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Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ
Themenbereich Wasserressourcen und Umwelt
Department Fließgewässerökologie
Brückstraße 3a
39114 Magdeburg
This institution in GERiT
39114 Magdeburg
Research Units
Completed projects
In situ Struktur und Funktion von Biofilm-Systemen bei der Mineralisation von Karbonaten
Neu, Thomas R.
Research Grants
Current projects
Biogeochemical hot moments upon flow resumption and coupled sediment transport: A comprehensive approach for temporary and perennial stream ecosystems (FlowReSeT)
Mendoza-Lera, Clara
Risse-Buhl, Ute
Influence of energy sources on biofilm phosphorus entrapment pathways in fluvial ecosystems
Perujo, Nuria
Completed projects
Biogeochemical hot moments upon flow resumption and coupled sediment transport: A comprehensive approach for temporary and perennial stream ecosystems (FlowReSeT)
Mendoza-Lera, Clara
Chemical communication in epiphytic communities under ocean acidification
von Elert, Ph.D., Eric
Fink, Patrick
Control of bacterial biofilm communities by protozoans under semi-natural conditions
Weitere, Markus
Die Rolle von Futterqualität und flüchtigen Fouragierkairomonen bei der Steuerung litoraler Schnecken-Periphyton-Interaktionen
Fink, Patrick
Grazer control of benthic algal biomass: The role of food quality on different levels of spatial organization
von Elert, Ph.D., Eric
Weitere, Markus
Homogenisation of ECosystem functioning between Temperate and Neotropical streams due to AgRicultural land usE (HECTARE)
Brauns, Mario
Interactions between consumer and resource diversity under changing environmental conditions
Fink, Patrick
Interactions between flow hydrodynamics and biofilm attributes and functioning in streams
Lorke, Andreas
Weitere, Markus
Interactions between mass transfer and growth in biofilm systems.
Hempel, Dietmar C.
(Redox-)Biogeochemistry on the Microscale - Biofilms and Model Systems
Obst, Martin
Regulation von Fließwasserbiofilmen
Weitere, Markus
Transfereffizienz von gelöstem organischem Kohlenstoff im mikrobiellen Nahrungsnetz
Kamjunke, Norbert
Tittel, Jörg
Untersuchung von Wachstum und Abtrag in Biofilmsystemen
Horn, Harald
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Diversity loss and trait dynamics in natural plankton communities
Fink, Patrick
Stibor, Herwig
Stockenreiter, Maria
Effect of trait variability on the dynamics of coupled, bi-trophic plankton - biofilm systems
Berendonk, Thomas U.
Gaedke, Ursula
Weitere, Markus
Impact of climate variability on the bentho-pelagic coupling in a large river
Weitere, Markus
Trait-related feedback dynamics in natural plankton communities
Fink, Patrick
Stibor, Herwig
Stockenreiter, Maria
Trait variability and defense costs in coupled bi-trophic plankton - biofilm systems: effects on predator-prey dynamics and coexistence
Berendonk, Thomas U.
van Velzen, Ellen
Weitere, Markus
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Effects of stressor increase and release on the functional composition and trophic interactions within food webs
(Project Heads
Schmidt, Torsten
Weitere, Markus
Completed projects
Effects of multiple stressors on food web architecture and processes
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Weitere, Markus
Additional Information
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