Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Institut für Angewandte Physik
Auf der Morgenstelle 10
72076 Tübingen
This institution in GERiT
72076 Tübingen
Research Grants
Current projects
A Comparison Between Power Functional Theory and Projection Operator Formalisms as Approaches to Non-Equilibrium Statistical Physics
Oettel, Martin
Schilling, Tanja
Dynamics, kinetics and assembly of model intrinsically disordered proteins from a polymer physics perspective
Schreiber, Frank
From Protein Adsorption to Crystallisation Tuned by Multivalent Ions (PATMI 2.0)
Schreiber, Frank
Completed projects
Crystalline thin film growth in anisotropic mixtures: a combined approach by experiment, theory and simulation
Oettel, Martin
Schreiber, Frank
Crystal nucleation in colloidal model systems
Schöpe, Hans Joachim
Decoherence in the electron interferometer
Hasselbach, Franz
Einfluss von mikro- und nanostrukturierten Titanoberflächen auf angrenzende Biosysteme: mathematische Modellierung auf der Basis systematischer experimenteller Untersuchungen
Beck, Ulrich
Kern, Dieter
Nebe, J. Barbara
Entwicklung eines hochgenauen Rotationssensors mit suprafluidem 3He als Arbeitsmedium
Ruder, Hanns
Entwicklung eines hochgenauen Rotationssensors mit suprafluidem 3He als Arbeitsmedium
Schuberth, Erwin
In situ and real-time investigations of organic semiconductor film growth
Schreiber, Frank
Interfaces between conjugated organic molecules and metal surfaces: Correlating adsorption-induced distotion, electronic structure, and interface dipole
Koch, Norbert
Schreiber, Frank
Microscopic approaches to the nonlinear mechanics of driven defect-rich crystals
Fuchs, Matthias
Oettel, Martin
Rastersondenmikroskopische Charakterisierung von single-wall carbon nanotubes für Anwendungen in der Nano-Elektronik
Clauß, Wilfried
Static and dynamic properties of antibody proteins in solution - the effects of crowding and charge-tuning
Schreiber, Frank
Supraflüssiges Helium als hochempfindliches Gyroskop zum Nachweis der Erdrotationsschwankungen
Ruder, Hanns
Untersuchung der Aktivität von Transmembranproteinen in porenüberspannenden Lipidmembranen
Schäffer, Tilman
Weiterentwicklung eines Biprismainterferometers für Ionen; Nachweis des Aharonov-Bohm-Effekts (A-B-Effekt) für geladene Teilchen mit inneren Freiheitsgraden
Fortágh, József
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Dynamic wetting phenomena in lattice models for nematic fluids/liquid crystals near switchable substrate potentials
Oettel, Martin
Simple model systems: Static and dynamic aspects of heterogeneous nucleation within simulation, phase field crystal and dynamic density functional theory
Oettel, Martin
Untersuchung der Grenzfläche zwischen kultivierten Zellen und mikrostrukturierten Metalloberflächen: Zellbiologie und Wachstumsverhalten
Kern, Dieter
Completed projects
Colloids at Fluid interfaces
(Project Head
Oettel, Martin
Regulation of the platelet lipidome and its implications in thrombo-inflammation
(Project Heads
Chatterjee, Ph.D., Madhumita
Lämmerhofer, Michael
Schäffer, Tilman
Simple and Complex Quantum Dot Systems as Model Systems for Investigating and Controlling Coherence and Correlation Effects
(Project Heads
von Klitzing, Klaus
Weis, Jürgen
Wharam, David
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Non-invasive molecular and morphological imaging of platelets and platelet targets
Feil, Robert
Pichler, Bernd
Schäffer, Tilman
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
(Project Heads
Abstreiter, Gerhard
Kotthaus, Jörg Peter
Wegscheider, Werner
Wharam, David
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2381: cGMP: From Bedside to Bench
Feil, Robert
GRK 2543: Intraoperative multi-sensor tissue identification in oncology
Sawodny, Oliver
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 307: Interdisciplinary Centre for Integrative Neuroscience (CIN)
Thier, Hans-Peter