Universität Regensburg
Fakultät für Physik
Institut für Theoretische Physik
93040 Regensburg
This institution in GERiT
93040 Regensburg
Research Grants
Current projects
2Dimensional van der Waals Spin-Orbit Torque Technology
Back, Christian
Fabian, Jaroslav
Connecting the Dots: Scalability and Connectivity of Bilayer Graphene Quantum Dots for Future Quantum Technologies
Knothe-Schulz, Angelika Hildegard
Electronic, Optical, and Transport Properties of Quantum Dots in Proximitised Bilayer Graphene
Knothe-Schulz, Angelika Hildegard
Higher-twist B-meson light-cone distribution amplitudes: theory and applications to weak decays
Rusov, Aleksey
Lattice calculations for Double Parton Distributions (DPDs)
Schäfer, Andreas
Numerical investigations of Anderson and Quantum Hall transitions: logarithmic conformal invariance, criticality without fine-tuning, multifractal dynamics
Evers, Ferdinand
Numerical investigations of ensembles of Boguliubov-deGennes Hamiltonians
Evers, Ferdinand
Progress towards a precise ab initio determination of parton structure of hadrons
Schäfer, Andreas
Spin and magnetic properties of superconducting tunnel junctions
Fabian, Jaroslav
Tensor approximation methods for modeling tumor progression
Grasedyck, Lars
Spang, Rainer
Wettig, Tilo
Terahertz magnetotransport in 2D electron systems: near-field effects, helicity, and non-locality
Dmitriev, Ivan A.
The electroweak and gravitational structure of the nucleon
Collins, Ph.D., Sara
Completed projects
Ab-initio-Berechnung der Struktur und Dynamik von Oberflächen unter Benutzung von molekulardynamischen Methoden und der Dichtefunktionalstörungstheorie
Schröder, Ulrich
A Statistical Approach to Quantum Many-Body Eigenstates near Criticality: Multifractality in Hilbert Space
Buchleitner, Andreas
Ballistic Graphene-based Dirac Devices
Richter, Klaus
Band Structure and Transport in Low-Dimensional Semiconductor Hole Systems
Wenk, Paul Thomas
Calculation of thermal conductivity and phonon viscosities in semiconductor crystals and superlattices
Mayer, Andreas
Development of a functional renormalization group to treat interaction effects in strongly disordered electron systems
Evers, Ferdinand
Eigenschaften von eingeschlossenen dünnen Bosonen- und Fermionengasen unter Verwendung von semiklassischen Methoden und fraktionaler Statistik
Brack, Matthias
Höhere-Ordnungs-Korrekturen zu harten exklusiven QCD Prozessen
Schäfer, Andreas
Höhere Twist-Effekte und exklusive Prozesse mit Spin: Theoretische Hintergründe
Braun, Vladimir
Magnetotransport phenomena in terahertz and dc driven Dirac fermion systems
Dmitriev, Ivan A.
Mechanisms of QCD in an external magnetic field
Bruckmann, Falk
Mesoscopic current patterns and orbital magnetism induced by dc-voltages
Evers, Ferdinand
Multiparton evolution equations in QCD
Braun, Vladimir
Nichtlineare Antwort mit der Dichtefunktional-Störungstheorie
Strauch, Dieter
Nonperturbative physics in sigma models
Bruckmann, Falk
Numerical study of many-body localization and the associated quantum phase transitions employing the finite-temperature density-matrix-renormalization group
Evers, Ferdinand
pQCD matching functions for lattice calculations of hadron structure
Schäfer, Andreas
QCD-Rechnungen für RHIC - Zusammenarbeit mit dem Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA
Schäfer, Andreas
Quantum correlations and the Bloch representation of quantum states
Eltschka, Christopher
Quantum transport, bifurcations, and emergent dynamic phases in strongly driven nanostructures
Dmitriev, Ivan A.
