Universitätsklinikum Münster
Institut für Physiologie I
Robert-Koch-Straße 27a
48149 Münster
This institution in GERiT
48149 Münster
Research Grants
Current projects
Biomarkers for the ictogenesis of absence seizures – The role of cortical 5-9 Hz oscillations.
Lüttjohann, Ph.D., Annika
Investigating the role of NMDA receptor hypofunction in psychosis using neuroimaging across scales and species
Prüß, Harald
Stroh, Albrecht
Making extinction last: mechanistically understanding and causally probing the role of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex in extinction memory consolidation
Bergmann, Til Ole
Kalisch, Raffael
Stroh, Albrecht
Sex-specific impact of the NPS system on top-down control of fear behavior in mice
Jüngling, Kay
Completed projects
Alterations of neuronal excitability in the neocortex associated with glioma invasion
Köhling, Rüdiger
Altered functions of ion channels, membrane receptors and neuronal networks associated with thalamocortical dysrhythmia syndrome.
Budde, Thomas
Charakterisierung des Erregungsniveaus und der korrelierten Veränderungen der Dichte und Verteilung von Transmitterrezeptoren an überlebendem menschlichen Hirngewebe aus epilepsiechirurgischen Eingriffen
Speckmann, Erwin-Josef
Charakterisierung des Erregungsniveaus und der korrelierten Veränderungen der Dichte und Verteilung von Transmitterrezeptoren an überlebendem menschlichen Hirngewebe aus epilepsiechirurgischen Eingriffen
Zilles, Karl
Electrophysio Logical an molecular analysis of pace maker channels in a rat model of human absence epilepsy
Budde, Thomas
Funktionelle Charakterisierung von intrazellulären Calcium-Transienten in identifizierten thalamischen Neuronen
Budde, Thomas
Modulation of dendrodendritic synaptic transmission in the thalamus
Munsch, Thomas
Neurophysiologische Grundlagen von kontextuellem Furchtgedächtnis in amygdalo-hippocampalen Schaltkreisen
Pape, Hans-Christian
Optogentic control of epileptic seizures in a network mapped by simultaneous calcium recordings and fMRI
Budde, Thomas
Faber, Cornelius
Rolle intrathalamischer Neurone für Spike-Wave-Entladungen in einem genetischen Rattenmodell für Absence Epilepsie
Pape, Hans-Christian
Speziesübergreifender Vergleich pathophysiologischer Mechanismen bei Nagermodellen der menschlichen Absence-Epilepsie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von thalamischen Interneuronen.
Budde, Thomas
Veränderte Expression von Schrittmacherkanälen in einem Rattenmodell der menschlichen Absence-Epilepsie
Budde, Thomas
Veränderungen der neuronalen Erregbarkeit in der Hirnrinde bei Gliominvasion
Paulus, Werner
Veränderungen der neuronalen Erregbarkeit in der Hirnrinde bei Gliominvasion
Speckmann, Erwin-Josef
Zelltyp- und Isoform-spezifische Analyse der Funktion und Dysfunktion von Schrittmacherkanälen im Thalamus
Budde, Thomas
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Deciphering the role of Yap1 in the life-long homeostasis of hippocampal neural stem cells
(Project Heads
Berninger, Benedikt
Stroh, Albrecht
Tiwari, Vijay
Making extinction last: mechanistically understanding and causally probing the role of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex in extinction memory consolidation
(Project Heads
Bergmann, Til Ole
Kalisch, Raffael
Stroh, Albrecht
Mechanismen der synaptischen Integration in der Amygdala
(Project Head
Pape, Hans-Christian
Molekulare Mechanismen konditionierter Furcht: Expression und Wirkung von Neuropeptiden
(Project Heads
Pape, Hans-Christian
Stork, Oliver
