Universität Leipzig
Fakultät für Physik und Erdsystemwissenschaften
Felix-Bloch-Institut für Festkörperphysik
Linnéstraße 5
04103 Leipzig
This institution in GERiT
04103 Leipzig
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Akustische Charakterisierung von Gradientenwerkstoffen
Grill, Wolfgang
Creating a gas of ultracold ion pairs out of long-range Rydberg molecules
Deiglmayr, Johannes
EPR spectroscopy of paramagnetic centers and adsorption complexes in porous metal organic frameworks: Development and application of dielectric resonators and microresonators for investigations of small single crystals
Pöppl, Andreas
Generalized infrared ellipsometrie determination of crystal structure and free-carrier properties from complex group III nitride heterostructure
Rheinländer, Bernd
High field EPR spectroscopy of monomer and dimer nitric oxide complexes in zeolites
Pöppl, Andreas
MOFs as carrier for nitric oxide delivery in biological systems - microscopic fundamentals of adsorption and controlled release studied by infrared and electron and nuclear spin resonance spectroscopy
Bertmer, Marko
Fröba, Michael
Hartmann, Martin
Pöppl, Andreas
Physicochemical Aging Mechanisms in Soil Organic Matter (SOM- AGING): II. Hydration-dehydration mechanisms at Biogeochemical Interfaces
Schaumann, Gabriele
Structural analysis of nanocrystalline ferroelectrics with perovskite structure by means of high-field EPR
Böttcher, Rolf
Research Grants
Current projects
(A)diabatic passages in solids for nuclear hyperpolarization and optimization on the model system nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond
Wunderlich, Ralf
Exploring complex phase states in structurally-disordered nanoporous solids with diffusion and nuclear magnetic relaxation measurements
Enke, Dirk
Valiullin, Rustem
Exploring complex pore structure in multi-scale porous materials by combining advanced NMR cryoporometry and NMR relaxometry
Valiullin, Rustem
Investigation of Photo-luminescence of NV rich Diamonds for Understanding Interaction with paramagnetic Centers and for quantum based sensor applications
Wunderlich, Ralf
Completed projects
Application of NMR spectroscopy for the investigation of structure-mobility relations in nanoporous host-guest systems in concerted action with IR Micro-Imaging
Haase, Jürgen
Kärger, Jörg
Atomic-scale structure of kesterites
Schnohr, Claudia Sarah
Aufklärung des Ladungstransports in funktionalisierten porösen Organosilikaten und Kompositmembranen mit MAS-NMR-Spektroskopie und Diffusometrie
Haase, Jürgen
Wark, Michael
Beschaffung eines Kernresonanzspektrometers mit einer magnetischen Induktion von 17,6 T in einem wide-bore-Magnet
Michel, Dieter
Charakterisierung der [2+2]-Photodimerisierung von photoaktiven Substanzen auf der Basis von Zimtsäure eingebaut in Polymeren oder in supramolekularen Strukturen mit Festkörper-NMR-Spektroskopie
Bertmer, Marko
Determining the boundary conditions governing phase separation processes of borate-glass systems
Koppka, Sharon
Dynamics and phase transitions under confinement
Valiullin, Rustem
Einsatz und Entwicklung akustischer Mikroskopieverfahren zur Untersuchung der Funktionsmorphologie von Planktonorganismen
Grill, Wolfgang
Electronic properties of topological materials and NMR
Haase, Jürgen
Etablierung und Anwendungen der Doppelrotations- und Multiquanten-Meßtechnik für Hochfeld-NMR-Untersuchungen an Quadrupolkernen in Festkörpern
Freude, Dieter
Experimental proof and critical exponents predicted for solids with incommensurately modulated phases by a renormalization theory
Michel, Dieter
Fabrication and physical properties of ferroelectrics confined in nanoporous materials
Haase, Jürgen
Freezing and melting transitions in mesoporous solids: From fundamental understanding to advanced characterization using thermoporometry
Enke, Dirk
Valiullin, Rustem
High-pressure charge distribution in YBa2Cu3O6+y by NMR
Haase, Jürgen
Höchstauflösungs-Kernresonanzspektrometer mit einer Protonenspinresonanzfrequenz von 750 MHz
Michel, Dieter
Investigation of the low-temperature phase in dimethylammonium gallium sulfate hexahydrate (DMAGaS) and the order-disorder behavior of the dimethylammonicae (DMA) groups by means of EPR spectroscopy
Böttcher, Rolf
Mechanisms of small alkane activation and aromatization on zinc-modified zeolite catalysts
Haase, Jürgen
Mesoscale Acoustics on Soft Matter systems
Grill, Wolfgang
Metals under extreme conditions
Haase, Jürgen
Microimaging of diffusion and reaction of guest molecules in MFI-type zeolite crystals
Gläser, Roger
Haase, Jürgen
Micro-Imaging of Transient Concentration Profiles of Guest Mixtures in Zeolite Crystals
Haase, Jürgen
Kärger, Jörg
Mobility of the host framework and the guest molecules in nanoporous materials investigated by deuterium solid-state NMR and 1H MAS PFG NMR
Haase, Jürgen
NMR and IR-imaging of mass transfer during rehydroxylation of fired clays for rationalizing a novel dating concept of antique artefacts
Haase, Jürgen
NMR-Untersuchungen und theoretische Ansätze zur Korrelation des Diffusionsverhaltens in komplementären Porenräumen
Bunde, Armin
Kärger, Jörg
Phasenübergänge in mesoskopisch beschränkten Systemen: kombinierter Einsatz von NMR und Molekulardynamik
Kärger, Jörg
Porosimetrie mittels Diffusionsanalyse
Valiullin, Rustem
Search for time reversal symmetry breaking in multiband superconductors
Grinenko, Ph.D., Vadim
Structure and transport characterisation of hierarchical porous solids
Valiullin, Rustem
Synthese und Strukturaufklärung von Vanadium-Phosphat-Systemen mittels Elektronen-Kern-Doppelresonanz und Elektronen-Spin-Echo-Modulationsspektroskopie
Pöppl, Andreas
Synthesis of hydrophobic degradable polymer networks with shape memory properties and their charcterization with solid state NMR.
