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Universität Regensburg
Fakultät für Physik
Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik
93040 Regensburg
This institution in GERiT
93040 Regensburg
Research Grants
Current projects
1D-modulated plasmonic Dirac systems: Towards helicity-driven terahertz photovoltaics
Ganichev, Sergey
Advanced van der Waals heterostructures with magnetic and ferroelectric components
Korn, Tobias
Schüller, Christian
Anisotropic Band Structure in Short Period Superlattices in Graphene
Eroms, Jonathan
Germanium MOSFETs for quantum computation
Benito González, Ph.D., Mónica
Bougeard, Dominique
Measuring sliding friction at the single atom scale
Weymouth, Alfred John
Nanoscale Conjugated Ladder Polymers
Höger, Sigurd
Lupton, John
Quantifying the number of chromophores and the kinetics of exciton diffusion in nanoparticles with picosecond time-resolved photon antibunching (psTRAB)
Tinnefeld, Philip
Vogelsang, Jan
Quantifying the phononic contribution to friction at the single-atom scale
Weymouth, Alfred John
Quench-switching of antiferromagnets explored with high spatial and temporal resolution
Kästner, Bernd
Sinova, Ph.D., Jairo
Wunderlich, Jörg
Rigidified, ladder polymer helices
Lupton, John
Scherf, Ullrich
Silicon spin qubits: Exploring an epitaxial materials platform for controllable valley splitting and charge noise mitigation
Bougeard, Dominique
Schreiber, Lars Reiner
Single electron optomechanics of the transversal carbon nanotube vibration
Hüttel, Andreas Klaus
Terahertz Photoelectric Phenomena in Semiconductor Weyl and Kane Fermion Systems
Ganichev, Sergey
Transport spectroscopy and hybrid devices of transition metal dichalcogenide nanotubes
Hüttel, Andreas Klaus
Ultrafast spectroscopy of multilayer transition-metal dichalcogenides
Schüller, Christian
Completed projects
Artificial spin superstructures in semimagnetic CdTe/CdMnTe heterostructures
Weiss, Dieter
Band Structure and Transport in Low-Dimensional Semiconductor Hole Systems
Wenk, Paul Thomas
Collective electronic excitations in two-dimensional systems with spin-orbit interaction
Schüller, Christian
Computersimulationen zu energetischen und topologischen Effekten bei polymeren Netzwerken
Göritz, Dietmar
Computersimulationen zu höherfunktionalen Vernetzungspunkten und Füllstoffen in polymeren Netzwerken
Kreitmeier, Stefan
Control and quantification of interchromophoric coupling in single-molecule defined shape-persistent oligomers
Grimme, Stefan
Höger, Sigurd
Lupton, John
Vogelsang, Jan
Coulomb blockade and spin dependent tunnelling in a magnetic single electron transistor
Back, Christian
Detection mechanisms in graphene radiation sensors
Ganichev, Sergey
Direkte Messung und Manipulation der Spinkorrelation von Ladungsträgern in organischen Halbleitern
da Como, Enrico
Einfluß eines magnetischen Feldes auf das Tunneln in hochfrequenten Feldern in Halbleitern
Prettl, Wilhelm
ERA NanoSci - Optical interface for gate-controlled quantum dots
Reiger, Elisabeth
Indirekte Austauschkopplung in Viellagenschichten: ferromagnetisches Übergangsmetall / nichtmagnetisches Metall / Seltene Erdmetalle / nichtmagnetisches Metall
Hoffmann, Horst
Induzierte Supraleitung in mesoskopischen Supraleiter/Normalleiter-Hybridstrukturen
Strunk, Christoph
Infrarot- und Terahertz-Spektroskopie von Zahnhartsubstanzen und Blut sowie Entwicklung einer Methode zur Beurteilung der Vitalität von Zähnen mittels optischer Detektion der Pulpadurchblutung
