Universität Potsdam
Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Institut für Biochemie und Biologie
Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 24-25
14476 Potsdam
This institution in GERiT
14476 Potsdam
Priority Programmes
Current projects
A dead end trap? - Functions of bacteriophages bound to outer membrane vesicles in host infection and defence
Barbirz, Stefanie
Bröker, Nina
It’s sweet to move on – bacteriophage infection and processing of glycan-based biofilms
Barbirz, Stefanie
The Lower Havel River and Greater Donaumoos Regions: ‘Failed’ or ‘successful’ reclamation of floodplains and peatlands? – A comparative analysis
Linstädter, Anja
Mehler, Natascha
Werban, Ulrike
Zielhofer, Christoph
Completed projects
Adaptation to selfing in the genus Capsella: Inferring the evolutionary history and adaptive value of selfing-syndrome alleles
Lenhard, Michael
Alien gene introgression promotes rapid adaptation: an unconscious experiment on Fire-bellied toad (Bombina bombina) at the northern edge of its distribution range
Tiedemann, Ph.D., Ralph
Developing, calibrating and applying a genomic toolbox for species delimitation in Palearctic and tropical amphibians
Hofreiter, Michael
Vences, Miguel
FrogCap for the Taxonomic Gap: Harnessing Hybrid Enrichment for Next-Generation Taxonomy
Hofreiter, Michael
KCO-Kanäle in Arabidopsis thaliana
Czempinski, Katrin
Phylogenomic analyses from archival DNA
Hofreiter, Michael
Zeitspezifische Facilitations- und Hemmprozesse bei der Laut/Echo-Analyse durch echoortende Fledermäuse
Vater, Marianne
Research Units
Completed projects
Bildung und Stabilität von ß-Faltblättern
Seckler, Robert
Faltung und Stabilität der parallelen ß-Helix
Seckler, Robert
FOR 475: Formation and Stability of beta-Sheets
Seckler, Robert
Glykolipoiderkennung durch das humane Parvovirus B19
Seckler, Robert
Strukturanalyse neuer Faltblattproteine und faltblatthaltiger Aggregate
Seckler, Robert
Strukturelle und kinetische Charakterisierung von Intermediaten der Fehlfaltung von Aggregation von Proteinen
Gast, Klaus
The interacting roles of plant pathogens, plant genetic variation, and individual plant fitness for the biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationship in the Jena experiment
Fischer, Markus
Research Grants
Current projects
Animal innovation: from diffusion to fitness consequences
Guenther, Anja
Mazza, Ph.D., Valeria
Cellular dynamics and regulation of cambium stem cells during secondary growth
Lenhard, Michael
Deciphering carbohydrate/starch metabolisms in context of the oil yield in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis, Jacq.).
Fettke, Joerg
Detailed analyses of starch granule surface structure alterations
Fettke, Joerg
Elucidating the mechanism of unreduced gamete formation in Arabidopsis thaliana
Jiang, Ph.D., Hua
Footprints of speciation and hybridization in the genomes of Galápagos iguanas
Hofreiter, Michael
Steinfartz, Sebastian
Global and Specific Analysis of Histone Turnover Dynamics in Arabidopsis thaliana
Bäurle, Isabel
Host-pathogen interactions in Hantavirus infections: a focus on cytoskeleton Crosstalk
Chiantia, Salvatore
Schwarzer, Roland
Identifying the role of H3K9 demethylation in Arabidopsis meiosis
Jiang, Ph.D., Hua
Priming the chromatin in response to heat stress in Arabidopsis thaliana – The role of Mediator in transcriptional memory
Bäurle, Isabel
Structural and biochemical studies elucidating the biogenesis pathway of 20S proteasomes
Dohmen, Jürgen
Wendler, Petra
The evolution and phenotypic convergence in Malagasy tenrecs (Afrosoricida, Tenrecidae): a combined molecular and morphological perspective
Arnold, Patrick
Hofreiter, Michael
Understanding the evolution and function of the heterostyly supergene in Amsinckia (Boraginaceae)
Himmelbach, Axel
Lenhard, Michael
Completed projects
A High-coverage Ancient Genome for Analyzing Arctic Adaptation Mechanisms – the Steller’s Sea Cow Case
Hofreiter, Michael
Schöneberg, Torsten
Analysis of conformational changes in model proteins by "excited-strate absorption" (ESA) spectroscopy of bound chromophores
Menzel, Ralf
Biological Consequences of Nanoscale Energy Deposition: Focusing on the Role of Low-Energy Electrons
Bier, Frank
Sturm, Heinz
Der Einfluss visueller und verbaler Lernstile auf das Lernen mit Standbildern oder Animationen in computergestützten Lernumgebungen
Höffler, Tim
Developmental Systems Drift and the Evolution of Redundancy in Plants
Lenhard, Michael
Die Wirkung computergestützter interaktiver Animationen auf das Verständnis von Konzepten komplexer biologischer Prozesse
Bayrhuber, Horst
Elucidating the mechanism of BROAD LEAF1 action in controlling barley leaf growth
Kumlehn, Jochen
Lenhard, Michael
Stein, Nils
Era-Chemistry_Artificial receptors based on surface imprinted electrosynthesized polymer nanostructures for protein sensing
Scheller, Frieder W.
