Universität Potsdam
Institut für Mathematik
Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 24-25
14476 Potsdam
This institution in GERiT
14476 Potsdam
Research Grants
Current projects
Advancing correlation-based Bayesian modeling of the geomagnetic field to include paleomagnetic sediment records
Holschneider, Matthias
Korte, Monika
C*-algebras of symmetries and their invariants
Raum, Sven
Decoding entanglement in soft materials
Evans, Myfanwy E.
Feynman Green's Operators for Dirac Operators with Non-local Boundary Conditions
Islam, Ph.D., Onirban
Heat Kernel Behavior at Infinity on Graphs
Rose, Christian
Periodic approximations of Schrödinger operators associated with quasicrystals
Beckus, Siegfried
Renormalisation under the prism of meromorphic functions in several variables
Paycha, Ph.D., Sylvie
Ricci Flow on Discrete Structures
Keller, Matthias
Münch, Florentin
The formation of the Prolamellar body: where biology meets geometry
Evans, Myfanwy E.
Completed projects
Analysis of geomagnetic data using wavelet frames
Holschneider, Matthias
An Interpolation Problem
Tarkhanov, Nikolai N.
Asymptotic analysis and boundary value problems
Schulze, Bert-Wolfgang
Boundaries, Green's formulae and harmonic functions for graphs and Dirichlet spaces - follow up
Keller, Matthias
Lenz, Daniel
Geometry of discrete spaces and spectral theory of non-local operators
Lenz, Daniel
Geometry of Willmore surfaces in Riemannian manifolds and applications to General Relativity
Metzger, Jan
Hardy inequalities on graphs and Dirichlet spaces.
Keller, Matthias
Pogorzelski, Felix
High-latitude coupling processes between thermospheric circulation and solar wind driven magnetospheric currents and plasma convection
Förster, Matthias
Holschneider, Matthias
MagmaPropagator: A forecasting tool for location and time of volcanic eruptions due to off-conduit magma propagation.
Rivalta, Ph.D., Eleonora
Zöller, Gert
Nichtlineare Differentialgleichungen mit kleinem Parameter
Tarkhanov, Nikolai N.
Operator-Algebren auf Mannigfaltigkeiten mit Singularitäten
Schulze, Bert-Wolfgang
Probing the Earth's subdecadal core-mantle dynamics based on satellite geomagnetic field models
Asari, Seiki
Structure preserving numerics for atmospheric dynamics: A physics based approach
Névir, Peter
Reich, Sebastian
The Euler-Maclaurin formula and Birkhoff-Hopf factorisation: discretisation and quantisation Extension: Enhanced discrete sums; conical and branched zeta values
Paycha, Ph.D., Sylvie
Untersuchung der mathematischen Formulierung des Äquivalenzprinzips durch fluktuierte Diracoperatoren im Rahmen der nichtkommutativen Geometrie
Stephan, Christoph Alexander
Virtual Lower Rhine Embayement: Physics-based numerical simulation of earthquake ruptures and seismic cycles
Hainzl, Sebastian
Willmore surfaces in Riemannian manifolds
Lamm, Tobias
Metzger, Jan
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Geometrically defined asymptotic coordinates in General Relativity
Cederbaum, Carla
Metzger, Jan
Laplacians, metrics and boundaries of simplicial complexes and Dirichlet spaces
Keller, Matthias
Lenz, Daniel
Schmidt, Marcel
Completed projects
Analysis of the interaction of planetary plasma and dust with the magnetic field
Motschmann, Ph.D., Uwe
Schmidt, Ph.D., Jürgen
Boundaries, Greens formulae and harmonic functions for graphs and Dirichlet spaces
Keller, Matthias
Lenz, Daniel
Boundary value problems and index theory on Riemannian and Lorentzian manifolds
Bär, Christian
Building time dependent magnetic field models satisfying the frozen-flux radial induction equation
Holschneider, Matthias
Lesur, Ph.D., Vincent
Co-estimation of the Earth main magnetic field and the ionospheric variation field
Holschneider, Matthias
Stolle, Claudia
Combined Hydrological Modelling and Regional Geodetic Estimation of Water Storage Variations in Large River Basins Using GRACE Data
Döll, Petra
Holschneider, Matthias
Kusche, Jürgen
Lohkamp, Joachim
Coordination and organisation of the SPP 1488
Holschneider, Matthias
Correlation based modelling of the Earth magnetic field
Holschneider, Matthias
Dynamo action in planetesimals
Tilgner, Andreas
Entwicklung eines Lagrangeschen Kerns für Klimamodelle
Grewe, Volker
Reich, Sebastian
Yserentant, Harry
Global analysis and geometry of Lorentzian manifolds
Bär, Christian
Index theory on Lorentzian manifolds
Bär, Christian
Investigating the Influence of the Magnetostrophic Magnetorotational Instability on the Dynamo Action in Planetary Interiors and their Exterior Field
Klahr, H. Hubertus
Noncommutative Geometry and Geometric Structures
Bär, Christian
Probing the Earth´s subdecadal core-mantle dynamics based on satellite geomagnetic field models
Asari, Seiki
Signal Dynamik im Waveletphasenraum: die Wavelet Deformationsalgebra und ihre Anwendung bei der Analyse seismischer Signale
Holschneider, Matthias
Space-Time Adjustable Regularizations for the Atmospheric Circulation model ICON, Code name: STAR (Space-Time Adjustible Regularizations)
Giorgetta, Marco A.
