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Technischen Universität Dresden
Medizinische Fakultät Carl Gustav Carus
Klinik und Poliklinik für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und -psychotherapie
Schubertstraße 42
01307 Dresden
This institution in GERiT
01307 Dresden
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Reconstructing the naïve theory of the self
Beste, Christian
Kappas, Arvid
Maurelli, Francesco
The cognitive control of social resonance
Schultz, Tanja
Zachow, Stefan
The impact of child-caregiver interactions and attachment on the developing minimal self
Paulus, Markus
Completed projects
Acquisition of voluntary action control
Hommel, Bernhard
Bedingungen räumlicher Kodierung in Wahrnehmung und Gedächtnis
Hommel, Bernhard
Ergänzungsantrag für das Schwerpunktprogramm `Exekutive Funktionen`
Hommel, Bernhard
Kluwe, Rainer H.
Self as a feature bundle: Unraveling the mechanisms underlying self-representation
Hommel, Bernhard
SPP 1107: Executive Functions
Hommel, Bernhard
The active self (administrative proposal, Leiden part)
Hommel, Bernhard
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Die Rolle der Basalganglien für die Modulation von Reaktionsauswahlprozessen auf einem "Seriell- Parallel-Kontinuum"
Beste, Christian
Research Units
Current projects
Event-binding and coprolalic tics
Münte, Thomas F.
Roessner, Veit
Event Organization Within and Beyond Event Files
Mayr, Susanne
Examining mechanistic principles of behavioral interventions in GTS from a TEC-perspective
Bluschke, Annet
Münchau, Alexander
Wolff, Nicole
Feature (Un)Binding and Retrieval in Action Discarding
Kunde, Wilfried
FOR 2698: Cognitive theory for Tourette syndrome – a novel perspective
Münchau, Alexander
FOR 2790: Binding and Retrieval in Action Control
Frings, Christian
How Binding and Retrieval of Control-States Supports Cognitive Control
Dignath, David
Hyperbinding effects in patients with GTS – taking a closer look
Beste, Christian
Bäumer, Tobias
Frings, Christian
Modulation of event file coding during response selection and inhibition by repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in GTS
Beste, Christian
Weißbach, Anne
Neuromodulation of event file coding in GTS using transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation (tVNS) – a noninvasive brain stimulation approach
Beste, Christian
Münchau, Alexander
Stimulus-Response bindings and their relation to social learning
Giesen, Carina
The causal functional role of action-effect bindings: An electrophysiological and brain stimulation analysis
Beste, Christian
Completed projects
Delineation of event file coding in somatosensory-motor pathways
Beste, Christian
Bäumer, Tobias
Neuropsychopharmacology of event file coding in GTS using EEG-beamforming
Beste, Christian
Bluschke, Annet
Research Grants
Current projects
Modulating perceptual-attentional conflicts through the combination of tDCS and atVNS – a psychophysiological study
Beste, Christian
The limits of action emulation – A psychophysiological investigation in athletes and patients with autism spectrum disorder
Beste, Christian
Hoffmann, Sven
Raab, Markus
The role of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation (tVNS) as modulator of cognitive control – a neurobiochemical and aging-psychophysiological perspective
Beste, Christian
Completed projects
Comparative neuropsychopharmacology of methamphetamine (“Crystal Meth”) and MDMA (“Ecstasy”) on facets of cognitive control and impulsive behavior in social and non-social contexts: integrating behavior, psychophysiology, and neurochemistry
Beste, Christian
Development of a neuronal causal model for mechanisms underlying goal activation processes in 'multitasking'.
Beste, Christian
Güntürkün, Onur
Evaluation belohnungsvermittler Modulation der Aufmerksamkeit im Alter auf der Basis des Konzeptes von "attentional effort"
Beste, Christian
Wascher, Edmund
Investigating the role of attention and actor similarity for joint action
Liepelt, Roman
Mechanisms of affective action control
Eder, Andreas B.
Modulating frontostriatal regulations of attentional control and selective perception: enhancing dopamine signaling and frontal cortical excitability in attentional deficit hyperactivity disorder and aging
Beste, Christian
Li, Ph.D., Shu-Chen
Roessner, Veit
Psychophysiological and neurobiological processes underlying cognitive fatigue effects in executive functions
Beste, Christian
Psychophysiological methods in the context of pharmacological and behavioral treatment approaches of Gilles-de-la-Tourette Syndrome
Beste, Christian
Münchau, Alexander
Roessner, Veit
Social reinforcement learning and brain activation in the human ventral striatum - a pilot study to explore the potential of oxytocin to enhance social learning in autism spectrum disorder
Schulte-Rüther, Martin
The influence of stressful life events on trajectories of brain development and psychopathological symptoms in adolescence
Vetter, Nora C.
The potential role of psychoimmunological and psychoendocrine processes in the comorbidity of atopic eczema and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Buske-Kirschbaum, Ph.D., Angelika
The role of the striatal GABA and glutamate system for the modulation of the congruency sequence effect by perceptual processes: integrating behavior, psychophysiology, and structure-specific neurochemistry
Beste, Christian
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Effects of attentional effort on cross-modal audio-visual competitive attentional selection - an fMRI-study
Beste, Christian
The effects of medication-assisted treatment on D2R availability in patients with opioid use disorder and the contribution of sleep
Zhang, Rui
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Functional neuroanatomical and neurobiological modulators of interactive effects of volitional control and automatisms
(Project Heads
Beste, Christian
Roessner, Veit
Stock, Ann-Kathrin
Current projects
Modulating addiction-related changes to improve cognitive control in AUD using non-invasive brain stimulation
(Project Heads
Beste, Christian
Stock, Ann-Kathrin
International Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2773: Risks and Pathomechanisms of Affective Disorders
Bauer, Michael
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