Regulation of neural excitability and neural-network function in resilience - a multimodal and (back-) translational approach
(Project Heads
Groppa, Sergiu
Nitsch, Robert
Stroh, Albrecht
Vogt, Johannes
(Project Head
Pape, Hans-Christian
(Project Head
Pape, Hans-Christian
Current projects
Characterization of life event-triggered inflection signals and emotion regulation in a Cacna1c mouse model
(Project Heads
Bernhardt, Ph.D., Nadine
Jüngling, Kay
Impact of chronobiologic modulation on behavioural rhythms, neuroplasticity and immune-metabolic parameters
(Project Heads
Culmsee, Carsten
Jüngling, Kay
Completed projects
Cell type-specificity of endocannabinoid signaling in amygdala-BNST projections regulating sustained fear
(Project Heads
Lutz, Beat
Pape, Hans-Christian
Central Tasks of the Transregional Collaborative Research Centre
(Project Head
Pape, Hans-Christian
Contribution of CRF and 5-HT in the antero-dorsal BNST on phasic and sustained fear in freely behaving mice
(Project Head
Seidenbecher, Thomas
Distinct circuits of the extended amygdala regulating fear generalization and extinction
(Project Head
Pape, Hans-Christian
Impact of the Neuropeptide S system and NPS-receptor polymorphisms on fear and anxiety
(Project Head
Jüngling, Kay
Interaktionen in amygdala-entorhinal-corticalen Schaltkreisen bei tierexperimentellen Modellen der Temporallappen-Epilepsie
(Project Heads
Albrecht, Doris
Pape, Hans-Christian
Neurophysiologische Korrelate anfallsbezogener Einflüsse auf Furchtverhalten und Furchtgedächtnis in amygdalo-hippocampalen Schaltkreisen
(Project Heads
Pape, Hans-Christian
Seidenbecher, Thomas
Rebalancing cortical neuronal hyperactivity as a new treatment strategy in Neuroinflammation
(Project Heads
Ellwardt, Erik
Stroh, Albrecht
Zipp, Frauke
Synaptic networks in the human lateral amygdala: contribution to the generation and maintenance of epileptiform activity
(Project Heads
Pape, Hans-Christian
Speckmann, Erwin-Josef
The BDNF system as mediator for stress impaired fear acquisition, extinction and late fear
(Project Heads
Andreatta, Marta
Lange, Maren Denise
The role of the kallikrein-kinin system to functional and structural impairment of network activity in multiple sclerosis
(Project Heads
Budde, Thomas
Göbel, Kerstin
Meuth, Sven G.
Pape, Hans-Christian
TRR 58: Fear, Anxiety, Anxiety Disorders
Pape, Hans-Christian
Research Units
Completed projects
K2P-Kanäle - vom Molekül zur Physiologie und Pathophysiologie
Daut, Jürgen
Modulation, Funktion und neuroprotektives Potential von TASK- und TRESK-Kanälen im zentralen Nervensystem
Budde, Thomas
Meuth, Sven G.
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
2-Photonen Mikroskopie Plattform: 2-Photonenmikroskop für in vivo Anwendungen inkl. Laserpaket und "virtual reality"-Zubehör
2-Photonen Mikroskopie Plattform: 2-Photonenmikroskop zur hochauflösenden Mikroskopie inkl. Laserpaket
2-Photonen Mikroskopie Plattform: Aufrechtes 2-Photonenmikroskop inkl. Laserpaket
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Causal probing of slow oscillations in rodent models of Alzheimer´s disease: combining optogenetics with multimodal opto-acousto-magnetic imaging
Stroh, Albrecht
Westmeyer, Gil
Yu, Ph.D., Xin
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2515: Chemical Biology of Ion Channels (Chembion)
Wünsch, Bernhard
Completed projects
GRK 253: Biological Basis of Central Nervous System Diseases
Reiser, Georg
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 1003: Cells in Motion - CiM: Imaging to Understand Cellular Behaviour in Organisms
Sorokin, Lydia