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Institut für Molekulare Biologie gGmbH
Ackermannweg 4
55128 Mainz
This institution in GERiT
55128 Mainz
Research Grants
Current projects
Accurate and fast AI-based methods for predicting and classifying structurally resolved protein interactomes
Luck, Katja
At the intersection of DNA Replication and Genome integrity: Functional characterisation of the replicative helicase MCM2-7 during S-phase and replication stress.
Reuter, Luitpold Maximilian
Functions of replication clamp loading and modification in DNA damage tolerance
Ulrich, Ph.D., Helle
Identification and characterisation of novel piRNA processing factors in C. elegans
Ketting, Ph.D., René
Induction of a novel piRNA response in zebrafish
Ketting, Ph.D., René
Investigating the nuclear actin cytoskeleton in DNA repair
Wollscheid, Hans-Peter
Investigating the role of human topoisomerases in maintaining chromosome topology and preventing genomic instability
Papantonis, Argyris
Roukos, Vassilis
Mechanisms of replication fork-associated versus post-replicative bypass of abasic sites
Ulrich, Ph.D., Helle
Regulation of X chromosome dosage compensation by the protein SOA in Anopheles mosquitos
Keller Valsecchi, Ph.D., Claudia Isabelle
Specificity and functions of GID ubiquitin ligases in proteostasis and metabolism
Khmelinskii, Ph.D., Anton
Completed projects
Biocomputing der Organisation von Chromatinstrukturen auf großen Längenskalen
Cremer, Christoph
Biogenese und Funktion von lichtsammelnden Chlorophyll-a/b-Komplexen
Paulsen, Harald
Biogenese und Funktion von wasserlöslichem Chlorophyll-Protein (WSCP)
Paulsen, Harald
Characterization of epigenetic regulators in Arabidopsis thaliana
Scheibe, Marion
Characterizing the gene regulatory circuitry of ST18 underlying neurogenesis
Garding, Angela
Electron-paramagnetic resonance (EPR) measurements for studying the assembly and structural dynamics of the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b complex LHCII
Paulsen, Harald
Epigenetic Events in Nucleotide Excision Repair
Richly, Holger
Funktion der Ubiquitin-konjugierenden Enzyme RAD6 und UBC13/MMS2 in der postreplikativen DNA-Reparatur
Ulrich, Ph.D., Helle
Light-harvesting Chlorphyll-a/b Complex Immobilised on Solid Surfaces for Single-molecule Spectroscopy
Paulsen, Harald
Light Optical Nanoscopy of Cellular Structures using 4Pi-Microscopy - HighLight 2004
Cremer, Christoph
Mechanisms of Epigenetic Inheritance
Ketting, Ph.D., René
Molecular analysis of the regulation of cardiac IK1 current by protein kinase A and protein kinase C
Zitron, Edgar
Pigmentbindung an kleine Mitglieder der Chlorophyll-a/b-Protein-Familie
Paulsen, Harald
Regulation paternaler Vererbung eines Argonaute Proteins in C. elegans
Ketting, Ph.D., René
Targeted protein degradation – from small molecules to complex organelles
Beli, Petra
Ubiquitin-dependent and -independent functions of Myosin VI – Characterization of a molecular motor protein in DNA-replication and -repair and immune signaling
Wollscheid, Hans-Peter
Water-soluble chlorophyll protein (WSCP): Biological function, photophysics, and protein-directed assembly of nanoparticles
Basché, Thomas
Paulsen, Harald
Zeitaufgelöste Messungen zur Faltung und Pigmentbildung des Chlorophyll-a/b-Lichtsammlerproteins (LHCP)
Paulsen, Harald
Research Units
Current projects
Epigenetic regulation of the cellular homeostasis amid transcription-blocking DNA damage during development and aging
Schumacher, Björn
Wang, Ph.D., Siyao
FOR 2800: Chromosome Instability: Cross-talk of DNA replication stress and mitotic dysfunction
Bastians, Holger
FOR 5504: Physiological causes and consequences of genome instability
Schumacher, Björn
The role of R-loops in oncogene-induced replication stress and chromosomal instability
Beli, Petra
Completed projects
Untersuchung dynamischer Prozesse und pathologischer Veränderungen in menschlichen Zellkernen mittels Axialtomographie und multispektraler Bildfolgenanalyse
Cremer, Christoph
Jähne, Bernd
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Contributions of ubiquitin signaling to the maintenance of mitochondrial import channels
Methner, Axel
Ulrich, Ph.D., Helle
Completed projects
3D Analysis of Nuclear Nanostructures by Spatially Modulated Illumination Microscopy
Cremer, Christoph
Analysis of the 3D-nuclear-nanostructure in human Cells using Fluorescence Detection of Multiplex Dyes
Cremer, Christoph
Coordinator grant
Cremer, Christoph
Dissecting the role of chromosome genome organization in chromosome fragility and the formation of leukemia driving translocations.
