the role of Insulin/FoxO signaling in stem cells in Hydra to understand how stem cell dynamics is responding to external signals and metabolic state in an early emerging metazoan
Bosch, Thomas C. G.
Uncovering the role of taxonomically restricted genes in the basal metazoan Hydra
Klimovich, Ph.D., Alexander
Ursprüngliche cytolytische und antimikrobielle Mechanismen von humanpathogenen und freilebenden Protozoen im Vergleich mit denen höherer Organismen
Leippe, Matthias
Wechselwirkungen zwischen Räuber, Beute und Aufwuchsorganismen mariner Benthos- Organismen
Wahl, Ph.D., Martin
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Molecular repertoire of rhoptry organelles from Plasmodium falciparum
Leippe, Matthias
Molekulare Grundlage der Biogenese der Parasitophoren Vakuole von Plasmodium falciparum
Leippe, Matthias
Struktur und biologische Funktion eines porenbildenden Proteins aus Leishmaninia donovani
Leippe, Matthias
Unravelling tripartite species co-evolution under environmental change: can prophages accelerate bacterial virulence evolution?
Roth, Olivia
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Leippe, Matthias
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Black box larval physiology - mechanisms of nutrient acquisition and energetics of invertebrate larvae in a changing ocean
Stumpp, Meike
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Communicating the Metaorganism
(Project Heads
Bosch, Thomas C. G.
Duscher, Tom
Parchmann, Ilka
Schulenburg, Hinrich
Evolutionary dynamics and molecular basis of C.elegans-microbiome interactions
(Project Heads
Dierking, Katja
Kaleta, Christoph
Leippe, Matthias
Schulenburg, Hinrich
Tholey, Andreas
Formation of structured neural circuits in hydra and computational models
(Project Heads
Hilgetag, Claus Christian
Klimovich, Ph.D., Alexander
Host-microbe cross talk in three marine taxa (Porifera, Cnidaria and teleost fish)
(Project Heads
Fraune, Sebastian
Hentschel-Humeida, Ute
Roth, Olivia
Impact of symbiosis on life history decisions at the base of the metazoan evolution: lessons from placozoans and Hydra
(Project Heads
Bosch, Thomas C. G.
Gruber-Vodicka, Harald
Hülter, Nils
Mathematical models and experiments on the levels of selection in evolving metaorganisms
(Project Heads
Bosch, Thomas C. G.
Fraune, Sebastian
Schulenburg, Hinrich
Traulsen, Arne
Microbial interactions within the metaorganism: mechanisms of bacterial niche specialization and warfare in symbiosis
(Project Heads
Dagan, Tal
Obeng, Nancy
Unterweger, Daniel
Modeling neuronal circuit growth and sensory information processing of Hydra
(Project Heads
Bosch, Thomas C. G.
Ochs, Karlheinz
New approaches to understanding eco-evolutionary dynamics in metaorganisms
(Project Heads
Hentschel-Humeida, Ute
Lachnit, Tim
Rainey, Ph.D., Paul
SFB 1182: Origin and Function of Metaorganisms
Bosch, Thomas C. G.
Schulenburg, Hinrich
Completed projects
Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Becker-Pauly, Christoph
Grötzinger, Joachim
Leippe, Matthias
Pohl, Sandra
Mass Spectrometry based proteomics for the analysis of proteolytic events
(Project Heads
Janßen, Ottmar
Leippe, Matthias
Tholey, Andreas
Molekulare Basis der epithelialen Abwehr in den wirbellosen Modellorganismen
(Project Head
Leippe, Matthias
Molekulare Mechanismen der epithelialen Abwehr im stammesgeschichtlich alten Vielzeller Hydra
(Project Head
Bosch, Thomas C. G.
Research Units
Completed projects
Faunal development in the south-western Baltic area: Anthropogenic and natural influences
Heinrich, Dirk
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Destabilisation of the holobiont macroalga and induction of bacterial pathogenesis due to increasing environmental stress conditions
Lachnit, Tim
In vitro and in vivo analysis of stem cells on the basis of stem cell parasitism in the urochordate Botryllus schlosseri
Kürn, Ulrich
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
4-Laser Cell Sorter
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 587: Regulation of Genes and Pathogens, Host Response during Infectious Diseases, Detection of Substances Influencing Gene Expression and Pathogens
Morschhäuser, Joachim
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 80: The Future Ocean
Visbeck, Martin
EXC 306: Inflammation at Interfaces
Schreiber, Stefan
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2501: Translational Evolutionary Research
Schulenburg, Hinrich
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2167: Precision Medicine in Chronic Inflammation (PMI)
Niemann, Stefan
Riemekasten, Gabriela
Schreiber, Stefan