Ganichev, Sergey
Monkman, Ph.D., Gareth
Schmalz, Gottfried
Investigating the inside of individual molecules by means of Kelvin Probe and Atomic Force Microscopy
Repp, Jascha
Josephson-Kontakte mit verdünnten Ferromagneten
Strunk, Christoph
Locally mapping conductance and potential energy of a donor-acceptor system
Weymouth, Alfred John
Magnetogyrotroper Effekt in Folge von "zero-bias" Spinseparation in Halbleiternanostrukturen
Ganichev, Sergey
Nonlinear THz dynamics and quantum vacuum radiation from squeezed quantum vacua
Bougeard, Dominique
Huber, Rupert
On-surface synthesis of covalently bonded molecular structures on insulators
Repp, Jascha
Optischer Split-Coil-Kryostat mit 3He-Einsatz
Heitmann, Detlef
Photogalvanic effects in HgTe quantum well structures and all-electric detection of radiation polarization
Ganichev, Sergey
Probing the role of pre-aggregation in rhodamine-based organic photocatalysis: a combined computational and single-molecule approach
Egger, David
Lupton, John
Simulationen zum Adsorptionsverhalten polymerer Ketten auf rauhen Oberflächen
Kreitmeier, Stefan
Simulationen zur Deformation von verschlauften polymeren Systemen unter Variation der Temperatur
Kreitmeier, Stefan
Single-Electron Alternate-Charging Scanning Tunneling Microscopy on Insulating Surfaces
Repp, Jascha
Spingalvanic effect
Prettl, Wilhelm
Spin manipulation in semiconductor spin devices
Ciorga, Mariusz
Struktur und Oberflächenbeschaffenheit von Fällungskieselsäuren
Göritz, Dietmar
Sub-cycle nanooptics in the strong-field limit
Huber, Rupert
Terahertz induced quantum transport in nanostructures
Ganichev, Sergey
The exciton condensate in bilayer systems
Weiss, Dieter
Time- and spatially-resolved optical spectroscopy of MoS2 monolayers
Korn, Tobias
Transport in Halbleiter-Übergittern unter dem Einfluß von THz-Strahlung
Renk, Karl F.
Transport- und optische Untersuchungen an nanostrukturierten Elektronensystemen bei tiefen Temperaturen und hohen Magnetfeldern
Weiss, Dieter
Transversaler Peltiereffekt
Lengfellner, Hans
Ultrafast single molecule videography with sub-Ångström resolution
Huber, Rupert
Repp, Jascha
Ultrafast spectroscopy of two-dimensional crystals in external magnetic fields
Schüller, Christian
Untersuchung der Struktur und mechanischen Eigenschaften von PHB-PLLA-Mischungen im Hinblick auf das Phänomen der ineinandergreifenden Sphärolithe
Owen, Anthony
Untersuchungen zur Struktur innerer Grenzflächen und der Lagengüte an Viellagenschichtsystemen
Zweck, Josef
Zeitaufgelöste lineare und nichtlineare Triplettspektroskopie organischer Moleküle
Penzkofer, Alfons
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5242: Proximity-induced correlation effects in low dimensional systems
Tegenkamp, Christoph
Non-equilibrium carrier dynamics in proximity-coupled graphene
Gierz-Pehla, Isabella
Completed projects
Abbildung magnetischer Strukturen mittels magnetischer Transmissions- Röntgenmikroskopie
Schütz-Gmeineder, Gisela
Coupling behaviour, micromagnetic domain structure, and crystallographic structure of magnetic dots on semiconductor substrates
Zweck, Josef
Dynamik von magnetischen Vortexzuständen
Back, Christian
Elektrische Detektion der Streufelder magnetischer Nanostrukturen II
Weiss, Dieter
FOR 370: Ferromagnet-Halbleiter-Nanostrukturen: Transport, magnetische und elektronische Eigenschaften
Weiss, Dieter
