Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Kirchhoff-Institut für Physik
Im Neuenheimer Feld 227
69120 Heidelberg
This institution in GERiT
69120 Heidelberg
Research Grants
Current projects
Development of photon and phonon cryogenic detectors coupled to scintillating crystals
Gastaldo, Loredana
Electrochemical driven self-holding optical actuator: from materials to device concepts
Bracht, Hartmut
Pernice, Wolfram Hans Peter
Hybrid on-chip quantum photonics combining deterministic telecom single-photon sources, single-photon detectors with ultra-low loss waveguides
Michler, Peter
Pernice, Wolfram Hans Peter
Lithium-rich antiperovskites with high specific capacity as novel cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries
Gräßler, Nico
Klingeler, Rüdiger
Low-energy effective theory of far-from-equilibrium time-evolving Bose systems
Gasenzer, Thomas
Next Generation Quantum Simulators: From DYNAMIcal Gauge Fields to Lattice Gauge ThEory
Aidelsburger, Monika
Grusdt, Fabian
Oberthaler, Markus Kurt
Novel Dating of Alpine Glaciers by 39Ar-ATTA (ArTTA-ICE)
Aeschbach, Werner
Oberthaler, Markus Kurt
Completed projects
Altersbestimmung von Wasser mit atomoptischem Einzelatomnachweis 39Ar
Aeschbach, Werner
Oberthaler, Markus Kurt
ArTTA-10mL: An instrument for 39Ar-dating of small ice and water samples
Aeschbach, Werner
Oberthaler, Markus Kurt
Basic studies on solution growth of SiC crystals with the definite polytype structure.
Winnacker, Albrecht
Development of active sensor units for highly granular calorimeters at future colliders
Schultz-Coulon, Hans-Christian
Sefkow, Felix
Einfluß der Wechselwirkung zwischen Tunnelsystemen auf die Eigenschaften von amorphen Materialien bei tiefen Temperaturen
Hunklinger, Siegfried
Elastische Eigenschaften von amorphen Edelgasfilmen
Hunklinger, Siegfried
Electromagnetic Wave Controlling by Atomic-Scale Plasmonics in Nanostructures
Pucci, Annemarie
Entwicklung eines Prozesses zum homoepitaktischen Wachstum von (01-15)-orientiertem SiC aus der flüssigen Phase
Winnacker, Albrecht
Experimental studies on magnetic interaction and anisotropy in 3d-4f heterometallic systems
Koo, Changhyun
Fe2O3@C nanocomposites as anode materials for lithium- and sodium ion batteries with high cyclic stability
Klingeler, Rüdiger
Functionalized diamond optomechanical circuits for infrared spectroscopy and site-specific gas sensing applications
Hirtz, Michael
Nebel, Christoph E.
Pernice, Wolfram Hans Peter
Glasübergang niedermolekularer organischer Flüssigkeiten unter Druck
Kasper, Gernot
Herstellung und Charakterisierung von amorphen (SiC)1-x(AlN)x:H-Filmen mittels DC-Magnetronzerstäubung und gepulster Laserabscheidung
Winnacker, Albrecht
Herstellung und Charakterisierung von amorphen (SiC)1-x(AlN)x:H-Filmen mittels DC-Magnetronzerstäubung und gepulster Laserabscheidung
Winnacker, Albrecht
Herstellung von AlN-Volumenkristallen als Substrate für das Wachstum defektarmer(Al,Ga)N MBE-Schichten
Winnacker, Albrecht
Intrinsisch isolierende SiC-Substrate: Pulversynthese, keramischer Prozeß und Eigenschaften
Winnacker, Albrecht
Magnetic and dielectric studies on the room temperature magnet SrRu2O6 and its doped variants
Klingeler, Rüdiger
Materials World Network: Understanding and exploiting mixed, ultra-fast optical electrical behavior in nanoscale phase change materials
Pernice, Wolfram Hans Peter
Measuring the Th-229 isomer energy with a microcalorimeter
Fleischmann, Andreas
Modellbildung zur Simulation der Züchtung von Siliziumkarbid (SiC)-Einkristallen aus der Gasphase und deren experimentelle Verifizierung
Wellmann, Peter
Multiferroizität in niedrigdimensionalen magnetischen Systemen mit unterschiedlichen Spins
Klingeler, Rüdiger
NanoEnergy - Carbon-based spherical nanocomposites for electrochemical energy storage
Klingeler, Rüdiger
New insights into cooperation of micro- and nano-scale elementary structural chromatin units in decision-making on DNA damage repair pathway (NANOREP)
Hausmann, Michael
Novel non-toxic nonlinear optical crystals for deep-ultraviolet laser generation
Zhang, Ph.D., Jianxiu
Organic emitters embedded in functional nanophotonic circuits
Pernice, Wolfram Hans Peter
Photoassoziations-Dynamik entarteter Quantengase: Vielteilchen-Quantentheorie fern des thermischen Gleichgewichts
