Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Institut für Angewandte und Numerische Mathematik
Arbeitsgruppe Wissenschaftliches Rechnen
Englerstraße 2
76131 Karlsruhe
This institution in GERiT
76131 Karlsruhe
Research Grants
Completed projects
Effiziente parallele Lösungsverfahren für 3D-Finite-Elemente-Simulationen in der Finiten Plastizität
Wieners, Christian
Fine-tuning of a realistic measurement model in electrical impedance tomography
Rieder, Andreas
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Efficient and robust coupling methods for electro-mechanic models of the human heart
Loewe, Axel
Wieners, Christian
Nonlinear Fracture Dynamics: Modeling, Analysis, Approximation, and Applications
Thomas, Marita
Weinberg, Kerstin
Wieners, Christian
Completed projects
Hybrid discretizations in solid mechanics for non-linear and non-smooth problems
Reese, Stefanie
Wieners, Christian
Wohlmuth, Barbara
Numerical methods for high-dimensional stochastic reaction networks
Jahnke, Tobias
Research Units
Completed projects
Efficient Numerical Solution Methods for Dislocation based Plasticity
Wieners, Christian
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Adaptive implicit space-time discretization for wave equations
(Project Heads
Dörfler, Willy
Wieners, Christian
Dynamics of cardiac electrophysiological depolarization waves
(Project Heads
Dössel, Olaf
Jahnke, Tobias
Loewe, Axel
Wieners, Christian
Frequency combs
(Project Heads
Jahnke, Tobias
Koos, Christian
Reichel, Wolfgang
Local inversion for linear seismic imaging
(Project Heads
Kunstmann, Peer Christian
Rieder, Andreas
Numerical methods for highly oscillatory problems
(Project Heads
Hochbruck, Marlis
Jahnke, Tobias
Lubich, Christian
Seismic imaging by full waveform inversion
(Project Heads
Bohlen, Thomas
Griesmaier, Roland
Kirsch, Andreas
Rieder, Andreas
Wieners, Christian
Time integration of Maxwell and wave-type equations
(Project Heads
Hochbruck, Marlis
Jahnke, Tobias
Schnaubelt, Roland
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1294: Analysis, Simulation and Design of Nanotechnological Processes
Dörfler, Willy
Hochbruck, Marlis