Gemeinsame Einrichtungen
Weiss, Dieter
Injektion spinpolarisierter Elektronen durch semimagnetische Kontaktschichten
Wegscheider, Werner
Investigations on HVPE - grown InGaN quantum wells on non- and semipolar GaN
Zweck, Josef
Magnetische Ordnung und Phasenübergänge in Metall-Halbleiter-Nanostrukturen
Bayreuther, Günther
Monopolar spin orientation and spin relaxation by nonlinear intersubband-spectroscopy
Prettl, Wilhelm
Photocurrents and phase coherent transport in InAs:Mn
Weiss, Dieter
Spinabhängiger Ladungstransport in Metall-Halbleiter-Heterostrukturen
Bayreuther, Günther
Spin-Effekte im Magnetotransport von lateralen Halbleiter-Übergittern
Suhrke, Michael
Spinpolarisierter Transport durch Halbleiter
Weiss, Dieter
Time-resolved spectroscopic characterization of blue-light photo-receptors
Dick, Bernhard
Penzkofer, Alfons
Transport in magnetischen und elektrischen lateralen Übergittern
Weiss, Dieter
Ultrafast time-resolved laser-spectroscopic characterization of flavins in blue-light photo-receptors
Penzkofer, Alfons
Priority Programmes
Current projects
High-lying excitons and tuneable excitonic quantum optics in stacked van-der-Waals semiconductors
Bange, Sebastian
Interlayer excitons in advanced, CVD-based van der Waals heterostructures with controlled moiré wavelength
Korn, Tobias
Schüller, Christian
Turchanin, Andrey
Terahertz nonlinear transport in twisted graphene and van der Waals heterostructures
Ganichev, Sergey
Completed projects
Anisotropic magnetotransort in density modulated two-dimensional electron systems
Weiss, Dieter
Charge carrier systems with strong spin-orbit interaction
Wegscheider, Werner
Charge transport through individual perylene-bisimide DNA aggregates using single-walled carbon nanotubes as contact leads
Strunk, Christoph
Wagenknecht, Hans-Achim
Coherent interactions of strong optical near-fields with free elecrons
Groß, Ph.D., Petra
Lienau, Ph.D., Christoph
Ropers, Claus
Schäfer, Sascha
Colloidal synthesis of photonic crystals impregnated with luminescent semiconductor nanocrystals
Rogach, Andrey
Cyclotron resonance induced photocurrents and opto-electronic characterization of 2D and 3D topological insulators
Ganichev, Sergey
Exploring of Bulk and Structure Inversion Asymmetry in GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Well Structures Applying Spin Photogalvanics
Ganichev, Sergey
Limits on graphene's charge carrier mobility and what we can do to overcome them --- interactions and disorder in epitaxial graphene on silicon carbide
Ast, Christian Reinhard
Gierz-Pehla, Isabella
Magnetic quantum ratchet in graphene and ratchet effects in graphene with a lateral superlattice
Eroms, Jonathan
Ganichev, Sergey
Weiss, Dieter
Optische Spektroskopie an Quanten-Hall-Systemen
Schüller, Christian
Realisierung hochbeweglicher zweidimensionaler Ladungsträgersysteme auf (100) und (110) GaAs Oberflächen
Abstreiter, Gerhard
Spincaloric transport and thermal spin transfer torque in thin film nanostructures
Back, Christian
Strunk, Christoph
Spin-Hall effect in 3D- and 2D-hole systems
Weiss, Dieter
Spin injection and detection in Silicon based heterostructures
Bougeard, Dominique
Spin-orbit interaction in HgTe based wires
Weiss, Dieter
The implementation of force detection in experiments on electron transport through single molecules
Repp, Jascha
Transport in Halbleiter-Übergittern unter dem Einfluß von THz-Strahlung
Renk, Karl F.
