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Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Theoretisch-Physikalisches Institut
Max-Wien-Platz 1
07743 Jena
This institution in GERiT
07743 Jena
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Accurate wave functions for open-shell atoms including open d- and f-shell elements
Fritzsche, Stephan
Erzeugung, Dekohärenz und QND-Messung von verschränkten Quantenzuständen
Welsch, Dirk-Gunnar
Laser-assisted ionization and spin-polarization of electrons in strong twisted and phase-controlled light fields
Fritzsche, Stephan
Poisson Sigma Models and String Theory
Strobl, Thomas
Stringkompaktifizierungen, Supergravitation und spezielle Geometrie
Wipf, Andreas
Zwei- und Mehrphotonenionisation der Innerschalenelektronen mittlerer und schwerer Elemente
Fritzsche, Stephan
Research Grants
Current projects
GROOVHY: Gravitational radiation from black holes’ hyperbolic mergers
Bernuzzi, Sebastiano
Magnetic field dynamics in neutron stars
Bernuzzi, Sebastiano
MEMI: Modeling ElectroMagnetic waves and Inference from multi-messenger observations of neutron star mergers
Bernuzzi, Sebastiano
Completed projects
Accurate transition amplitudes for the capture and emission of electrons in open-shell atoms
Fritzsche, Stephan
Asymptotically free gauged Yukawa systems
Gies, Holger
Atomare Störungsrechnungen zur Ein- und Mehrfachionisation von Helium- und Lithiumähnlichen Ionen
Fritzsche, Stephan
Auskopplung nichtklassischer Strahlungsfeldzustände aus Resonatoren
Welsch, Dirk-Gunnar
Casimir-Polder-Kräfte auf Atome nahe dispersiven und absorptiven magnetodielektrischen Körpern
Welsch, Dirk-Gunnar
Chiral Fermions and Quantum Gravity
Gies, Holger
Equilibrium configurations of rotating fluids in Newton´s and Einstein´s theories of gravitation
Meinel, Reinhard
Exakte Lösungen der Einsteinschen Feldgleichungen mit reinen Strahlungsfeldern
Kramer, Dietrich
Extraction of quantum states of nonclassical radiation from cavities
Vogel, Werner
Welsch, Dirk-Gunnar
Gittermodelle mit dynamischen Fermionen
Wipf, Andreas
Gravitational Waves from Neutron Star and Black Hole Mergers
Brügmann, Bernd
Hyperfine structure and g factor in heavy ions: test of QED in strong fields
Volotka, Andrey V.
Monopolkondensation und Confinement
Wipf, Andreas
New physics from lattice simulations of strongly interacting gauge theories
Bergner, Georg
Quantenkräfte in Nanotechnologie, Laserphysik und Teilchenphysik
Gies, Holger
Spectral Elements for Numerical Relativity and Gravitational Wave Source Modeling
Brügmann, Bernd
Sphaleron-induzierte Baryonenzahl-Verletzung
Wipf, Andreas
Spontaner Zerfall und interatomarer Photonenaustausch in Mikroresonatoren unter Berücksichtigung von Disperson und Absorption
Welsch, Dirk-Gunnar
Strong interactions beyond the Standard Model: Supersymmetry on the lattice, dualities, and confinement
Bergner, Georg
Supersymmetrische Feldtheorien auf den Gittern
Wipf, Andreas
Supersymmetrische Yang-Mills Theorien im Kontinuum und auf dem Gitter
Wipf, Andreas
The true Quantum Metric of Quantum Gravity
Gies, Holger
Transfer of orbital angular momentum in high-harmonic generation
Fritzsche, Stephan
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Building quantum space-time: spin foams and the renormalization group
Steinhaus, Sebastian
Completed projects
Quantenfluktuationen und Quantenvakua
Gies, Holger
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Geometrie deformierter Seiberg-Witten Theorie
Länge, Jean Dominique
Quasi-Gleichgewichtskonfigurationen relativistischer Binärsysteme
Ansorg, Marcus
Heisenberg Professorships
Completed projects
The holographic duality - foundations and applications
Ammon, Martin
Theoretische Physik
Gies, Holger
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Strong interactions beyond the Standard Model: Confinement and Gauge-Gravity Dualities on the lattice
Bergner, Georg
Completed projects
Analytical Approximation Methods
(Project Head
Schäfer, Gerhard
Central Administration
(Project Head
Brügmann, Bernd
Collision and Merger of Black Holes and Neutron Stars
(Project Heads
Brügmann, Bernd
Rezzolla, Luciano
Thornburg, Jonathan
From Compton scattering to strong-field electrodynamics
(Project Heads
Gies, Holger
Paulus, Gerhard G.
Inspiralling Black Holes and Neutron Stars
(Project Head
Schäfer, Gerhard
Numerical Methods for General Relativity
(Project Heads
Brügmann, Bernd
Lubich, Christian
Zumbusch, Gerhard
(Project Head
Brügmann, Bernd
Orbiting Black Holes
(Project Head
Brügmann, Bernd
Pseudo-spectral methods for the Einstein equations on hyperboloidal slices
(Project Head
Ansorg, Marcus
Public Outreach "Gravitational Wave Astronomy"
(Project Head
Brügmann, Bernd
Rotating Neutron Stars and Black Holes
(Project Heads
Ansorg, Marcus
Meinel, Reinhard
TRR 7: Gravitational Wave Astronomy
Brügmann, Bernd
Research Units
Current projects
Coordination Funds
Gies, Holger
FOR 2783: Probing the Quantum Vacuum at the High-Intensity Frontier
Gies, Holger
Quantum vacuum nonlinearities in the all-optical regime
Gies, Holger
Ruhl, Hartmut
Completed projects
Functional renormalization group for ultracold atoms
Gies, Holger
Kopietz, Peter
Wetterich, Christof
Quantum criticality: coupled renormalization of electrons and order parameter fluctuations
Metzner, Walter
WBP Fellowship
Current projects
Cosmology and Causal Structure in 2+1d Spin-foam Quantum Gravity
de Figueiredo e Simão, José Diogo
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1523: Quantum and Gravitational Fields
Wipf, Andreas
GRK 2522: Strong Dynamics and Criticality in Quantum and Gravitational Systems
Gies, Holger
Additional Information
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