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Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Department Maschinenbau
Lehrstuhl für Technische Mechanik
Egerlandstraße 5
91058 Erlangen
This institution in GERiT
91058 Erlangen
Research Grants
Current projects
A numerical model for translational and rotational momentum transfer of soft deformable micro particles in dilute two-phase flows
Steinmann, Paul
A Seamless VE-Based Multiscale Coupling Method for Meso-Heterogeneous Materials
Steinmann, Paul
Combined numerical and experimental investigations of light-matter interactions in polymers
Mehnert, Markus
Identification of interphase properties in nanocomposites
Pfaller, Sebastian
Investigating brittle-to-ductile transition in glassy polymers by multiscale modeling across atomistic and continuum scales
Zhao, Wuyang
Optimization of Mechanical Properties of BIO-sourced Epoxy Resins by ARTificial Intelligence - When Emerging Technologies and Sustainable Development Work Side by Side
Pfaller, Sebastian
Ruckdäschel, Holger
Structural optimization of shape and topology for electro-mechanically coupled smart materials
Steinmann, Paul
The Universal reduced order fuzzy-stochastic FEM for a general class of polymorphic uncertainties
Pivovarov, Dmytro
Completed projects
Adaptive control of mechanical joints in lightweight structures
Gaul, Lothar
A numerical model of translational and rotational momentum transfer of small non-spherical rigid particles in fluid dominated two-phase flows
Steinmann, Paul
Bridging scales - from Quantum Mechanics to Continuum Mechanics. A Finite Element approach.
Davydov, Ph.D., Denis
CISM-Kurs "Mechanics and Electrodynamics of Magneto- and Electro-Elastic Materials" (29.06.2009 - 03.07.2009)
Vogel, Franziska
Eine energiebasierte FE-Methode vom ALE-Typ
Steinmann, Paul
"Electronic electro-active polymers under electric loading: Experiment, modeling and simulation"
Steinmann, Paul
Experiments, modelling and computational simulations to characterize the porous and viscous behaviour of human brain tissue
Budday, Silvia
Steinmann, Paul
Galerkin basierte Zeitintegratoren für die nichtlineare Elastodynamik
Steinmann, Paul
KEM: eine hybride Knoten/Element-basierte 3D Diskretisierungs-Methode
Steinmann, Paul
Konstitutive Gesetze für den Kontakt rauer Oberflächen
Willner, Kai
Mechanical and microstructural investigations of the biaxial Bauschinger effect in sheet metals
Wagner, Martin Franz-Xaver
Mechanical multi-scale modelling and simulation of fibre structured materials
Mergheim, Julia
Orlik, Julia
Steinmann, Paul
Mechanische Integratoren für die Simulation von Kontaktvorgängen in der Dynamik elastischer Mehrkörpersysteme
Steinmann, Paul
Modeling and computation of growth in soft biological matter
Steinmann, Paul
Modeling and computation of solvent penetration in glassy polymers
Steinmann, Paul
Modellierung, Parameteridentifikation und Simulation
Steinmann, Paul
Modellierung und Numerik von Schneid- und Reißvorgängen duktiler Materialien
Steinmann, Paul
Modelling and computation of microstructured materials by generalised continua
Steinmann, Paul
Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of Ferroelectric Materials
Steinmann, Paul
Objektive Balkenelemente für die Dynamik elastischer Mehrkörpersysteme
Steinmann, Paul
On nonlinear thermo-electro-mechanics in the context of electro-active polymers
Steinmann, Paul
On the Formulation and the Micromechanical Origin of Non-Classical Models of Diffusion
Steinmann, Paul
On the Modelling and Computation of Magneto-Sensitive-Elastomers
Steinmann, Paul
Theorie und Numerik materieller Kräfte in der Defektmechanik
Steinmann, Paul
Theorie und Numerik von Mono- und Polykristallplastizität unter Berücksichtigung höherer Gradienten
Steinmann, Paul
Theory and numerics of non-classical thermoelasticity
Steinmann, Paul
Viscoelastic constitutive equations involving fractional derivatives and their implementation into the finite element method
Gaul, Lothar
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Investigation of residual stress-related elementary processes for forged components in the manufacturing and operating phase
Merklein, Marion
Steinmann, Paul
Completed projects
A coupled MD-FE simulation method accounting for interphases in nanoparticle filled thermoplastics.