Ultrafast and time-resolved Raman spectroscopy of spin excitations in p-doped semiconductor heterostructures
Schüller, Christian
Ultraschnelle Magnetisierungsprozesse in Mikro- und Nanomagneten
Bayreuther, Günther
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Optische Halbleiter- Mikrosenatoren
Schüller, Christian
Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Kohlenstoff-Nanoröhrchen als elektronische und nanoelektromechanische Hybridsysteme im Quantenlimes
Hüttel, Andreas Klaus
Untersuchung und Kontrolle exzitonischer Quantenkorrelationen in Halbleitern durch ultrabreitbandige Terahertz-Impulse
Huber, Rupert
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Quantum transport in nanotubes: Single electron optomechanics and novel materials
Hüttel, Andreas Klaus
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Advanced Spin Transport and Protected Edge States in Graphene-Based Proximity Structures
(Project Heads
Eroms, Jonathan
Fabian, Jaroslav
Band structure engineering, interfaces and hybrid structures
(Project Heads
Bougeard, Dominique
Kronseder, Matthias
Schuh, Dieter
Integrated Research Training Group (IRTG)
(Project Heads
Evers, Ferdinand
Strunk, Christoph
Local topological transport and dynamics of antiferromagnets
(Project Heads
Back, Christian
Wunderlich, Jörg
Nanoscopic probing of spatio-temporal relaxation in heterogeneous structures
(Project Heads
Ropers, Claus
Schäfer, Sascha
Weitz, R. Thomas
Spin-orbit coupling in organic semiconductors
(Project Heads
Bange, Sebastian
Lupton, John
Spin-orbit effects in the supercurrent response of superconducting heterostructures and Josephson junctions
(Project Heads
Paradiso, Nicola
Strunk, Christoph
Spin-orbit induced dynamics in atomic scale systems
(Project Heads
Donarini, Andrea
Huber, Rupert
Repp, Jascha
Spin-orbit interaction and superconductivity in hybrid 1D-2D van derWaals heterostructures
(Project Heads
Grifoni, Milena
Marganska, Magdalena
Paradiso, Nicola
Strunk, Christoph
Spin-valley dynamics in monolayer semiconductors and their heterostructures: Optical transport and low-frequency Raman spectroscopy
(Project Heads
Chernikov, Alexey
Schüller, Christian
Spin-valley polarized excitonic three-level system for quantum interference in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides
(Project Heads
Fabian, Jaroslav
Lin, Kai-Qiang
Vogelsang, Jan
Subcycle dynamics of Dirac fermions in topological insulators
(Project Heads
Huber, Rupert
Huber, Markus A.
Terahertz spectroscopy of Dirac Fermion systems
(Project Head
Ganichev, Sergey
Topological tubes and wires and their hybrids
(Project Heads
Back, Christian
Kronseder, Matthias
Weiss, Dieter
Ultrafast charge and spin transfer in van-der-Waals heterostructures
(Project Heads
Gierz-Pehla, Isabella
Refaely-Abramson, Sivan
Completed projects
Cavity QED with Carbon Nanotube Quantum Dots using Superconducting Resonators: Charge and Spin Qubits
(Project Heads
Hüttel, Andreas Klaus
Strunk, Christoph
Central Tasks
(Project Head
Weiss, Dieter
Controlling the electronic structure of graphene with light
(Project Head
Gierz-Pehla, Isabella
Electrostatically Defined Spin Qubits in Si/SiGe: Devices and Materials with Engineered Nuclear Spin Concentration
(Project Heads
Abstreiter, Gerhard
Bougeard, Dominique
Elektrische Manipulation der optischen Eigenschaften einzelner konjugierter Polymermoleküle
(Project Heads
Lupton, John
Michaelis, Jens
Elektronenmikroskopische strukturelle und mikromagnetische Charakterisierung von magnetischen Halbleitern
(Project Head
Zweck, Josef
Experimental and theoretical investigations of spin-nanostructures built from single atoms
(Project Heads
Ebert, Hubert
Giessibl, Franz J.
Magnetic semiconductor nanostructures: Non-equilibrium spin detection and transport
(Project Head
Weiss, Dieter
Magnetism in graphene: spin transport and characterization on the atomicscale
(Project Heads
Eroms, Jonathan
Giessibl, Franz J.
Repp, Jascha
Strunk, Christoph
MBE Wachstum von ferromagnetischen Nanodrähten
(Project Heads
Bougeard, Dominique
Reiger, Elisabeth
Schuh, Dieter
Zweck, Josef
Molecular beam epitaxy of magnetic manganese-doped semiconductors
(Project Heads
Bougeard, Dominique
Schuh, Dieter
Wegscheider, Werner
Proximity induced spin-orbit coupling in atomic and molecular wires on substrates
(Project Heads
Egger, David
Evers, Ferdinand
Repp, Jascha
Raman scattering in transition metal dichalcogenides
(Project Heads
Korn, Tobias
Schüller, Christian
Rein elektrische Spininjektion durch Spin-Bahn-Wechselwirkung in gyrotropen Nanostrukturen
(Project Heads
Ganichev, Sergey
Molenkamp, Laurens W.