Bertmer, Marko
Transport properties of near- and supercritical fluids in mesopores probed by the pulsed field gradient NMR method
Kärger, Jörg
Untersuchung der Diffusion in heterogenen Systemen mit PFG-MAS-NMR-Spektroskopie
Kärger, Jörg
Untersuchung der Dynamik inkommensurabel modulierter Kristalle mit Methoden der kernmagnetischen Resonanz
Michel, Dieter
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Dynamics and phase transitions under spatial confirnements
Valiullin, Rustem
Haase, Jürgen
Research Units
Current projects
Element-specific local structure of crystalline and amorphous CuI-based alloys
Schnohr, Claudia Sarah
FOR 2857: Copper Iodide as Multifunctional Semiconductor
Grundmann, Marius
Completed projects
Driven diffusion in nanoscaled materials
von Borczyskowski, Christian
Radons, Günter
Valiullin, Rustem
FOR 2433: Switchable Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOF-Switches)
Kaskel, Stefan
Monitoring adsorption induced structural transformations of MOFs at a molecular level by in situ EPR spectroscopy
Pöppl, Andreas
Optische Resonanzen in Mikro- und Nanozylindern mit Bragg-Reflektoren
Rheinländer, Bernd
Particle Dynamics in Nano-Structured Channels
Kärger, Jörg
Synthese und Charakterisierung eindimensionaler Ferroelektrika mit Perowskitstruktur
Böttcher, Rolf
WBP Position
Completed projects
Direct Observation of Ion Dynamics in Supercapacitors
Enninful, Henry Reynolds Nana Benyin
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Dynamik, Ordnungsverhalten und Reaktivität von Molekülen in mikro- und mesoporösen Materialien
(Project Head
Michel, Dieter
ESR-, ENDOR- und ESEEM-Spektroskopie zur Struktur und Dynamik von Molekülen in Wechselwirkung mit aciden Zentren an Festkörperoberflächen
(Project Head
Pöppl, Andreas
Organisation und zentrale Verwaltung
(Project Head
Michel, Dieter
SFB 294: Moleküle in Wechselwirkung mit Grenzflächen
Michel, Dieter
Untersuchung der Konformation und Reaktivität von Molekülen in mikroporösen Materialien
(Project Head
Michel, Dieter
Untersuchung der Konformation von Molekülen an heterogenen Grenzflächen
(Project Head
Michel, Dieter
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
400 MHz NMR-Spectrometer for 9,4 T Magnet
500 MHz Festkörper-NMR Austauschkonsole
750 MHz NMR-Spectrometer for 17,6 T Magnet
Laboratory-based X-ray Absorption Spectrometer
NMR Spektrometer mit variablem Magnetfeld und kalter Bohrung
Supraleitender Wideboremagnet 11.7 Tesla
Current projects
Dynamics of rare-earth-based frustrated magnets
(Project Heads
Gegenwart, Philipp
Schneidewind, Astrid
Tsirlin, Alexander
New faces of Kitaev materials: chemical, pressure, and strain tuning
(Project Heads
Gegenwart, Philipp
Jesche, Anton
Tsirlin, Alexander
Porous materials for pumping nuclear hyperpolarization of small molecules
(Project Heads
Krautscheid, Harald
Pöppl, Andreas
Wunderlich, Ralf
Completed projects
Topological Quantum Phases in Correlated Electron Systems with Large Spin-Orbit Coupling
(Project Heads
Gegenwart, Philipp
Tsirlin, Alexander
Cataloguing and Digitisation
Completed projects
Erschließung und Präsentation des wissenschaftlichen Nachlasses von Werner Heisenberg
Lipp, Anne
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2721: Hydrogen Isotopes 1,2,3H
Asmis, Knut R.
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 185: Leipzig School of Natural Sciences - Building with Molecules and Nano-objects (BuildMoNa)
Hey-Hawkins, Evamarie
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1056: Diffusion in Porous Materials
Gläser, Roger