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Universitätsklinikum Jena
Klinik für Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenheilkunde
Am Klinikum 1
07747 Jena
This institution in GERiT
07747 Jena
Research Grants
Current projects
3D functional modules of the facial muscles (3D FACE)
Fischer, Martin S.
Guntinas-Lichius, Orlando
Characterisation of head and neck cancer using multispectral optoacoustic tomography (MSOT) in vivo and ex vivo
Kouka, Mussab
Completed projects
Bridging the skin: Facial surface and mimic muscles as a unit: Fully automated classification of motoric function and emotional expression in patients with facial palsy (BRIDGING THE GAP: MIMICS AND MUSCLES)
Denzler, Joachim
Guntinas-Lichius, Orlando
Charakterisierung des molekularen Ursprungs von Raman-Signaturen komplexer biologischer Proben durch Korrelation mit bildgebenden proteomischen Verfahren
von Eggeling, Ferdinand
Popp, Jürgen
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Genetische und epigenetische Einflüsse auf den Phänotyp der Immunoglobulin- Superfamilie-CHL1-Adhäsionsmolekül defizienten Maus
Schachner, Melitta
Komplexe Störungen der Genexpression in grundlegenden T-Lymphozytenpopulationen von Patienten mit Rheumatoidarthritis
Jäger, Lothar
Memory for Voices: The Role of Attention
Zäske, Romi
Neue Konzepte für multiple Tests zur Auswertung hochdimensionaler Beobachtungen und ihre Anwendung in der EEG-Analyse und Proteinexpressionsanalyse
Vollandt, Rüdiger
Nicht-invasive pränatale Diagnostik an fetalen kernhaltigen Erythrozyten aus mütterlichem Blut
von Eggeling, Ferdinand
Role of RAGE signalling in peripheral nerve regeneration and in mediating the neurotrophic effects of the HNK-1 carbohydrate
Schachner, Melitta
Tumor-Stroma-Interaktion und Phänotyptransition oraler Karzinomzellen: Einfluss auf Therapie-relevante EGFR-abhängige Signalwege
Berndt, Alexander
Vocal Stereotypes toward Women and Men Diverging in Sexual Orientations: A Combination of Production-Related and Perceptive Approaches
Kachel, Sven
Workshops for Early Career Investigators
Current projects
Junior Academy of the German Study Center for Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery (DSZ-HNO): Further development of head and neck oncology - new experimental approaches of clinical-translational research
Guntinas-Lichius, Orlando
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Completed projects
Improving MALDI-MSI spatial resolution and protein identification für a better characterisation of tumour cells and their environment
von Eggeling, Ferdinand
Current projects
Quantitative methods for the analysis of the spatial and temporal dynamic changes of the proteome during host-pathogen interaction
(Project Heads
von Eggeling, Ferdinand
Kniemeyer, Olaf
Core Facilities
Completed projects
Jena Biophotonic and Imaging Laboratory
Bauer, Michael
von Eggeling, Ferdinand
Popp, Jürgen
Research Units
Completed projects
Determinants of Voice Learning
Zäske, Romi
Research Impulses
Current projects
Tailored Optics for Life Sciences Engineering: Multifunctional, Multiscale, Monololithic Optics for Biomedical Manipulation and Diagnostics (TOOLS)
Brunner, Robert
Additional Information
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