Wegscheider, Werner
SFB 689: Spin Phenomena in Reduced Dimensions
Weiss, Dieter
Spinabhängiger Transport heißer Elektronen
(Project Heads
Back, Christian
Bayreuther, Günther
Vancea, Johann
Spin-dependent transport and recombination in organic semiconductors
(Project Head
Lupton, John
Spin-dependent transport in interacting carbon nanotubes
(Project Heads
Grifoni, Milena
Hüttel, Andreas Klaus
Strunk, Christoph
Spin-dependent transport through individual molecules
(Project Heads
Donarini, Andrea
Grifoni, Milena
Repp, Jascha
Richter, Klaus
Spin dependent transport through individual molecules: scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy
(Project Head
Repp, Jascha
Spindiffusionslängen-Bestimmungen in nichtmagnetischen Nanodrähten mit beweglichen Nanokontakten
(Project Heads
Back, Christian
Vancea, Johann
Spin dynamics and spin diffusion in semiconductor heterostructures
(Project Heads
Korn, Tobias
Schüller, Christian
Spin injection from diluted magnetic semiconductors into semiconductor heterojunctions
(Project Heads
Back, Christian
Bayreuther, Günther
Ciorga, Mariusz
Weiss, Dieter
Spin injection into silicon
(Project Heads
Bougeard, Dominique
Ciorga, Mariusz
Zweck, Josef
Spin Ratchet Effects and Resonant Spin Currents in Semiconductor Heterostructures and Hybrid Systems
(Project Head
Ganichev, Sergey
Structure and conductivity of surfaces on topological insulators
(Project Heads
Ebert, Hubert
Giessibl, Franz J.
Terahertz quantum optics with semiconductor nanostructures
(Project Heads
Huber, Rupert
Leitenstorfer, Alfred
Ultrafast electric injection of spin-polarized tunnel currents in semiconductors
(Project Heads
Back, Christian
Bougeard, Dominique
Huber, Rupert
Verdünnte Ferromagnete und Andreev-Reflektion in Supraleiter/Ferromagnet-Heterostrukturen
(Project Heads
Bayreuther, Günther
Ebert, Hubert
Strunk, Christoph
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Aperturloses Terahertz--Nahfeld-Mikroskop
Dry dilution refrigerator with vector magnet
Feldemissionsrasterelektronenmikroskop mit Ionenstrahlsäule und Elektronenstrahllithographie-Schreibzusatz
Handschuhbox inkl. Aufdampfkammer
High-field magnetic resonance spectrometer for OLEDs
High-power ultrashort pulse laser system for simultaneous generation of ultrashort THz-pump and VUV-probe pulses
High-resolution scanning electron microscope with cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Hochrepetierende Multi-Terahertz-Hochfeldquelle
Hochvakuum Beschichtungsanlage mit Load-Lock Kammer
Low-temperature atomic force and scanning tunneling microscope
Magneto-opto-electrical measurement system with high spatial and temporal resolution
MBE-Sputtering-system for antiferromagnetic spintronic materials
Mikroskopsystem für nichtlineare Subzyklen-Nanooptik
Scattering near-field microscopy for Fourier transformation spectroscopy in the THz range
Spinauflösendes Lichtwellen-Rastersondenmikroskop
Tieftemperatur Fluoreszenzmikroskopsystem mit Magnetfeldoption
Tieftemperatur-Rastertunnel- und Rasterkraftmikroskop
time-resolved μARPES and TOF-PEEM setup (Teilfinanzierung)
UHV-Rastersondenmikroskop (LT-STM) für zeitaufgelöste Messungen
Ultrafast low-temperature UHV near-field microscope
Ultrafast Transmission Electron Microscope
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Subdiffraction Resolution Microscopy on Charge Injection into Conjugated Polymer Nanoparticles
Vogelsang, Jan
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2905: Ultrafast nanoscopy: from single-particle dynamics to cooperative processes
Huber, Rupert
Completed projects
GRK 235: Physics of Nanostructured Solids
Hansen, Wolfgang
GRK 638: Nonlinearity and Nonequilibrium in Condensed Matter
Strunk, Christoph
GRK 640: Natural Sensory Photoreceptors, Artificial Photoreceptors, Principle of Light Reception and Conversion into a Modulated Signal
Dick, Bernhard
GRK 1570: Electronic Properties of Carbon-based Nanostructures
Grifoni, Milena
GRK 1626: Chemical Photocatalysis
König, Burkhard
Additional Information
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