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Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Mathematisches Institut
Theresienstraße 39
80333 München
This institution in GERiT
80333 München
Research Grants
Current projects
AEI-DFG: Transcending boundaries in Analysis through nonlocality
Frank, Rupert
Kaßmann, Rolf Moritz
Equivariant and weak orientations in the motivic homotopy theory
Ananyevskiy, Ph.D., Alexey
Geldhauser, Nikita
Error analyses for Bayesian reasoning
Binder, Karin
Eichler, Andreas
Motivic algebraic topology
Morel, Fabien
Sensing Strategies for Spherical Phaseless Antenna Measurements (S³PAM)
Heberling, Dirk
Rauhut, Holger
Symmetries in topology and algebra
Land, Markus
Training study on Bayesian Reasoning in school
Binder, Karin
Eichler, Andreas
Krauss, Stefan
Vogel, Markus
Completed projects
Algebraic bordism spectra: Computations, filtrations, applications
Röndigs, Oliver
Algebraic groups and motives of projective homogeneous varieties of outer type
Geldhauser, Nikita
Zhykhovich, Maksim
Analysis: Relativistische Materie und ihre Wechselwirkung
Siedentop, Heinz
Classifying spaces of algebraic groups and A1-homotopy theory.
Morel, Fabien
Compressive Covariance Sampling for Spectrum Sensing (CoCoSa)
Mathar, Rudolf
Rauhut, Holger
Die Energie schwerer Atome und Moleküle: Die Analysis von Modellen der relativistischen Quantenmechanik und Quantenelektrodynamik
Siedentop, Heinz
Effective One-Particle Equations for Correlated Many-Particle-(Coulomb) Systems: Derivation and Properties
Chen, Ph.D., Li
Pickl, Peter
Siedentop, Heinz
Equivariant Tamagwa numbers and Galois module theory
Bley, Werner
Etale motivic cohomology and algebraic cycles
Rosenschon, Ph.D., Andreas
Exakte Arithmetik für reelle Zahlen als Basis für einen maschinellen Beweis der Keplerschen Vermutung
Schwichtenberg, Helmut
Extraktion effizienter Programme aus formalen Beweisen
Schwichtenberg, Helmut
Extraktion von Programmen aus klassischen Beweisen -Extraction of programs from classical proofs
Schwichtenberg, Helmut
Foliations and contact structures
Bowden, Jonathan
Vogel, Thomas
Geometrie von Flächenbündeln
Kotschick, Ph.D., Dieter
Geometrisierung in Dimension 3 und Geometrie singulärer Räume
Leeb, Bernhard
Gibbs Partitions with Many Components
Panagiotou, Konstantinos
Konstruktive Methoden und äquivariante Tamagawazahlen
Bley, Werner
Mathematical study of non-relativistic QED: The Link between Resonances and Poles of the Scattering Matrix
Deckert, Dirk - André
Mathematics of Many-Body Quantum Systems
Nam, Phan Thanh
Mikroskopische Begründung des quantenmechanischen Streuquerschnittes mehrerer Teilchen
Dürr, Detlef
Motive und kanonische Dimension von Formen torischer Varietäten
Gille, Stefan
Organising matrices, height pairings and refined conjectures ofthe Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer type
Bley, Werner
Programmiersprachliche Aspekte sublinearer Platzkomplexitätsklassen
Hofmann, Martin
Real-world Networks and Random Graph Models
Panagiotou, Konstantinos
Semiclassical Gravitation
Dürr, Detlef
Stochastic differential equations in Hilbert spaces: solutions and asymptotic behavior
Dürr, Detlef
Theorie und Praxis der Extraktion von Programmen aus formalen Beweisen
Schwichtenberg, Helmut
Topological properties of algebraic varieties
Schreieder, Stefan
Zerlegung der Chow-Motive homogener Varietäten
Gille, Stefan
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Asymptotics of products of spectral projections with applications to Anderson's orthogonality and entanglement entropy
Gebert, Martin
Development of new invariants for 3-manifolds, 4-manifolds and contact structures and the study of their properties.
