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Universität Leipzig
Fakultät für Physik und Erdsystemwissenschaften
Institut für Geographie
Johannisallee 19 a
04103 Leipzig
This institution in GERiT
04103 Leipzig
Research Grants
Current projects
Combined use of laboratory-based and portable infrared and x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy approaches for the spatial-vertical characterization of samples of selected soil groups
Ludwig, Bernard
Vohland, Michael
Formation of a Middle Class? Social Cohesion in Rural Morocco
Gertel, Jörg
Geomorphological and environmental responses to rapid hydrological changes in the Atlas Mountains (Morocco) during the last 30,000 years
von Suchodoletz, Hans
Zielhofer, Christoph
Holocene summer temperature and biodiversity change recorded by Chironomidae in Western Mediterranean North Africa
Zielhofer, Christoph
Improving the spatio-temporal accuracy of mesoscale hydrological modelling through multi-sensor remote sensing data fusion and assimilation
Casper, Markus
Vohland, Michael
Completed projects
Assessing Soil Organic Matter (SOM) on a Landscape Scale by Combining Non-Invasive (Spectroscopic) and Invasive Methods
Thiele-Bruhn, Sören
Vohland, Michael
Climate, Famine, and Plague: A Pilot Study of the 14th-century Mass Graves of Erfurt from an Interdisciplinary Perspective
Bauch, Martin
Werban, Ulrike
Zielhofer, Christoph
Die spätpleistozän/holozäne fluviale Dynamik des östlichen Transkaukasiens als Beitrag zur Paläoumweltforschung
von Suchodoletz, Hans
Direct push applications in wetland (geo)archaeology
Berg, Stefanie
Dietrich, Peter
Zielhofer, Christoph
Imprints of Rapid Climate Changes and human activity on Holocene hydro-sedimentary dynamics in Central Europe (loess-covered Weiße Elster model region)
Ettel, Peter
von Suchodoletz, Hans
Veit, Ulrich
Werban, Ulrike
Zielhofer, Christoph
Rekonstruktion der spätpleistozänen/holozänen Landschaftsgeschichte in der südostbrasilianischen Küstenebene als Beitrag zur Paläoumweltforschung
Heinrich, Jürgen
Revitalisierung von gründerzeitlichen Altbauwohnquartieren in Budapest - Prozesse, Strategien, Perspektiven
Wießner, Reinhard
Short and long-term thermokarst dynamics due to climate changes and human impacts in Central Yakutia, Siberia
Ulrich, Mathias
Soil degradation intensity of loess landscapes by different land use systems in Central Europe.
Heinrich, Jürgen
Speech tempo and phonetic reduction in German
Siebenhaar, Beat
Synergetic use of mobile and lab-based spectroscopic techniques (vis-NIR, lab and hand-held MIR, portable hyperspectral frame camera) to optimize the determination of soil properties with high variability in time and space
Ludwig, Bernard
Vohland, Michael
The Standing Stone Cultures of Northwestern Arabia - From pastoral to oasis life: cultural and technological strategies interacting with environmental shifts
Grottker, Matthias
Zielhofer, Christoph
Verarbeitungsmuster und Gefahrenpotentiale von anomal hohen geogenen Schwermetallgehalten in Sedimenten und Böden von Erzlagerstätten und historischen Bergbaugebieten des deutschen Mittelgebirgsraums
Heinrich, Jürgen
Zwischen arabischer Welt und Indischem Ozean: Die regionalwirtschaftlichen Orientierungen Omans
Gertel, Jörg
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Coordination Funds
Zielhofer, Christoph
Leipzig, city in a state of flux - Urban-fluvial symbiosis in a long-term perspective
Hardt, Matthias
Schmidt, Johannes
Schmidt-Funke, Julia Annette
Local pathways to the Fluvial Anthroposphere at Echaz (Rhine) and Eger (Danube). A comparative analysis from c. AD 1100 to 1800
Frenzel, Peter
Hirbodian, Sigrid
Kühn, Peter
Schenk, Gerrit Jasper
Werban, Ulrike
Werther, Lukas
Zielhofer, Christoph
SPP 2361: On the Way to the Fluvial Anthroposphere
Zielhofer, Christoph
The Lower Havel River and Greater Donaumoos Regions: ‘Failed’ or ‘successful’ reclamation of floodplains and peatlands? – A comparative analysis
Linstädter, Anja
Mehler, Natascha
Werban, Ulrike
Zielhofer, Christoph
Completed projects
Fossa Carolina: The link between the harbour networks at the rivers Danube and Rhine. Studies on bridging the central European watershed in the Middle Ages.
Berg, Stefanie
Ettel, Peter
Zielhofer, Christoph
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Central tasks of the Collaborative Research Center
(Project Heads
Gertel, Jörg
Paul, Jürgen
Nomads Without Pasture? Key Issues of Sustainable Development: Political Ecology and Human Security
(Project Heads
Breuer, Ingo
Gertel, Jörg
SFB 586: Difference and Integration - Interacation between Nomadic and Sedentary Peoples in Civilizations of the Old World's Arid Zone
Gertel, Jörg
Spatial orders of hunger: food insecurity in North Africa
(Project Head
Gertel, Jörg
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Abbildendes und räumlich hochauflösendes Full Range-Hyperspektralsystem
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1261: The Critical Junctures of Globalisation
Engel, Ulf
Additional Information
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