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Universität Münster
Institut für Neuro- und Verhaltensbiologie
Abteilung für Verhaltensbiologie
Badestraße 13
48149 Münster
This institution in GERiT
48149 Münster
Research Grants
Current projects
From crisis to opportunity: Linking research on animal personality and reproducibility
Richter, Sophie Helene
Patterns, determinants and ecological consequences of individualized landscapes of fear
Dammhahn, Melanie
Completed projects
Biologie der Aggression: verhaltensendokrinologische Untersuchungen an Serotonintransporter-Knock-Out-Mäusen
Sachser, Norbert
Castration or sterilisation: a basic research oriented study to the effects of animal welfare and mate choice in guinea pigs
Kaiser, Sylvia
Die ethologische Charakterisierung genmanipulierter Labormäuse: Eine Basis zur molekulargenetischen Analyse komplexen Verhaltens
Sachser, Norbert
Never replicate a successful experiment? Standardization, heterogenization and reproducibility in animal experiments
Richter, Sophie Helene
Research Units
Completed projects
1. Reduction of phenotypic plasticity in behaviour by early experience: functional consequences of an adaptive mechanism? 2. Paternity Plattform 3. Endocrinology Plattform
Kaiser, Sylvia
Trillmich, Fritz
Administration of the Research Unit and central platforms for "Genetic paternity determination" and "Endocrinological determination"
Kaiser, Sylvia
Trillmich, Fritz
The social modulation of behavioural profile and stress responsiveness during adolescence: an adaptive mechanisms?
Sachser, Norbert
The social modulation of behaviour, cognition and stress reactivity during pregnancy and lactation
Kaiser, Sylvia
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Instabilität der sozialen Umwelt während der Trächtigkeit: Auswirkungen auf die Gehirnentwicklung und das Verhalten der Nachkommen von Hausmeerschweinchen
Kaiser, Sylvia
The pace-of-life syndrome in Eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus)
Dammhahn, Melanie
Current projects
Individualised niches and adjustment to human-induced rapid environmental change
(Project Head
Dammhahn, Melanie
Social niche conformance in a rodent: When, how and why
(Project Heads
Kaiser, Sylvia
Sachser, Norbert
Technology Service Platforms
(Project Heads
Hoffman, Joseph
Kaiser, Sylvia
Müller, Caroline
Sachser, Norbert
The behavioural ecology of optimism and pessimism: Do optimists and pessimists realise different individualised niches?
(Project Heads
Richter, Sophie Helene
Sachser, Norbert
Completed projects
Life history, serotonin transporter genotype and anxiety-like behaviour: testing the "coping-with-challenge hypothesis"
(Project Heads
Lesch, Klaus-Peter
Richter, Sophie Helene
Sachser, Norbert
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 2220: Evolutionary Processes in Adaptation and Disease (RTG EvoPAD)
Kurtz, Joachim
Additional Information
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