Quark distribution amplitudes and form factors of the nucleon resonances in QCD
Braun, Vladimir
Quarkdistributionsamplituden und Formfaktoren von baryonen in der QCD
Braun, Vladimir
Radiative Leptonic Decay B->gamma-ell-nu in QCD
Braun, Vladimir
Random-Matrix-Modelle für die Quantenchromodynamik und den chiralen Phasenübergang
Schäfer, Andreas
Resonant optical and transport phenomena in strongly driven nanostructures
Dmitriev, Ivan A.
Self-consistent treatment of disorder-induced interacting criticality
Evers, Ferdinand
Semiclassical Approach to Many-Particle Interference: Quantum Signatures of Classical Chaos and Criticality
Richter, Klaus
Urbina, Juan Diego
Semiclassical Approach to Spectral Statistics of Interacting Quantum Many-Body Systems
Guhr, Karl Thomas
Semiclassics beyond the diagonal approximation - spectral statistics and mesoscopic quantum phenomena
Richter, Klaus
Theoretische Untersuchungen zur Spinstruktur der Hadronen und zukünftige Beschleuniger-Projekte zu ihrer Erforschung
Schäfer, Andreas
Theorie der EXAFS-Methode und quantitative Anwendungen
Strauch, Dieter
Topologische Anregungen und QCD-Vakuum bei endlicher Temperatur
Bruckmann, Falk
Transverse Momentum Dependent Distributions from Lattice QCD
Schäfer, Andreas
Untersuchung des intrinsischen Josephsoneffekts in Hochtemperatursupraleitern: Realisierung ultraschneller Bauelemente mit atomaren Dimensionen
Keller, Joachim
Verbesserte Spin-abhängige XC-Funktionale für Quantenpunkte unter Verwendung der exakten Diagonalisierung
Rössler, Ulrich
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Mechanisms of QCD under extreme conditions
Bruckmann, Falk
Theoretische Physik
Wettig, Tilo
Theoretische Physik
Bali, Gunnar
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Nichtperturbative Struktur von Eichtheorien
Bruckmann, Falk
Präzisionsberechnungen von Spektrum und Zerfällen von B-Mesonen auf dem Gitter
Ali Khan, Arifa
Quanteneffekte in topologischen Anregungen in Doppelschicht-Quantenhallsystemen
Schliemann, John
Research Units
Current projects
Coordination Funds
Braun, Vladimir
FOR 2926: Next Generation Perturbative QCD for Hadron Structure: Preparing for the Electron-Ion Collider
Braun, Vladimir
Multiparton interactions and higher-twist effects
Braun, Vladimir
Diehl, Markus
New avenues for semi-inclusive scattering at the electron-ion collider (EIC)
Ahmed, Ph.D., Taushif
Jäger, Barbara
Vogelsang, Werner
Parton distributions and fragmentation functions
Braun, Vladimir
Kniehl, Bernd A.
Moch, Sven-Olaf
QCD evolution at one percent precision
Braun, Vladimir
Kniehl, Bernd A.
Moch, Sven-Olaf
Completed projects
Coherent spin control and geometrical phases in mesoscopic conductors
Richter, Klaus
FOR 465: Lattice-Hadron Phenomenology
Schäfer, Andreas
Gitter-Hadronen-Phänomenologie - Koordinatorprojekt -
Schäfer, Andreas
i) Strukturfunktionen, Formfaktoren und Generalized Parton Distributions ii) Chirale Fermionen
Schäfer, Andreas
Monopolar spin orientation and spin relaxation by nonlinear intersubband-spectroscopy
Prettl, Wilhelm
Nonlinear transport of bosonic matter waves and light
Richter, Klaus
QCD at nonzero density and nontrivial topology: lattice simulations and random-matrix predictions
Wettig, Tilo
QCD at scales of a few GeV
Braun, Vladimir
Semiklassische Theorie des spinabhängigen Transports in Nanostrukturen
Brack, Matthias
Spin-Effekte im Magnetotransport von lateralen Halbleiter-Übergittern
Suhrke, Michael
Spinpolarisierter Transport und Spinfluktuationen in Ferromagnet-Halbleiter-Tunnelsystemen
Richter, Klaus
Theoretical and experimental interplay to optimize the EIC design
Braun, Vladimir
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Proximity spin interactions in 2D magnetic vdW (hetero)multilayers
Fabian, Jaroslav
Completed projects
Controlled thermoelectric properties of low-dimensional charge carrier systems in semiconductor heterostructures
Buhmann, Hartmut
Eltschka, Christopher
Fischer, Saskia F.