Evolutionary analyses of pig paleogenomes to reveal origin and domestication of the pig
Hofreiter, Michael
Functional analysis of the starch related glucose 1-phosphate metabolism in higher plants
Fettke, Joerg
Genetic and molecular analysis of chromosomal determinants of transposon silencing in euchromatin
Bäurle, Isabel
Kappel, Christian
Genetic mechanisms of petal size regulation in Arabidopsis thaliana
Laux, Thomas
Genetische Differenzierung akustisch isolierter Goldammerpopulationen
Wallschläger, Dieter
Identifying and exploiting genetic variation controlling seed yield and quality in oilseed crops
Bevan, Michael
Lenhard, Michael
Lepiniec, Loïc
Initiation of starch granules and regulation of the starch granule number per chloroplast in Arabidopsis thaliana
Fettke, Joerg
Lichtgesteuerter Elektronentransfer von Redoxproteinen auf Elektroden und seine Nutzung für den Aufbau von Signalketten
Lisdat, Fred
Parak, Wolfgang
Mechanical tunability of biological materials via protein-metal cross-linking
Harrington, Matthew
Molecular basis and ecological genetics of hybrid incompatibilities involving a balanced NPR1 polymorphism in the genus Capsella
Lenhard, Michael
Molecular mechanism and adaptive value of leaf shape plasticity in the genus Capsella.
Lenhard, Michael
Molekulare Analyse der Eisenassimilation in der einzelligen Grünalge Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Buckhout, Ph.D., Thomas J.
Neuronale Plastizität der Zeitverarbeitung im auditorischen Kortex von jungen Fledermäusen
Kössl, Manfred
Protein topology at the Dictyostelium centrosome
Meyer, Irene
Quantitative analysis of the molecular interactions driving Influenza A virus assembly in model and cellular membranes
Chiantia, Salvatore
Regulation of the Activity and Location of Starch-Related Dikinases
Fettke, Joerg
Rekonstruktion der Populationsgeschichte und innerartlichen Divergenzzeiten lebender und ausgestorbener Rüsseltierarten mit Hilfe kompletter mitochondrialer Genome
Hofreiter, Michael
Joger, Ulrich
Speciation without a good reason: disentangling the radiation of primates living in limestone habitat
Hofreiter, Michael
Roos, Christian
Structural and functional elucidation of the peroxisomal AAA+ complex
Wendler, Petra
Structural thermodynamics of complex carbohydat recognition by proteins
Barbirz, Stefanie
The ecophysiological relationship between the behavioural strategies and trophic nature of planktonic flagellates
Clegg, Mark
The Effects of Pleistocene Climatic Cycles on African Mammal Evolution: The Case of Hippotragin Antelopes
Bibi, Ph.D., Faysal
Hofreiter, Michael
The role of physiological variation in delimiting geographical ranges of parapatric cryptic species
Tiedemann, Ph.D., Ralph
Understanding the molecular function of individual causal loci at the heterostyly supergene in Primula
Lenhard, Michael
Unraveling the molecular mechanisms of Hantavirus assembly
Chiantia, Salvatore
Unravelling the molecular basis of functional specialization amongst Arabidopsis thaliana poly(A) polymerase isoforms
Lenhard, Michael
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Schneider, Rene
Completed projects
Motor mechanism of native ATPase complexes
Wendler, Petra
WBP Position
Current projects
Exploiting cryptic genetic variation to identify novel components of the KLUH-dependent growth pathway
Nicolas, Ph.D., Antoine
The molecular basis of self-incompatibility and stylar dimorphism in Linum grandiflorum
Levchuk, Ph.D., Hanna
