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Electromagnetic Wave Controlling by Atomic-Scale Plasmonics in Nanostructures

Subject Area Experimentelle Physik der kondensierten Materie
Term from 2007 to 2011
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 59615044
In this project, we will extensively explore atomic-scale plasmonics where the atomistic phenomena such as the band structure, lattice defects, quantum confinement, and shape/dimensionality effects in ultimately small objects determine the behaviour of the electromagnetic waves. Compared to the researches on the larger-scale plasmonics devices, the proposed project will open up a new route for exploring and controlling the electromagnetic waves in the infrared regime where diversity of application is expected from nano- and bio -technology /industries. By fully utilizing top-down and bottom-up nanofabrication techniques we will produce ID, 2D, and 3D patterned atomic-scale low dimensional metallic na restructure s together with precise controlling of defects. And by molding the plasmons into precisely fabricated small systems, we aim to explore and freely design the dielectric and optical properties of nanostructures for device applications. For the genuine lowdimensional systems such as atom chains, nearly no fundamental knowledge on plasmon is available and we will explore these systems in detail. Also, shape-controlled quasi-3D metal-nanoparticle arrays (grown in ultrahigh vacuum and, also, in wet-chemistry) are of special technological importance but not yet understood from the atomistic point of view. Their plasmon resonances are related to huge nearfield enhancement, which enables surface enhanced IR absorption (SEIRA), and we aim at developing the super-SEIRA-active device structure for the biosensing applications as well as laterally resolved nearfield IR spectroscopy.
DFG Programme Sachbeihilfen
International Connection Japan
Beteiligte Person Dr. Tadaaki Nagao

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