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Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Neuphilologische Fakultät
Romanisches Seminar
Wilhelmstraße 50
72074 Tübingen
This institution in GERiT
72074 Tübingen
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Monuments of Messapic language
de Simone, Carlo
Research Grants
Current projects
Digitization and Analysis of Cultural Transfers in Colombian Literary Magazines (1892–1950)
Ehrlicher, Hanno
Early Manila Hokkien (EMHo): Language, Missionary Linguistics and Migration from the perspective of the Bocabulario de lengua sangleya por las letraz de el A.B.C.
Döhla, Hans-Jörg
Klöter, Henning
Completed projects
Cultural Magazines from "Modernismo" to Avant-Garde: Processes of Modernization and Transnational networks
Ehrlicher, Hanno
Darstellung des Pathologischen im medizinischen und literarischen Diskurs in Frankreich im 19. Jahrhundert
Behrens, Rudolf
Diskursformation: Die Grammaire Générale an den Ecoles Centrales (1795 - 1803)
Schlieben-Lange, Brigitte
Erarbeitung eines Dictionnaire
Koch, Peter
From Latin to French: Compilation and analysis of a digital corpus of late Latin and old French texts
Eufe, Rembert
Selig, Maria
Wolff, Christian
Norm and Practice of the Foreign Language Classroom: Reconstructive Studies on the Teaching of Romance Languages in the Context of Social Change and Educational Reforms
Tesch, Bernd
Werkverzeichnis Eugenio Coseriu. Bearbeitung der "Geschichte der romanischen Sprachwissenschaft" und der "Geschichte der Sprachphilosophie"
Koch, Peter
Scientific Networks
Current projects
The dynamics of prepositions and prepositional constructions in Spanish
Hennecke, Inga
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5700: TransExile. Negotiations of aesthetics and community in postrevolutionary Mexico
Bandau, Anja
Mythical thinking and transnational community building in cultural magazines: Interconnections between politics, anthropology and aesthetics
Ehrlicher, Hanno
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Abundancy, Redundancy, Cornucopia. Techniques of Amplification in Early Modern Epideictics
(Project Heads
Dessì Schmid, Sarah
Till, Dietmar
Pure Language, Good Behaviour. Linguistic Purism and Aesthetics of Manners in Early Modern Conversation Literature
(Project Heads
Dessì Schmid, Sarah
Robert, Jörg
Transformations of Demonic Illusion. Dream, Hallucination, Phantasmagoria
(Project Heads
Goumegou, Susanne
Robert, Jörg
Completed projects
Ethnicization and De-Ethnicization of the Political. Media, Actors and Semantics of Ethnicity in Transnational Communicative Space
(Project Heads
Büschges, Christian
Pfaff-Czarnecka, Joanna
Raussert, Wilfried
Thies, Sebastian
LexiTypeSyn - Lexikalische Motivation im Französischen, Italienischen und Deutschen
(Project Head
Koch, Peter
Lokale und temporale Deixis in den romanischen Sprachen - Geschichte und Variation
(Project Head
Schlieben-Lange, Brigitte
Phenomena of Ambiguity in Diachrony and in Typological Comparison: Existence and Location
(Project Heads
Dessì Schmid, Sarah
Jäger, Gerhard
Koch, Peter
Winter-Froemel, Esme
Verbal and Nominal Aspectuality between Lexicon and Grammar
(Project Heads
Dessì Schmid, Sarah
Mihatsch, Wiltrud
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Romanische Literaturwissenschaft
Ehrlicher, Hanno
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Tracing Regularities in Pedro Calderón de la Barca's Dramatic OEuvre with a Computational Approach
Ehrlicher, Hanno
Padó, Sebastian
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 286: Pragmatisierung / Entpragmatisierung - Literature as Defined by the Interplay between Heteronomous and Autonomous Forces
Engler, Bernd
Additional Information
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