Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg
Fakultät Werkstoffwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnologie
Bernhard-von-Cotta-Straße 4
09599 Freiberg
This institution in GERiT
09599 Freiberg
Research Grants
Completed projects
Modellierung des Kernformstofffließens als nichtnewtonische Fluidströmung
Schwarze, Rüdiger
Neutronographische Texturbestimmung an gegossenen Magnesiumlegierungen
Eigenfeld, Klaus
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Rotation assisted filtration of particle and fiber reinforced Al alloys
(Project Heads
Szucki, Michal
Wolf, Gotthard
Separation of non-metallic impurities (dross) from GJS alloys by filtration
(Project Heads
Szucki, Michal
Wolf, Gotthard
Completed projects
Active and reactive filtration of steel- and aluminum-melts during the dead mould casting of thin – and thick wall components
(Project Heads
Eigenfeld, Klaus
Keßler, Andreas
Wolf, Gotthard
Deposition of iron-containing intermetallic phases from aluminum alloys by filtration
(Project Heads
Keßler, Andreas
Wolf, Gotthard
Magnetofluiddynamische Änderung der Erstarrungsmorphologie von Leichtmetall-Gusswerkstoffen
(Project Head
Eigenfeld, Klaus
Manufacturing of austenitic stainless cast steel composites with ceramic structures by infiltration
(Project Head
Eigenfeld, Klaus
Manufacturing of wear resistant (ceramic)-steel casts for crusher and hoisting machines by infiltration
(Project Head
Wolf, Gotthard
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 413: Transport Processes in Porous Media in Process Engineering and Geotechnology
Bast, Jürgen