Gasenzer, Thomas
Quantum dynamics of ultracold atomic gases far from equilibrium
Gasenzer, Thomas
Selected-control synthesis and characterisation of nanoscaled ammonium vanadates with good cycling stability for lithium-ion batteries
Klingeler, Rüdiger
Spektrales Lochbrennen in Gläsern - Einfluß der Glasmatrix auf die inhomogene und homogene Linienbreite optischer Übergänge eingebauter Seltener Erden
Winnacker, Albrecht
Spin and charge in electrochemically doped oxides
Klingeler, Rüdiger
Systematic improvement of 39Ar Atom Trap Trace Analysis and its application to derive a millennial palaeotemperature record from groundwater
Aeschbach, Werner
Oberthaler, Markus Kurt
Test of weak equivalence principle with antimatter
Oberthaler, Markus Kurt
The Arctic Ocean - Ventilation Timescales, Anthropogenic Carbon and Variability in a Changing Environment
Aeschbach, Werner
Tanhua, Toste
UHV-Untersuchungen der oberflächenverstärkten Infrarotabsorption und der Linienform für Adsorbatmoleküle auf ultradünnen Metallfilmen im Zusammenhang mit deren dynamischer Leitfähigkeit
Pucci, Annemarie
Untersuchung der akustischen Eigenschaften von ungeordneten Edelgasfilmen mit niederfrequenten Torsionsoszillatoren
Classen, Johannes
Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung von phosphoreszierenden Nanopartikeln als Marker für die Bioanalytik und medizinische Diagnostik
Winnacker, Albrecht
Untersuchungen zur Speicherung von Ladungsträgern in Nanopartikeln und Entwicklung von Infrarotlicht-stimulierten Markern für die Bioanalytik und Diagnostik
Batentschuk, Miroslaw
Gellermann, Carsten
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Dark Matter Searches beyond the WIMP and Upgrading the Trigger and DAQ System at SuperCDMS SNOLAB
von Krosigk, Belina
Experimente zur nichtlinearen Materie-Wellenoptik
Oberthaler, Markus Kurt
Integrated Quantum Photonics and Opto-mechanics
Pernice, Wolfram Hans Peter
The Kondo effect in ultracold atoms
Jendrzejewski, Fred
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Charge Transport, Plasmon Properties in the Infrared and Thermal Stability of Metal Nanowires
Fahsold, Gerhard
Crystal growth and electrochemistry of Lithium-based materials: Investigation of model systems for Li-ion batteries
Klingeler, Rüdiger
Development and physical reason of IR spectral features during condensation and solid phase reactions of Fe-Mg silicate systems: IR studies focused on non-stoichiometric silicates
Dohmen, Ralf
Gail, Hans-Peter
Pucci, Annemarie
Tamanai, Akemi
Dynamic Simulation of active/inactive Chromatin Domains (Dynamische Simulation aktiver/inaktiver Chromatindomänen)
Kreth, Gregor
Electronic, structural, and magnetic properties of single crystalline pnictides: Thermodynamic studies down to ultra-low temperatures
Enss, Christian Walter Dietrich
Klingeler, Rüdiger
Grundlegende Untersuchung von effektiver Lumineszenz konzentrierter Seltenerd-Ionen Systeme
Winnacker, Albrecht
Light-path engineering in disordered waveguiding systems
Busch, Kurt
Pernice, Wolfram Hans Peter
Nonlinear matter wave optics: Experiments on nonlinear quantum dynamics in double-well and periodic potentials
Oberthaler, Markus Kurt
Preparation and crystal growth of superconducting and magnetic rare earth-transition metal oxypnictides and alkali / earth alkali iron arsenides
Büchner, Bernd
SPP 1458: High Temperature Superconductivity in Iron Pnictides
Büchner, Bernd
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Theoretische Physik
Gasenzer, Thomas
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2202: Neutrino Mass Determination by Electron Capture in Holmium-163 (ECHo)
Enss, Christian Walter Dietrich
FOR 2724: Thermal machines in the quantum world
Eisert, Jens
FOR 5199: Searching for charged lepton flavour violation with the Mu3e experiment
Schöning, André
Quantum heat engines
Anders, Janet
Ankerhold, Joachim
Jendrzejewski, Fred
Schmidt-Kaler, Ferdinand
Searching for charged lepton flavour violation with the Mu3e experiment - Scintillating Tile Detector
Schultz-Coulon, Hans-Christian
Completed projects
Crystal growth of SiC using a modified PVT setup
Wellmann, Peter
Einkomponentige Multiferroika: Synthese und physikalische Eigenschaften
Hemker-Heß, Christian