Sahamie, Bijan
Geography of 4-dimensional manifolds with even intersection form
Bohr, Christian
New methods in algebraic K-theory
Land, Markus
Spektralabschätzungen in Analysis und Mathematischer Physik
Frank, Rupert
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Emergence of macroscopic phenomena in the non-linear hyperbolic supersymmetric sigma model - second phase
Disertori, Margherita
Merkl, Franz
Rolles, Silke
Geometry of surface homeomorphism groups
Bowden, Jonathan
Hensel, Sebastian
Implicit Bias in Adversarial Training
Fornasier, Massimo
Rauhut, Holger
Completed projects
Asymptotic Invariants of Manifolds
Kotschick, Ph.D., Dieter
Classification of vector bundles over affine varieties
Rosenschon, Ph.D., Andreas
Compressive Covariance Estimation for Massive MIMO (CoCoMiMo)
Caire, Ph.D., Giuseppe
Dirksen, Sjoerd
Rauhut, Holger
Lohkamp, Joachim
Coordination Funds
Kutyniok, Gitta
Rauhut, Holger
Geometric Formality
Kotschick, Ph.D., Dieter
Geometrisierung in Dimension 3 und Geometrie singulärer Räume
Leeb, Bernhard
Geometry of Engel structures
Vogel, Thomas
Gibbsmaße für Punktteilchensysteme im Phasenübergangsbereich
Georgii, Hans-Otto
Oriented cohomology theories and equivariant motives
Geldhauser, Nikita
Polygons in symmetric spaces and buildings with applications to algebra
Leeb, Bernhard
Quantized Compressive Spectrum Sensing (QuaCoSS)
Mathar, Rudolf
Rauhut, Holger
Renormalization group for Gibbs point processes
Jansen, Sabine
Structured Compressive Sensing via Neural Network Learning (SCoSNeL)
Caire, Ph.D., Giuseppe
Rauhut, Holger
The Equivariant Tamagawa Number Conjecture for the base change of an abelian variety
Bley, Werner
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Motivic homotopy theory and cohomological properties of algebraic varieties
Ananyevskiy, Ph.D., Alexey
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Central Tasks of the Collaborative Research Centre
(Project Heads
Rauhut, Holger
Westdickenberg, Michael
Gradient descent for deep neural network learning
(Project Heads
Rauhut, Holger
Westdickenberg, Michael
Group actions and t-designs in sparse and low rank matrix recovery
(Project Heads
Führ, Hartmut
Nebe, Gabriele
Rauhut, Holger
Regularizing neural network classification using random perturbations
(Project Heads
Krumscheid, Sebastian
Rauhut, Holger
Tempone, Ph.D., Raul
SFB 1481: Sparsity and Singular Structures
Rauhut, Holger
Stamm, Benjamin
Westdickenberg, Michael
Theta tensor norms and low rank recovery
(Project Heads
Fourier, Ghislain
Rauhut, Holger
Completed projects
Invertibility of random matrices
(Project Heads
Rauhut, Holger
Schlein, Benjamin
Regressionsmodelle für Zeitreihen und Punktprozesse
(Project Head
Pruscha, Helmut
Current projects
Decay of Correlations in Continuum Particle Systems
(Project Heads
Heydenreich, Markus
Jansen, Sabine
Derivation of Nonlinear Quantum Boltzmann Equation
(Project Heads
Nam, Phan Thanh
Spohn, Herbert
Large Quantum Coulomb Systems
(Project Heads
Frank, Rupert
Nam, Phan Thanh
Solovej, Jan Philip
Localization for Very Sparse Erdös-Rényi Random Graphs
(Project Heads
Erdös, Ph.D., Laszlo
Heydenreich, Markus
Müller, Peter
Mathematical Challenges in the BCS Theory of Superconductivity
(Project Heads
Frank, Rupert
Hainzl, Christian
Seiringer, Robert
Rigorous Approximations for Fermionic Kinetic Energies
(Project Head
Frank, Rupert
The Correlation Energy of Many-Body Fermi Systems
(Project Heads
Hainzl, Christian
Nam, Phan Thanh
Seiringer, Robert
Completed projects
Effective theories of correlated fermions
(Project Heads
von Delft, Jan
Efetov, Konstantin
Müller, Peter
Periods and Motives
(Project Heads
Esnault, Hélène
Geldhauser, Nikita
Kerz, Moritz
Levine, Marc
Müller-Stach, Stefan
Stroppel, Catharina
Single-particle operators with disorder of short range structure
(Project Heads
Kirsch, Werner
Kriecherbauer, Thomas
Siedentop, Heinz
The spectrum of interacting fermions in graphene quantum dots
(Project Heads
Egger, Reinhold
Siedentop, Heinz
Stockmeyer, Edgardo
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 301: Logic in Computer Science
Schwichtenberg, Helmut
GRK 2131: High-dimensional Phenomena in Probahility - Fluctuations and Discontinuity
Eichelsbacher, Peter
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2111: Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST)
Bloch, Immanuel
Cirac, Juan Ignacio
Gross, Rudolf
Kraus, Barbara
Additional Information
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