Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
BIOSS Centre for Biological Signalling Studies
Schänzlestraße 18
79104 Freiburg
This institution in GERiT
79104 Freiburg
Research Grants
Current projects
i2TCR-Research: Immunotherapies inspired by TCR Research
Minguet, Ph.D., Susana
Completed projects
Dissecting and manipulating regulatory feedback circuitry in Drosophila BMP morphogen signaling
Pyrowolakis, Giorgos
Downstream signaling mechanisms of phytochrome dimers
Ulbrich, Maximilian
Energetic investigations of induced particle uptake in functionalized, synthetic membrane systems.
Rohrbach, Alexander
Römer, Winfried
New fluorophores and labeling strategies for single molecule imaging
Ulbrich, Maximilian
OptoReg: Novel producer cells and processes based on optogenetic control circuits
Radziwill, Gerald
Takors, Ralf
Regulation of morphogen signaling at the plasma membrane: Novel components and interactions in the formation of graded BMP signaling in Drosophila wing imaginal discs
Pyrowolakis, Giorgos
Sex-specific alternative splicing in the head of Drosophila melanogaster and its underlying regulatory mechanisms
Pyrowolakis, Giorgos
Stoichiometry of the AMPA receptor´s assembly with regulatory membrane proteins
Ulbrich, Maximilian
The role of the biophysical properties of the tumor stroma in T-cell infiltration and anti-tumoral responses
Minguet, Ph.D., Susana
The role of the lectin LecB in the interaction of Pseudomonas aeruginosa with epithelia
Römer, Winfried
Understanding the molecular mechanism of chromosome segregation by the Escherichia coli Min system
Di Ventura, Ph.D., Barbara
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2799: Receiving and Translating Signals via the gamma-delta T Cell Receptor
Prinz, Immo
Improving γδ T cell-based immunotherapy against cancer by studying signal initiation of the γδTCR
Minguet, Ph.D., Susana
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Understanding T cells to develop novel Immunotherapies
Minguet, Ph.D., Susana
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Caveolin-1 and Filamin A: a novel mechanistic axis regulating B cell responses and immunopathology
(Project Head
Minguet, Ph.D., Susana
Optogenetic Control of Heterocellular Contributions to Cardiac Excitation and Arrhythmogenesis
(Project Heads
Schneider-Warme, Franziska
Di Ventura, Ph.D., Barbara
Targeting oncogenic hubs of solid tumours to overcome immune evasion from adoptive T cell transfer
(Project Head
Minguet, Ph.D., Susana
Completed projects
Control of T cell motility by the biophysical properties of the tumor stroma
(Project Head
Minguet, Ph.D., Susana
Die Rolle des Transkriptionsfaktors BOB.1 in der B-Zellentwicklung
(Project Heads
Nielsen, Ph.D., Peter
Reth, Michael
Gezielte Aktivierung von Lymphozyten durch variante Antigenrezeptoren
(Project Head
Reth, Michael
Modification and adaptor function of the B cell signaling proteins Syk and SHP-1
(Project Head
Reth, Michael
N02: Developmental biology involving mechanisms of pattern formation, signaling and differentiation in embryogenesis and organogenesis of animal or plant models
(Project Head
Pyrowolakis, Giorgos
Production and analysis of B-cell mutant mice with the Cre/loxP method
(Project Head
Reth, Michael
Rekonstitution der Signalkaskaden vom B Zell Antigenrezeptor
(Project Head
Reth, Michael
Struktur des B Zell-Antigenrezeptors und dessen Kopplung an Transducer Proteine
(Project Heads
Huber, Michael
Reth, Michael
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Decoding the role of Netrin-1 receptor shedding during cancer cell survival
Nikodemus, Ph.D., Denise
Messung der Wechselwirkung von spannungs- und ligandengesteuerten Domänen in HCN-Ionenkanälen
Ulbrich, Maximilian
Completed projects
The resting state of B lymphocytes and their Transition into early and late activation stages
(Project Heads
Minguet, Ph.D., Susana
Reth, Michael
The role of phosphatases in B cell autoimmunity
(Project Heads
Reth, Michael
Warscheid, Bettina
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Shedding light on myogenesis: using optogenetics to investigate myoblast differentiation and muscle regeneration
Kassel, Olivier
Di Ventura, Ph.D., Barbara
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Fluorescence/patch clamp setup
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2202: Transport across and into membranes
Friedrich, Thorsten
Completed projects
GRK 1104: From Cells to Organs: Molecular Mechanisms of Organogenesis
Neubüser, Annette
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1642: Soft Matter Science: Concepts for the Design of Functional Materials
Reiter, Günter
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 4: Molecular Cell Research in Biology and Medicine (MOBILMED)
Borner, Christoph
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 294: Centre for Biological Signalling Studies (bioss) - From Analysis to Synthesis
Reth, Michael