Herstellung von polytypreinen defektarmen SiC-Volumenkristallen aus der flüssigen Phase
Hofmann, Dieter
Low Temperature Detectors and Data Analysis
Gastaldo, Loredana
Quantum heat engines
Ankerhold, Joachim
Jendrzejewski, Fred
Schmidt-Kaler, Ferdinand
Semiclassical limit Bose-Einstein condensate dynamics
Oberthaler, Markus Kurt
Wimberger, Sandro
Surface optical spectroscopy of phonon and electron excitations in quasi one-dimensional metallic nanostructures
Esser, Norbert
Pucci, Annemarie
Reinhart Koselleck Projects
Current projects
Probabilistic photonic computing with chaotic light
Pernice, Wolfram Hans Peter
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Untersuchung ladungsdotierter Spinsysteme in gepulsten, hohen Magnetfeldern bis 75 Telsa
Klingeler, Rüdiger
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
30 cm Waferprober
3D Mikrofertigung
Aperturloses Infrarot-optisches Rasternahfeldmikroskop (SNOM)
Dual-Comb Spectroscopy Instrument for Remote Sensing
Gold-Silicon Focussed Ion Beam System with Scanning Electron Microscope
Halbautomatischer Drahtbonder
High resolution electron beam lithography system
Hochfeld- und Hochfrequenz-Elektronen-Spin-Resonanz-Spektrometer
Laserlithographiesystem zur dreidimensionalen additiven Mikro- und Nanofertigung
Low-pressure Chemical Vapour Deposition System
Maskenloser Aligner
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Adaptive magnonic networks for advanced nanoscale computing
(Project Heads
Bratschitsch, Rudolf
Demokritov, Ph.D., Sergej O.
Pernice, Wolfram Hans Peter
Mixed-mode in-memory computing using adaptive phase-change materials
(Project Heads
Pernice, Wolfram Hans Peter
Salinga, Martin
Opto-electronic neuromorphic architectures
(Project Heads
Bratschitsch, Rudolf
Pernice, Wolfram Hans Peter
van der Wiel, Wilfred
Probing and characterising effective models of far-from-equilibrium universality
(Project Heads
Gasenzer, Thomas
Oberthaler, Markus Kurt
Probing and simulating universal dynamics in dipolar quantum gases
(Project Heads
Chomaz, Ph.D., Lauriane
Gasenzer, Thomas
Quantum field simulators
(Project Heads
Berges, Jürgen
Jendrzejewski, Fred
Oberthaler, Markus Kurt
Science and society – challenges of science communication
(Project Heads
Berges, Jürgen
Blaum, Klaus
Oberthaler, Markus Kurt
Ringena, Lisa
Stachel, Johanna
Weidemüller, Matthias
Completed projects
(Project Heads
Mlynek, Jürgen
Oberthaler, Markus Kurt
Characterization of Molecular Interaction in the Condensed Phase and at Interfaces by IR-Spectroscopy
(Project Head
Pucci, Annemarie
Entanglement of quantum fields detected through entropic uncertainty relations
(Project Heads
Flörchinger, Stefan
Gärttner, Martin
Oberthaler, Markus Kurt
Core Facilities
Current projects
Münster Nanofabrication Facility (MNF)
Current projects
Dynamical signatures of topological states in photon condensates
(Project Heads
Luitz, David
Schmitt, Julian
Reservoir control of an open photon Bose-Einstein condensate system
(Project Heads
Kroha, Johann
Schmitt, Julian
Vewinger, Frank
Weitz, Martin
Completed projects
Chemical reaction control with plasmonic gap antennas
(Project Heads
Höppener, Christiane
Liu, Dongsheng
Pernice, Wolfram Hans Peter
Ravoo, Bart Jan
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2948: Mixed Ionic-Electronic Transport: From Fundamentals to Applications
Zaumseil, Jana
Completed projects
GRK 36: Experimental Techniques in Nuclear und Particle Physics
Herrmann, Norbert
GRK 214: 3D Tumor Diagnostics and Therapy Using Radiological Methods and Laser Medicine
Wannenmacher, Michael
GRK 1940: Particle Physics beyond the Standard Model
Plehn, Tilman
GRK 2058: High Resolution and High Rate Detectors in Nuclear and Particle Physics (HighRR)
Schultz-Coulon, Hans-Christian
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1039: Development and Application of Intelligent Detectors
Herrmann, Norbert
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 129: Heidelberg Graduate School of Fundamental Physics
Klingeler, Rüdiger
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2181: STRUCTURES: A unifying approach to emergent phenomena in the physical world, mathematics, and complex data
Klessen, Ph.D., Ralf
Oberthaler, Markus Kurt
Salmhofer, Manfred
Wienhard, Anna