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Universität Leipzig
Medizinische Fakultät
Rudolf-Boehm-Institut für Pharmakologie und Toxikologie
Härtelstraße 16-18
04107 Leipzig
This institution in GERiT
04107 Leipzig
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Communication between cortical neurons and astrocytes by extracellular ATP and glutamate
Illes, Peter
Regulatoren heterotrimerer G-Proteine: Transgene Modelle für Phosducin
Lohse, Martin J.
Research Grants
Current projects
Function of Thy-1 (CD90) in the neuron – astrocyte communication
Saalbach, Anja
Inhibitor-induced counter-(up)regulation processes in gastric carcinoma: from secondary resistance mchanisms towards newly acquired tumor vulnerability
Aigner, Achim
Novel nanoporous SiO2-based flexible foils and textiles as sustained release systems for the transdermal application of drugs
Aigner, Achim
Enke, Dirk
The molecular role of selected circRNAs in cardiac macrophage dynamics and inflammatory response during cardiac remodeling after myocardial infarction
Jung, Ph.D., Mira
Completed projects
Analysis and therapeutic blocking of Exosome-miRNA tumor-derived signaling in colorectal carcinoma (Short title: Exo-antimiR)
Aigner, Achim
Behaviorally conditioned changes in peripheral immune functions: kinetics, affernet pathways and central processings
Krügel, Ute
Schedlowski, Manfred
Communication between cortical neurons and astrocytes by extracellular ATP and glutamate
Illes, Peter
Control of neuronal activity by the co-transmitter ATP: Role of P2Y1 receptors
Hirnet, Daniela
Effekte von Nukleotiden im mesocorticolimbischen dopaminergen System
Illes, Peter
Einfluss struktureller Modifikationen von P2X3-Rezeptoren
Illes, Peter
Gemeinsame Grundlagen von physiologischen Belohnungs- und pathopysiologischen Sensibilisierungsprozessen - Beteiligung purinerger Mechanismen
Kittner, Holger
Mechanismen der Gq/11- und G12/13- abhängigen Wachstumsregulation im kleinzelligen Bronchialkarzinom
Aigner, Achim
Gudermann, Thomas
MicroRNA mediated regulation of key components of the Mediator Complex (MED) and its functional role in CRPC
Aigner, Achim
Taubert, Helge
Modification of the gut-brain dopamine axis as a cause of altered food reward processing and weight loss maintenance after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery in a rodent model
Fenske, Wiebke Kristin
Krügel, Ute
Seyfried, Florian
Novel polymeric nanoparticles for pulmonary nucleic acid therapy - synthesis, toxicological analysis and biological / therapeutic assessment
Aigner, Achim
Novel therapeutic strategies in gliomas, based on the inhibition of the oncogenic signal transduction pathways Pim-1 / STAT3 through RNA interference and miRNA replacement
Aigner, Achim
Kögel, Donat
P2-Rezeptorexpression und -funktion in noradrenergen und cholinergen sympathischen Neuronen
Allgaier, Clemens
Pathophysiological role of P2X7 receptors in the nervous system
Illes, Peter
Regulation and structure of TRPC4 and -5
Schaefer, Michael
Role of formins in tumor progression and metastasis in vivo
Aigner, Achim
Grosse, Robert
Role of purinergic signaling in acupunctureinduced analgesia
Illes, Peter
Signaltransduktionsmechanismen von G-Protein-gekoppelten Rezeptorkinasen
Lohse, Martin J.