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Regulation of male germline development in plants
Jiang, Ph.D., Hua
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Engineering of polymerases for the amplification of damaged DNA: applications in paleobiology, archaeology and forensic medicine
Baar, Claudia
Evolutiv erzeugte Zinkfinger-Proteine als neue Erkennungselemente für die DNA-Analytik
Warsinke, Axel
Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch
Completed projects
Open Access Publishing 2020 / University of Potsdam
Seckler, Robert
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Confocal laser scanning microscope with photon-counting and lifetime measuring capabilities
Kryo-FEG-Transmissionselektronenmikroskop 200kV
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
Sensing Biodiversity Across Scales (SEBAS)
Dubovyk, Olena
Linstädter, Anja
Completed projects
DNA-Metabarcoding of phyto- and zooplankton in East African lake sediments as proxies for past environmental perturbation
Hofreiter, Michael
Tiedemann, Ph.D., Ralph
Trauth, Martin
Metabarcoding of ancient eukaryotic DNA from Chew Bahir, Ethiopia: Reconstruction of past biodiversity responses to drastic environmental change
Hofreiter, Michael
Tiedemann, Ph.D., Ralph
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Central Tasks of the Collaborative Research Centre
(Project Head
Lenhard, Michael
Genomic and functional underpinning of reaction norms of the leaf-economic spectrum across environmental gradients
(Project Heads
Lenhard, Michael
Linstädter, Anja
Phenotypic plasticity of cambial secondary growth in Brassicaceae in response to temperature and day length
(Project Heads
Lenhard, Michael
Schneider, Rene
Shi, Dongbo
Phenotypic plasticity of the diurnal pattern of starch metabolism in response to a fluctuating environment in Arabidopsis thaliana
(Project Heads
Fettke, Joerg
Töpfer, Nadine
Phenotypic plasticity of thermotolerance in close relatives within the genus Capsella
(Project Head
Bäurle, Isabel
Plasticity of leaf form and function in response to temperature in Capsella bursa-pastoris
(Project Head
Lenhard, Michael
Plasticity of secondary walls to water limitation in the vasculature of Arabidopsis thaliana
(Project Head
Schneider, Rene
SFB 1644: Phenotypic plasticity in plants – Mechanisms, constraints and evolution
Lenhard, Michael
Completed projects
Priming the chromatin in response to heat stress in Arabidopsis thaliana
(Project Head
Bäurle, Isabel
Regulation von Stärkesynthese und Stärkeabbau
(Project Heads
Geigenberger, Peter
Ritte, Gerhard
Structure and function of cytosolic glycans in higher plants
(Project Heads
Fettke, Joerg
Steup, Martin
Current projects
Ecological diversification in urban habitats: A comparative approach across four ruderal Brassicaceae species
(Project Heads
Linstädter, Anja
de Meaux, Juliette
Synergies and trade-offs of carbon storage along pathways of land transformation
(Project Heads
Amelung, Wulf
Börner, Jan
Linstädter, Anja
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 80: Model Studies of Structures, Properties and Recognition of Biologically Relevant Molecules at Atomic Level
Höhne, Wolfgang
GRK 1305: Signal Systems in Plant Model Organisms
Palme, Klaus
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2008: UniSysCat
Dobbek, Holger
Drieß, Matthias
Mroginski, Ph.D., Maria Andrea
Rappsilber, Juri
Thomas, Arne
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 203: Berlin-Brandenburg School for Regenerative Therapies (BSRT)
Duda, Georg