Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik, Physik, Geographie
Institut für Geographie
Bereich Physische Geographie
Senckenbergstraße 1
35390 Gießen
This institution in GERiT
35390 Gießen
Research Grants
Current projects
Landscape evolution in the northeastern Iranian Plateau reconstructed from Late Pleistocene to Holocene sediment archives
Baumhauer, Roland
Büdel, Christian
Fuchs, Markus
Radiofluorescence dating (IR-RF): Towards a suitable dating method for quaternary sediments.
Fuchs, Markus
Completed projects
Beach sand deposits on the coast of southern Norway as a natural experimental setup to test hypotheses on soil development and luminescence dating
Sauer, Daniela
Loess in Armenia
Faust, Dominik
Fuchs, Markus
Loess-palaeosol sequences as archives for Late Pleistocene environmental conditions in central Spain
Faust, Dominik
Modelling quartz luminescence signal dynamics relevant for dating and dosimetry
Schmidt, Christoph
Radiofluorescence of Quartz: Challenges and application of a new dating technique
Fuchs, Markus
Schmidt, Christoph
Rekonstruktion der Umweltbedingungen des Spätpleistozäns in Mittelsachsen anhand von Löss-Paläobodensequenzen
Faust, Dominik
Fuchs, Markus
The application of radiofluorescence dating (IR-RF) on loess
Fuchs, Markus
The potential of historical cisterns as paleoenvironmental and geoarchaeological archive: The Negev Highlands, Israel
Fuchs, Markus
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Evolution of a human-dominated floodplain system: The Wiesent River System in the Northern Franconian Alb (Main catchment) in Early Middle Ages to Early Modern times
Dix, Andreas
Fuchs, Markus
Schreg, Rainer