Reich, Sebastian
Space-time models of planetary magnetic fields for characterisation of regional lithospheric features and impact craters
Holschneider, Matthias
SPP 1488: Planetary Magnetism (PlanetMag)
Holschneider, Matthias
Stochastic and physical modeling of the Earth's magnetic field
Baerenzung, Julien
Holschneider, Matthias
Tailored regional gravity field models for mass distribution and mass transport phenomena in the Earth system.
Holschneider, Matthias
Ilk, Karl-Heinz
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Geometry and topology of entangled soft matter
Evans, Myfanwy E.
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Approximate Bayesian inference and model selection for stochastic differential equations (SDEs)
(Project Heads
Opper, Manfred
Reich, Sebastian
Spokoiny, Vladimir
Central tasks of the CRC
(Project Head
Reich, Sebastian
Continuous learning by integrating reinforcement learning and data assimilation to individualise drug treatments
(Project Heads
Huisinga, Wilhelm
Opper, Manfred
De Wiljes, Jana
Inferring the dynamics underlying protrusion-driven cell motility
(Project Heads
Beta, Carsten
Holschneider, Matthias
Huisinga, Wilhelm
Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Freitag, Melina
Huisinga, Wilhelm
Roelly, Sylvie
Long-time stability and accuracy of ensemble transform filter algorithms
(Project Heads
Reich, Sebastian
Stannat, Wilhelm
De Wiljes, Jana
Model order reduction for Bayesian inference
(Project Heads
Freitag, Melina
Lie, Han Cheng
Multiscale data and asymptotic model assimilation for atmospheric flows
(Project Heads
Klein, Rupert
Reich, Sebastian
Schillings, Claudia
Neural network modelling of brain responses during language comprehension
(Project Heads
Rabovsky, Milena
Reich, Sebastian
Nonlinear statistical inverse problems with random observations
(Project Heads
Blanchard, Gilles
Huisinga, Wilhelm
Lie, Han Cheng
Reiß, Markus
Parameter inference and model comparison in dynamical cognitive models
(Project Heads
Engbert, Ralf
Reich, Sebastian
Parametric and nonparametric modelling of spatiotemporal change patterns in seismicity using Hawkes processes
(Project Heads
Holschneider, Matthias
Reich, Sebastian
Zöller, Gert
SFB 1294: Data Assimilation – The Seamless Integration of Data and Models
Freitag, Melina
Reich, Sebastian
Statistics of stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs)
(Project Heads
Beta, Carsten
Reiß, Markus
Roelly, Sylvie
Stannat, Wilhelm
Completed projects
Analysis, singuläre Strukturen
(Project Head
Schulze, Bert-Wolfgang
Analytic and Spectral Properties of Geometric Operators
(Project Heads
Bär, Christian
Schüth, Dorothee
Combining nonparametric statistical and probabilistic approaches for inference on cloud-of-points data
(Project Heads
Blanchard, Gilles
Roelly, Sylvie
Differential Operators of Mathematical Physics: Spectral Theory and Dynamics
(Project Heads
Brüning, Jochen
Bär, Christian
Rendall, Alan
Geometric Variational Problems: Direct Methods, Associated Flows and the Influence of Ambient Geometry and Physics
(Project Heads
Bär, Christian
Ecker, Klaus
Huisken, Gerhard
Metzger, Jan
Schulze, Felix
Geometry and Physics of Spacelike Hypersurfaces in Lorentzian Manifolds
(Project Heads
Bär, Christian
Ecker, Klaus
Huisken, Gerhard
Inklusionen von Algebren und Quantenfeldtheorie
(Project Head
Baumgärtel, Hellmut
Nichtlineare Modelle und Verfahren
(Project Head
Läuter, Henning
Uncertainties in Earthquake-Modeling and Probabilistic Seismic Riskanalysis
(Project Heads
Holschneider, Matthias
Kurths, Jürgen
Reich, Sebastian
Research Units
Completed projects
Control of fixational eye movements and posture
Engbert, Ralf
FOR 2402: Rough Paths, Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Related Topics
Friz, Peter Karl
Foundations of regularity structures
Friz, Peter Karl
Paycha, Ph.D., Sylvie
Perkowski, Nicolas
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
A Riemannian analogue of the Einstein constraint equations
Hermann, Andreas
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Structural and kinematic models of the Aegean based on HALO gravity and magnetic data
Geiger, Alain
Lesur, Ph.D., Vincent
Current projects
Signatures at the threshold of analysis, algebra and geometry: new perspectives
(Project Heads
Friz, Peter Karl
Paycha, Ph.D., Sylvie
Completed projects
Geometry driven assembly of proteins
(Project Heads
Evans, Myfanwy E.
Friesecke, Gero
Ropelength for periodic links
(Project Heads
Evans, Myfanwy E.
Sullivan, Ph.D., John M.
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 251: Stochastic Processes and Probabilistic Analysis
Scheutzow, Michael
GRK 1364: Shaping the Earth's Surface in a Variable Environment: Interactions between Tectonics, Climate and Biosphere in the African-Asian Monsoonal Region
Strecker, Ph.D., Manfred
GRK 1845: Stochastic Analysis with Applications in Biology, Finance and Physics
Imkeller, Peter
GRK 2043: Natural Hazards and Risks in a Changing World (NatRisk-Change)
Thieken, Annegret
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1339: Stochastic Models of Complex Processes and their Applications (SMCP)
Deuschel, Jean-Dominique
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2025: Matters of Activity. Image Space Material
Mareis, Claudia
Schäffner, Wolfgang