Project Details
Single electron optomechanics of the transversal carbon nanotube vibration
Dr. Andreas Klaus Hüttel
Subject Area
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
from 2020 to 2025
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 438640202
Carbon nanotubes are both prototypical single electron systems and nano-electromechanical resonators, and research on the interaction between charge transport and motion has led to many fascinating insights. We have recently been able to demonstrate as first research group world-wide optomechanical coupling of a suspended nanotube quantum dot and a superconducting coplanar microwave resonator [arXiv:1904.12188]. The coupling is strongly enhanced by Coulomb blockade. Here, we intend to build on these results, making CNTs a unique system where single electron tunneling, discrete well-defined electronic states, and microwave optomechanics interact. The quantum dot – microwave cavity combination is a highly versatile tool with large potential for further improvement. Two objectives shall guide our work: on the one hand, characterization of energy transfer and vibrational coupling of electronic transport processes, with the optomechanical system as sensor, on the other hand, the quantum manipulation of the transversal CNT vibration, with discrete states of trapped electrons as ancilla.
DFG Programme
Research Grants