Müller-Plathe, Florian
Steinmann, Paul
Adaptive Reibflächen zur Schwingungsreduktion in Werkzeugmaschinen
Gaul, Lothar
A hybrid Fuzzy-Stochastic-Finite-Element-Method for polymorphic, microstructural uncertainties in heterogeneous materials
Steinmann, Paul
Willner, Kai
Experimentell basierte Modellierung, Simulation und Kompensation thermischer Einflüsse beim Drehen mesoheterogener Werkstoffe aus Al-MMC.
Aurich, Jan C.
Steinmann, Paul
Festigkeit, Schädigung und Stoffgesetz zellularer Metalle unter mehrachsiger Beanspruchung
Kuhn, Günther
Simulations- und versuchsbasierte Untersuchung der Wechselwirkung zwischen Zerspanprozess und Maschinenstruktur beim Hochleistungsflachschleifen
Aurich, Jan C.
Steinmann, Paul
SPP 1480: Modelling, Simulation and Compensation of Thermal Effects for Complex Machining Processes
Biermann, Dirk
Thermal effects when turning Al-MMC - experiments and simulations
Aurich, Jan C.
Steinmann, Paul
Vibration reduction by energy transfer using shape adaption
Hasse, Alexander
Willner, Kai
Research Units
Completed projects
FOR 1509: Ferroic Functional Materials - Multiscale Modelling and Experimental Characterisation
Schröder, Jörg
FOR 2271: Prozessorientiertes Toleranzmanagement mit virtuellen Absicherungsmethoden
Wartzack, Sandro
Fuzzy-arithmetical modeling of processes with uncertain prarameters
Willner, Kai
Herstellung, Simulation und Eigenschaftsanalyse geschweißter Leichtbaustrukturen aus Metall/Faser-Kunststoff-Verbunden
Barth, Franz Josef
Molecular static methods for the simulation of ferroelectric materials
Steinmann, Paul
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
In silico modelling of mechanical cell-matrix interactions
(Project Heads
Steinmann, Paul
Zaburdaev, Ph.D., Vasily
In silico modelling of spinal cord Regeneration
(Project Heads
Budday, Silvia
Steinmann, Paul
Model-based reconciliation of ex vivo and in vivo test data
(Project Heads
Guo, Jing
Sack, Ingolf
Steinmann, Paul
Willner, Kai
Scientific coordination and fiscal administration
(Project Head
Steinmann, Paul
SFB 1540: Exploring Brain Mechanics (EBM): Understanding, engineering and exploiting mechanical properties and signals in central nervous system development, physiology and pathology
Steinmann, Paul
Completed projects
Akustische und hydroakustische Abstrahlung von schwingenden Festkörpern
(Project Heads
Gaul, Lothar
Willner, Kai
Macroscopic modeling, simulation, and optimization of the selective beam melting process
(Project Heads
Mergheim, Julia
Steinmann, Paul
Mesoscopic modelling and simulation of properties of additively manufactured metallic parts
(Project Heads
Körner, Carolin
Mergheim, Julia
Steinmann, Paul
Optimierung des Energieflusses in der Übertragungskette Aktor - Umformzone
(Project Heads
Gaul, Lothar
Heisel, Uwe
Willner, Kai
Werkstoffmechanische Analyse flächiger Leichtbau-Verbundstrukturen - Numerische Simulation und Experiment
(Project Heads
Kuhn, Günther
Winter, Werner
Current projects
Damage modelling for the simulation of mechanical joining processes
(Project Heads
Mergheim, Julia
Steinmann, Paul
Completed projects
Constitutive friction law for the description and optimization of tailored surfaces
(Project Heads
Andreas, Kolja
Engel, Ulf
Merklein, Marion
Willner, Kai
Parameter and shape optimization using finite elasto-plasticity
(Project Heads
Steinmann, Paul
Willner, Kai
International Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2495: Energy Conversion Systems: From Materials to Devices
Webber, Kyle Grant
Completed projects
GRK 1131: Visualisation of Large and Unstructured Data Sets. Applications in Geospatial Planning, Modelling, and Engineering
Hagen, Hans
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2423: Fracture across Scales: Integrating Mechanics, Materials Science, Mathematics, Chemistry, and Physics
Steinmann, Paul
Completed projects
GRK 814: Engineering Materials at Multiple Scales: Experiments, Modelling and Simulation
Eifler, Dietmar
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Completed projects
High-resolution X-ray microscopy for correlative tomography, fast screening and in situ mechanical testing of structural and functional materials
Spiecker, Erdmann
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 315: Engineering of Advanced Materials - Hierarchical Structure Formation for Functional Devices
Peukert, Wolfgang
Additional Information
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