Hansen, Wolfgang
Die GDH-Summenregel und höhere Twist-Beiträge zu den Spinstrukturfunktionen
Schäfer, Andreas
Dynamical phenomena in transport through single molecules: transients, noise and dissipation
Schmitteckert, Peter
Multifraktalität und Skalenverhalten an Quanten-Hall-Übergängen in normalen und supraleitenden Systemen
Evers, Ferdinand
Proximity effects in topological insulators
Fabian, Jaroslav
Signatures of the individual properties of single molecules in their transport characteristics: magnetism, pi-stacking, light emission
Evers, Ferdinand
Spin-Charge Locked Magneto-Transport and Mesoscopic Interference Phenomena in Topological Insulators
Richter, Klaus
Theory of spin-polarized thermal transport in ferromagnetic metallic heterostructures
Fabian, Jaroslav
Theory of spin relaxation and spin dynamics in silicon: from bulk to quantum dots
Fabian, Jaroslav
Transport von wechselwirkenden Elektronen in Quanten-Hall-Systemen
Mirlin, Alexander
Untersuchung der N(1535)-Resonanz und des Strangeness-Beitrags zum magnetischen Moment des Nukleons mittels Gitter-QCD
Schäfer, Andreas
Verbesserte mikroskopische Beschreibung von "Composite Fermions" im untersten Landau Band nahe halber Füllung
Evers, Ferdinand
Vibration effects, intramolecular interferences and switching in interacting molecular junctions
Richter, Klaus
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Real-time quantum simulations of ultrafast exciton dynamics with atomic resolution
Wilhelm, Jan
Completed projects
Studium harter, exklusiver, diffraktiver Prozesse innerhalb der QCD mit Schwerpunkt auf tiefinelastischer Comptonstreuung (DVCS)
Freund, Andreas
Reinhart Koselleck Projects
Current projects
Many-Body Quantum Processes at the Edge of Chaos: From Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics towards Quantum Gravity
Richter, Klaus
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Advanced Spin Transport and Protected Edge States in Graphene-Based Proximity Structures
(Project Heads
Eroms, Jonathan
Fabian, Jaroslav
Central tasks of the Collaborative Research Centre
(Project Head
Fabian, Jaroslav
Integrated Research Training Group (IRTG)
(Project Heads
Evers, Ferdinand
Strunk, Christoph
Interplay of spin-orbit coupling and magnetism in 2D materials
(Project Head
Fabian, Jaroslav
Quantum transport and time-dependent dynamics of Dirac fermions
(Project Heads
Richter, Klaus
Urbina, Juan Diego
SFB 1277: Emergent Relativistic Effects in Condensed Matter: From Fundamental Aspects to Electronic Functionality
Fabian, Jaroslav
Richter, Klaus
Simulation of ultrafast processes and high harmonic generation in topological materials
(Project Heads
Evers, Ferdinand
Refaely-Abramson, Sivan
Wilhelm, Jan
Spin-orbit induced dynamics in atomic scale systems
(Project Heads
Donarini, Andrea
Huber, Rupert
Repp, Jascha
Spin-orbit interaction and superconductivity in hybrid 1D-2D van derWaals heterostructures
(Project Heads
Grifoni, Milena
Marganska, Magdalena
Paradiso, Nicola
Strunk, Christoph
Spin-valley polarized excitonic three-level system for quantum interference in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides
(Project Heads
Fabian, Jaroslav
Lin, Kai-Qiang
Vogelsang, Jan
Topological phases and spin-orbit effects in driven superconductors
(Project Heads
Grifoni, Milena
Schliemann, John
Completed projects
Disorder in ferromagnetic semiconductors
(Project Heads
Schliemann, John
Wenk, Paul Thomas
Ein- und Vielteilchen-Aspekte bei Halbleiter-Nanostrukturen
(Project Head
Rössler, Ulrich