The growth factor Pleiotrophin (PTN) and the PTN-receptor in testicular and colon carcinoma: functional analysis as a basis for gene therapy
Aigner, Achim
Therapeutic inhibition of peritoneal carcinomatosis by nanoparticle/siRNA-mediated knockdown of specific integrins and selectins
Aigner, Achim
Wicklein, Daniel
Therapie von Lungenmetastasen durch Einschleusung nanopartikulärer Komplexe zur Freisetzung bioaktiver RNA-Moleküle in Tumorzellen
Aigner, Achim
TRPA1 modulation by its lipid environment and physiological functions in skin-derived cells
Hill, Kerstin
Zusammenhang zwischen adaptiven Veränderungen im endogenen Belohnungssystem und klinisch relevanten Ernährungsstörungen
Kittner, Holger
Emmy Noether International Fellowships
Completed projects
Heterologe Expression und funktionale elektrophysiologische Charakterisierung eines Calciumkanals aus Spermatozoen
Hill, Kerstin
Research Units
Current projects
Development of novel nanoparticle formulations for therapeutic in vivo lncRNA knockdown and circRNA-mediated oncomiR inhibition
Aigner, Achim
FOR 5433: RNA in focus (RIF): From mechanisms to novel therapeutic strategies in cancer treatment
Hüttelmaier, Stefan
Completed projects
Characterization of affinity-tagged fluorescent P2X and P2Y receptors in BAC transgenic mice in health and disease
Franke, Heike
Schmalzing, Günther
Hormon-induzierte Differenzierung glatter Gefäßmuskelzellen
Reusch, Peter
Interfering with protein interaction of phosphoinositide-3-kinase gamma and of store-operated calcium channels
Schaefer, Michael
Involvement of P2 receptors in the modulation of nociceptive afferent stimuli
Illes, Peter
Riedel, Thomas
Pharmacological modulation of P2X receptors by approved drugs and natural compounds
Schaefer, Michael
Therapie pulmonaler Metastasen durch die Freisetzung von therapeutischen RNA-Molekülen aus polymeren Nanopartikeln
Aigner, Achim
Z-Project (coordination and central funds)
Schöneberg, Torsten
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Mechanisms of receptor localization and localized signaling
(Project Heads
Bock, Andreas
Lohse, Martin J.
Completed projects
Aktivierung, Desensibilisierung und Internalisierung G-Protein-gekoppelter Rezeptoren
(Project Heads
Hoffmann, Carsten
Lohse, Martin J.
Assemblierung von TRPV-Untereinheiten zu funkionellen Kationenkanalkomplexen
(Project Heads
Schaefer, Michael
Schultz, Günter
Das ß-adrenerge Rezeptorsystem in der Herzinsuffizienz
(Project Head
Lohse, Martin J.
Desensibilisierung und Internalisierung G-Protein-gekoppelter Rezeptoren
(Project Heads
Krasel, Cornelius
Lohse, Martin J.
Intracellular cAMP- and cGMP-compartments in cell-cell communication in the cardiovascular system
(Project Head
Lohse, Martin J.
In vivo Detektion der Rezeptor-Signaltransduktion mittels FRET Mikroskopie
(Project Heads
Bünemann, Moritz
Lohse, Martin J.
Microscopic methods to study how GPCR dynamics and localization impact signaling specificity
(Project Heads
Annibale, Paolo
Lohse, Martin J.
Purinerge Neurotransmission
(Project Heads
von Kügelgen, Ivar Constantin
Nörenberg, Wolfgang
Regulatoren heterotrimerer G-Proteine
(Project Heads
Lohse, Martin J.
Quitterer, Ursula
Septale Neurone: Entwicklung präsynaptischer Funktionen
(Project Heads
Allgaier, Clemens
Heimrich, Bernd
Jackisch, Rolf
Sprecher, Sekretariat und Verwaltung des SFB
(Project Head
Lohse, Martin J.
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Zellanalyse- und Hochgeschwindigkeitssortiersystem
Current projects
The role of TRPV2 and TRPV3 in epithelial barrier homeostasis
(Project Heads
Hill, Kerstin
Schaefer, Michael
Completed projects
Deciphering fast intra- and intermolecular dynamics of G protein-coupled receptors by Fluorescence (Cross) Correlation Spectroscopy
(Project Heads
Heinze, Katrin G.
Lohse, Martin J.
Growth regulation of small cell lung cancer cells by neuropeptides
(Project Heads
Aigner, Achim
Gudermann, Thomas
Kinetics of metabotropic glutamate receptors
(Project Heads
Benndorf, Klaus
Lohse, Martin J.
DFG Research Centres
Completed projects
(Project Head
Lohse, Martin J.
FZT 82: Rudolf Virchow Center for Experimental Biomedicine
Lohse, Martin J.
(Project Head
Lohse, Martin J.
(Project Head
Lohse, Martin J.
(Project Head
Lohse, Martin J.
(Project Head
Lohse, Martin J.
Zentrale Verwaltung
(Project Head
Lohse, Martin J.
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1097: Interdisciplinary Approaches in Cellular Neurosciences (InterNeuro)
Reichenbach, Andreas
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 106: Graduate School for Life Sciences (GSLS)
Kisker, Caroline
Additional Information
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