Roukos, Vassilis
Optical accessibility analysis of macromolecule complexes to active/inactive chromatin regions studied by fluorescent beads in live cell nuclei
Cremer, Christoph
SPP 1128: Optical Analysis of the Structure and Dynamics of Supra Molecular Biological Complexes
Cremer, Christoph
Structure-function analysis of a novel, maternally provided, multi-functional RNP complex in C. elegans
Ketting, Ph.D., René
Threedimensional optical analysis of hypoxia inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) activated nuclear gene complexes by means of 2 P Confocal Laser Scanning and Spatially Modulated Illumination Nanoscopy, and 2P Spectral Precision Distance Microscopy
Cremer, Christoph
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
From networks to mechanisms in health and disease
Luck, Katja
Completed projects
Investigating the function of atypical ubiquitylation in the DNA damage response
Beli, Petra
Scientific Networks
Current projects
JUICE Network: Junior Investigators in Chromatin & Epigenetics
Keller Valsecchi, Ph.D., Claudia Isabelle
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Completed projects
FCS for Light Optical Nanoscopy of Cellular Structures using 4Pi-Microscopy - HighLight 2004
Cremer, Christoph
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
DNA-Facilitated Nano-assembly of Biological Block Co-polymers
(Project Heads
Girard, Martin
Lemke, Edward A.
Wittmann, Sina
Functions of RNA in double-strand break repair and DNA end protection
(Project Heads
Baumann, Ph.D., Peter
Luke, Ph.D., Brian
Functions of Ubiquitin and SUMO in Protein Phase Separation and Aggregation
(Project Heads
Kremer, Kurt
Kukharenko, Ph.D., Oleksandra
Ulrich, Ph.D., Helle
Genome-wide analysis of DNA damage, repair and replication stress
(Project Head
Ulrich, Ph.D., Helle
Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Dahm, Ralf
Niehrs, Ph.D., Christof
Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Bonn, Mischa
Dahm, Ralf
Dormann, Dorothee
Maintaining gene expression fidelity in response to DNA- and RNA-protein crosslinks
(Project Heads
Beli, Petra
Papantonis, Argyris
Mechanisms opposing genomic instability arising from dysregulated G4s and R-loops
(Project Head
Beli, Petra
Quantitative proteomics and integrated systems biology
(Project Heads
Behrends, Ph.D., Christian
Beli, Petra
Bhaskara, Ph.D., Ramachandra M.
Dikic, Ivan
Hummer, Gerhard
Münch, Christian
Regulation and Role of Physical Properties for Transcriptional Condensates
(Project Heads
Schick-Nickolaus, Sandra
Speck, Thomas
Service Project: Central management
(Project Head
Ulrich, Ph.D., Helle
Service project: Genomics & bioinformatics
(Project Heads
Karaulanov, Emil
Méndez-Lago, Maria
Service project: Quantitative proteomics
(Project Heads
Beli, Petra
Butter, Falk
Chen, Jiaxuan
SFB 1361: Regulation of DNA Repair and Genome Stability
Ulrich, Ph.D., Helle
Sources and consequences of intrinsic genomic instability across human cell types
(Project Heads
Roukos, Vassilis
Zarnack, Katharina
Support Project on Biopolymer Engineering and Bioanalytics
(Project Heads
Morsbach, Svenja
Möckel, Martin
Systematic investigation of the role of BAF complexes in genome stability
(Project Heads
Luck, Katja
Schick-Nickolaus, Sandra
Targeted Protein Degradation in Nuclear Quality Control Condensates
(Project Heads
Beli, Petra
Kremer, Kurt
Kukharenko, Ph.D., Oleksandra
Luck, Katja
Transposon-induced DNA damage in development and disease
(Project Head
Barau, Ph.D., Joan
Understanding the Specificity of the Subcellular Organization of Argonaute Proteins
(Project Heads
Ketting, Ph.D., René
Stelzl, Lukas
Visualization of Biopolymer Function and Research Data Management
(Project Heads
Hülsmann, Bastian B.
Ritz, Sandra
Completed projects
Autophagy in the cellular response to genotoxic stress
(Project Head
Beli, Petra
Deubiquitinating enzymes in selective autophagy
(Project Heads
Beli, Petra
Bremm, Anja
Puls-EPR-Abstandsmessungen zur Aufklärung von Assemblierung und Strukturdynamik eines selbstorganisierenden Biomolekülkomplexes
(Project Heads
Jeschke, Gunnar
Paulsen, Harald
SFB 1080: Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Neural Homeostasis
Acker-Palmer, Amparo
Nitsch, Robert
Supramolecular structures of semiconductor nanocrystals, organic dye molecules, and biological light-harvesting complexes
(Project Heads
Basché, Thomas
Müllen, Klaus
Paulsen, Harald
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
5-Laser Cell Sorter
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope (CLSM) with Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM)
Fluorescence Microscope with Optical Tweezers and Microfluidic System
High-resolution liquid chromatography mass spectrometry system
NGS Sequencer
Spinning Disk Confocal Microscope
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Biosynthese von Xanthophyllen in Grünalgen und Kieselalgen
Lohr, Martin
Functional analysis of the MCM2-7 DNA entry/exit gate during S-phase
Reuter, Luitpold Maximilian
Current projects
Identification and processing of piRNA precursors in C. elegans
(Project Head
Ketting, Ph.D., René
Role of premature transcription termination in colorectal tumorigenesis
(Project Heads
Beli, Petra
Eilers, Martin
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2526: GenEvo - Gene Regulation in Evolution: From Molecular to Extended Phenotypes
Foitzik, Susanne
GRK 2859: R-loop Regulation in Robustness and Resilience
Luke, Ph.D., Brian
Completed projects
GRK 214: 3D Tumor Diagnostics and Therapy Using Radiological Methods and Laser Medicine
Wannenmacher, Michael
GRK 886: Molecular imaging methods for the analysis of gene + protein expression
Gretz, Norbert
GRK 2015: Life Sciences, Life Writing: Boundary Experiences of Human Life between Biomedical Explanation and Lived Experience
Paul, Norbert W.
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 266: Materials Science in Mainz
Kläui, Mathias
Additional Information
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