Universität Leipzig
Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften und Philosophie
Institut für Politikwissenschaft
Beethovenstraße 15
04107 Leipzig
This institution in GERiT
04107 Leipzig
Research Grants
Completed projects
Hermann Heller and the foundation of political science
Henkel, Michael
Institutionalizing Human Trafficking. A French/German Comparison
Pates, Rebecca
Kriegsursachen-Forschung mit LISREL: kausale Analyse bivariater Korrelationen mit Hilfe komplexer Strukturgleichungs-Modelle
Elsenhans, Hartmut
Neue kulturell-identitäre politische Bewegungen (NKIPB) in verschiedenen kulturellen Kontexten
Elsenhans, Hartmut
On the orgin of German press censorship - core study, biographies of censors, affected authors and booksellers, scientific annotated document regests (register),A registry of all rescripts, mandates and instructions concerning press censorship and source index
John, Matthias
Subnational constitutional politics: Patterns and variables
Lorenz, Astrid
The social construction of regionalism
Fach, Wolfgang
Verfassungsänderungen in etablierten Demokratien. Motivationen und Aushandlungsmuster
Lorenz, Astrid
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Kolumbien und El Salvador im longitudinalen Vergleich
Zinecker, Heidrun
Cataloguing and Digitisation
Completed projects
Sachinventar zum Druckerei-, Presse- und Zensurwesen im Schönburgischen Lande
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Engel, Ulf
Wardenga, Ute
Zinecker, Heidrun
Maras as producers of translocal spaces of violence in the Americas and Europe
(Project Head
Zinecker, Heidrun
Remittances and a transnational moral economy: El Salvador, Togo and the Philippines in a comparative perspective
(Project Head
Zinecker, Heidrun
Von der Programmregion zur Wahrnehmungsregion. Zur Konstrution der regionalen Identität Sachsen im politischen Diskurs
(Project Head
Fach, Wolfgang
Current projects
Economic Property and Political (In)equality: An Elite Sociological Analysis
(Project Heads
Reiser, Marion
Vogel, Lars
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1261: The Critical Junctures of Globalisation
Engel, Ulf