Electronic and Transport Properties of Two-Dimensional Magnetic and Spin-Polarized Heterostructures
(Project Heads
Fabian, Jaroslav
Schliemann, John
Korrelationen und Potentialverteilungen in Quanten-Dots und Punktkontakten
(Project Head
Rössler, Ulrich
Modeling and simulation of magnetic semiconductor device structures
(Project Heads
Fabian, Jaroslav
Kramer, Tobias
Nuclear Spins in Quantum Dots
(Project Heads
Cirac, Juan Ignacio
Giedke, Géza
Schliemann, John
Proximity induced spin-orbit coupling in atomic and molecular wires on substrates
(Project Heads
Egger, David
Evers, Ferdinand
Repp, Jascha
Quantentransport in lateralen Übergittern
(Project Heads
Kotthaus, Jörg Peter
Lorke, Axel
Rössler, Ulrich
Suhrke, Michael
Spin-dependent transport in interacting carbon nanotubes
(Project Heads
Grifoni, Milena
Hüttel, Andreas Klaus
Strunk, Christoph
Spin-dependent transport through individual molecules
(Project Heads
Donarini, Andrea
Grifoni, Milena
Repp, Jascha
Richter, Klaus
Spin effects in graphene
(Project Heads
Fabian, Jaroslav
Richter, Klaus
Theoretical Investigation of Spin Dependent Transport through Carbon Nanotubes
(Project Heads
Cuniberti, Gianaurelio
Grifoni, Milena
Theory of Superconducting Qubits
(Project Head
Grifoni, Milena
Transport, Dynamics and Interaction Effects in Systems with Spin-Orbit Coupling
(Project Heads
Richter, Klaus
Schliemann, John
Transport properties of GaMnAs nanostructures and Fe/GaAs junctions
(Project Heads
Fabian, Jaroslav
Grifoni, Milena
Vielteilchenbeschreibung ferromagnetischer Halbleiter: Korrelationseffekte in elektrischen und magnetischen Eigenschaften
(Project Heads
Ebert, Hubert
Schliemann, John
Completed projects
Central tasks of the SFB/TRR
(Project Head
Schäfer, Andreas
Chiral perturbation theory for hadron observables
(Project Head
Schäfer, Andreas
Development of innovative supercomputer hardware architectures for lattice QCD and similar applications
(Project Heads
Lippert, Thomas
Pleiter, Dirk
Wettig, Tilo
Development of system and application software for future supercomputer architectures
(Project Heads
Bloch, Jacques
Frommer, Andreas
Solbrig, Stefan
Hadron Distribution Amplitudes
(Project Head
Braun, Vladimir
Hadron Structure and Generalized Parton Distributions
(Project Head
Bali, Gunnar
Kaon and light quark physics
(Project Heads
Hölbling, Ph.D., Christian
Scholz, Enno E.
Phenomenological aspects of the QCD crossover region
(Project Heads
Borsányi, Szabolcs
Schäfer, Andreas
Renormalization of composite operators
(Project Heads
Braun, Vladimir
Göckeler, Meinulf
Szabó, Kálmán
Static test charges and string breaking
(Project Head
Bali, Gunnar
Strong decays and resonances
(Project Head
Bali, Gunnar
The investigation of hadron resonances
(Project Head
Göckeler, Meinulf
The Physics of Charm
(Project Heads
Collins, Ph.D., Sara
Dürr, Stephan
TMDs and DPDs
(Project Head
Schäfer, Andreas
TRR 55: Hadron Physics from Lattice QCD
Frommer, Andreas
Schäfer, Andreas
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Computer cluster
Integrated Data Storage System
QPACE 3 Supercomputer
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2905: Ultrafast nanoscopy: from single-particle dynamics to cooperative processes
Huber, Rupert
Completed projects
GRK 638: Nonlinearity and Nonequilibrium in Condensed Matter
Strunk, Christoph
GRK 1570: Electronic Properties of Carbon-based Nanostructures
Grifoni, Milena
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
PUNCH4NFDI - Particles, Universe, NuClei and Hadrons for the NFDI
Schörner, Thomas