Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Institut für Analysis
Englerstraße 2
76131 Karlsruhe
This institution in GERiT
76131 Karlsruhe
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Kompositionsoperatoren auf H² und auf gewichteten Bergmanräumen
Böttger, Ulrich
Research Grants
Completed projects
Functional analytic methods for evolution equations
Jacob, Birgit
Schnaubelt, Roland
H -Funktionalkalkül und seine Anwendungen auf partielle Differentialgleichungen
Weis, Lutz
Qualitatives Verhalten parabolischer Probleme mit nichtlinearen dynamischen und statischen Randbedingungen
Schnaubelt, Roland
Stabilität, Instabilität und Bifurkation bei Strömungen mit freier Oberfläche über gewellte geneigte Böden
Schneider, Guido
Willmore surfaces in Riemannian manifolds
Lamm, Tobias
Metzger, Jan
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Central Tasks
(Project Heads
Hochbruck, Marlis
Reichel, Wolfgang
Dispersive estimates for wave-type equations with low regularity coefficients
(Project Heads
Frey, Dorothee
Schnaubelt, Roland
Dynamics of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation and related dispersive equations
(Project Heads
Liao, Xian
Schneider, Guido
Electromagnetic fields interacting with quantum matter
(Project Heads
Anapolitanos, Ioannis
Hundertmark, Dirk
Frequency combs
(Project Heads
Jahnke, Tobias
Koos, Christian
Reichel, Wolfgang
Homogenization of time-varying metamaterials
(Project Heads
Plum, Michael
Rockstuhl, Carsten
Verfürth, Barbara
Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Dörfler, Willy
Griesmaier, Roland
Schnaubelt, Roland
Large signals in nonlinear fiber optics
(Project Heads
Hundertmark, Dirk
Kunstmann, Peer Christian
Weis, Lutz
Local inversion for linear seismic imaging
(Project Heads
Kunstmann, Peer Christian
Rieder, Andreas
Localized solutions for nonlinear Maxwell and wave-type equations
(Project Heads
Plum, Michael
Reichel, Wolfgang
Nonlinear stability of periodic waves in dissipative-dispersive systems
(Project Heads
Frey, Dorothee
de Rijk, Björn
Qualitative behavior of nonlinear Maxwell equations
(Project Heads
Schnaubelt, Roland
Weis, Lutz
Time integration of Maxwell and wave-type equations
(Project Heads
Hochbruck, Marlis
Jahnke, Tobias
Schnaubelt, Roland
Completed projects
Dispersion management
(Project Heads
Hundertmark, Dirk
Schnaubelt, Roland
Geometric wave equations
(Project Heads
Lamm, Tobias
Schnaubelt, Roland
Schörkhuber, Birgit
Modeling, design and optimization of 3D waveguides
(Project Heads
Dörfler, Willy
Koos, Christian
Reichel, Wolfgang
Rockstuhl, Carsten
Spectral methods for dispersive equations
(Project Heads
Kunstmann, Peer Christian
Weis, Lutz
Stability of patterns for hyperbolic-parabolic equations
(Project Heads
Plum, Michael
Rottmann-Matthes, Jens
Standing and moving pulses in periodic media
(Project Heads
Reichel, Wolfgang
Schneider, Guido
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2229: Asymptotic Invariants and Limits of Groups and Spaces
Sauer, Roman
Completed projects
GRK 1294: Analysis, Simulation and Design of Nanotechnological Processes
Dörfler, Willy
Hochbruck, Marlis