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Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Institut für Theoretische Physik und Astrophysik
Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg
This institution in GERiT
97074 Würzburg
Research Grants
Current projects
Coherent Optical Metrology Beyond Electric-Dipole-Allowed Transitions
Palffy-Buß, Adriana
Dynamical vertex functions of many-electron systems
Sangiovanni, Giorgio
Field theories of Kondo-Heisenberg lattices: a quantum Monte Carlo study
Danu, Ph.D., Bimla
Novel Opportunities for Exploring Atomic-Scale Magnetism in Low-dimensional Topological Quantum Materials
Trauzettel, Björn
Numerical challenges in Quantum Monte Carlo simulations in condensed matter physics
Ulybyshev, Ph.D., Maksim
Quantum complexity in the AdS/CFT correspondence
Erdmenger, Johanna
Meyer, René
Spin-lattices coupled to proximity-superconducting Rashba-surface states
Lounis, Samir
Wiebe, Jens
Completed projects
Dirac fermions in semiconductors
Hankiewicz, Ewelina M.
Entangled spin pairs in graphene ENTS
Trauzettel, Björn
Entwicklung und Simulation effizienter Modelle für epitaktisches Kristallwachstum
Biehl, Michael
Entwicklung von Methoden zur Berechnung von Vielteilchenamplituden auf dem Einschleifenniveau und deren Anwendung
Rückl, Reinhold
Higgs production and decay in models with extra singlets and doublets - Precise predictions forthe LHC
Denner, Ansgar
Sturm, Christian
Kryptographie durch Synchronisation Neuronaler Netzwerke
Kinzel, Wolfgang
Local parent Hamiltonian for the chiral spin liquid
Greiter, Martin
Majorana fermions and parafermions in topological insulators
Molenkamp, Laurens W.
Trauzettel, Björn
Modellierungen und Simulation nanostrukturierter Oberflächenlegierungen
Kinzel, Wolfgang
Modelling and simulation of hetero-epitaxial crystal growth
Biehl, Michael
Network of chaotic units: Sychronization with time-delayed coupling
Kinzel, Wolfgang
Numerical simulations of dimensional-crossover- and frustration-driven phenomena in correlated electron systems -- renewal proposal
Raczkowski, Ph.D., Marcin
Phase transition in multi-layered neural networks, statisitical physics and practical algorithms (backpropagation)
Biehl, Michael
Polarisations- und Spineffekte bei der Produktion von Charginos und Neutralinos an Lepton-Collidern
Fraas, Hans
Precision calculations for loop-induced Higgs-boson production and decay processes
Sturm, Christian
Production of supersymmetric particles at electron-electron colliders
Fraas, Hans
SO(5) Theorie der Hochtemperatursupraleitung und Verbindung mit winkelaufgelösten Photoemissionsexperimenten
Eder, Robert
Spin Dynamics in Graphene Quantum Dots
Trauzettel, Björn
Statistical mechanics of non-linear unsupervised learning
Biehl, Michael
Synchronization of chaotic systems: Feedback, mutual interaction and unidirectional coupling with delay
Kinzel, Wolfgang
Transporttheorie funktionaler Nanostrukturen in Graphen und Nanotubes
Trauzettel, Björn
Unconventional superconducting transport in semiconductor Dirac materials
Tkachov, Ph.D., Grigory
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Neutralinos and Higgs bosons in models with additional U(1) factors.
Hesselbach, Stefan
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Birefringent Spin Polarized Electron Optics in Ballistic Nano-Devices
Buhmann, Hartmut
Hankiewicz, Ewelina M.
Fingerprint of surface and bulk states in transport of 3D topological insulators
Hankiewicz, Ewelina M.
Spin Qubits and Spin Decoherence in Graphene Quantum Dots
Trauzettel, Björn
SPP 1459: Graphen
Seyller, Thomas
Transport properties of bilayer topological insulators
Trauzettel, Björn
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5195: Relativistic Jets in Active Galaxies
Kadler, Matthias
FOR 5249: Quantitative Spatio-Temporal Model-Building for Correlated Electronic Matter
Valenti, Maria Roser
Jet Physics on Event Horizon Scales and Beyond
Fromm, Christian
Kadler, Matthias
Modeling non-local interaction phenomena in real materials: electrons, lattice and topology
Sangiovanni, Giorgio
Wehling, Tim
Completed projects
Many-body effects in the electronic structure and the superconductivity of adsorbates on semiconductor surfaces
Hanke, Werner
Hankiewicz, Ewelina M.
Non-equilibrium transport properties of helical Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids
Trauzettel, Björn
Orbital, spin and charge fluctuations in layered oxide heterostructures
Sangiovanni, Giorgio
Realistic theory of electronic correlations in nanoscopic systems
Sangiovanni, Giorgio
Wehling, Tim
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Quantum control of x-rays
Palffy-Buß, Adriana
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Central coordination and administration
(Project Heads
Claessen, Ralph
Trauzettel, Björn
Competing symmetries and disorder in topological materials
(Project Head
Hankiewicz, Ewelina M.
Detection and manipulation of topological and unconventional superconductivity in new materials
(Project Head
Hankiewicz, Ewelina M.
Hydrodynamics and gauge/gravity duality for electrons in solids
(Project Heads
Erdmenger, Johanna
Meyer, René
Low-energy theories for strongly correlated spin-orbit electron systems in one and two spatial dimensions
(Project Heads
Greiter, Martin
Thomale, Ronny
Many-body electronic instabilities and topology on hexagonal lattices
(Project Heads
Di Sante, Domenico
Thomale, Ronny
Precision theory of highly charged ions within the Standard Model and beyond
(Project Heads
Di Piazza, Antonino
Evers, Jörg
Harman, Zoltan
Jaeckel, Joerg
Keitel, Christoph H.
Palffy-Buß, Adriana
SFB 1170: Topological and Correlated Electronics at Surfaces and Interfaces ("ToCoTronics")
Claessen, Ralph
Trauzettel, Björn
Superconducting hybrid structures based on topological insulators and Weyl semimetals
(Project Heads
Kornich, Viktoriia
Trauzettel, Björn
Sustainable code development and optimization on modern supercomputing architectures
(Project Heads
Assaad, Fakher Fakhry
Hankiewicz, Ewelina M.
Symmetry-protected nodal phases in correlated electron systems
(Project Heads
Sangiovanni, Giorgio
Trauzettel, Björn
Topological states in materials with highly entangled spin, orbital and charge degrees of freedom
(Project Head
Sangiovanni, Giorgio
Transport properties of Dirac materials
(Project Head
Trauzettel, Björn
Completed projects
Wachstumsmodelle: mehrkomponentige und anisotrope Systeme
(Project Head
Kinzel, Wolfgang
Completed projects
X-ray photonic structures for control of cooperative emission from resonant nuclei
(Project Heads
Palffy-Buß, Adriana
Röhlsberger, Ralf
von Zanthier, Joachim
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2147: Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter (CT.QMAT)
Claessen, Ralph
Vojta, Matthias
Additional Information
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