Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Chemisch-Geowissenschaftliche Fakultät
Institut für Geowissenschaften
Burgweg 11
07749 Jena
This institution in GERiT
07749 Jena
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
Decrypting tidal- and Milankovitch-driven sedimentary rhythms in nearshore strata of the Archean Moodies Group, South Africa
Gugliotta, Marcello
Heubeck, Christoph
De Vleeschouwer, Ph.D., David
Did borehole BASE 3 encounter an Archaean, microbially colonized hot springs field in a tidal flat ?
Heubeck, Christoph
Completed projects
Alteration of basaltic glass from the North Pond area, Mid-Atlantic Ridge 22°46'N, 46°05'W, Expedition 336
Bach, Wolfgang
Drilling Earth's early surface environments: Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
Heubeck, Christoph
Facies analysis of the Mapepe Foreland Basin, Barberton Greenstone Belt, by well-to-well correlation
Heubeck, Christoph
Geochemical and mineralogical studies of impact glasses: drill core samples from the Bosumtwi impact crater and related distal ejecta
Langenhorst, Falko
Initiation des Magmatismus der jurassischen Ferrar Gruppe in Nord Viktoria Land, Antarktis: - stratigraphisches Alter, Zusammensetzung und Ablagerungsmilieu der vulkaniklastischen und epiklastischen Sedimente der Exposure Hill und Section Peak Formation, Beacon Supergruppe
Gaupp, Reinhard
Initiation of Jurassic Ferrar Group Magmatism in North Victoria Land, Antarctica: - stratigraphic age, composition and depositional environment of volcaniclastic and epiclastic sediments of the Exposure Hill and Section Peak Formation, Beacon Supergroup
Gaupp, Reinhard
Schneider, Jörg W.
Viereck, Lothar
Interpretation of gravimetric and magnetic data in the region of North-Victoria-Land, Antarctica, concerning the structure of the crust and the lay-out of major fault systems
Jahr, Thomas
Läufer, Andreas
Mineralogical and geochemical studies of impact melt products from the Chesapeake Bay and the Lake Bosumtwi impact structures (ICDP)
Deutsch, Alexander Gustav Josef
Langenhorst, Falko
Mineralogical and geochemical studies of impact melt products from the Chesapeake Bay impact structure
Deutsch, Alexander Gustav Josef
Langenhorst, Falko
Modellierung des thermohydraulischen Feldes im Bereich des Blake Ridge (ODP Leg 164)
Kukowski, Nina
Monitoring and interpretation of hydrologically induced deformations at the KTB location
Jahr, Thomas
Quantifizierung der thermischen Vorgeschichte vulkanischer Effusiva durch Entgasungsexperimente
Heide, Klaus
Resource fluctuations and niche separation in plant communities: Can land-use effects on soil moisture explain observed patterns in plant diversity?
Dormann, Carsten
Shock effects in sulfates: nature - experiments - modeling
Langenhorst, Falko
Spatial and temporal seismic imaging of fluid migration through the crust in the W-Bohemia/Vogtland earthquake swarm area
Korn, Michael
Wegler, Ulrich
The Permo-Carboniferous of North Victoria Land, Antarctica: continental despositional systems and paleo-environmental evolution of a high-latitude Gondwana basin
Gaupp, Reinhard
Research Grants
Current projects
Between Westerlies and the Intertropical Convergence Zone: a high-resolution paleoclimate and paleoenvironment study of Holocene sediments of the Layla lakes, Saudi Arabia
Hinderer, Matthias
Pint, Anna
Schwalb, Antje
Improving the proxy value of Quaternary Ostracoda
Frenzel, Peter
Sensitivity of seismic velocity towards tidal induced stress changes
Eulenfeld, Tom
Completed projects
Analysis of seismic attenuation in the earthquake swarm area near Werdau
Wegler, Ulrich
Ca-Si-Fe-Perowskite mit Sauerstoff-Defekten: Strukturen, Stabilität, Eigenschaften
Seifert, Friedrich A.
Cenozoic sediments of the Tajik basin: sedimentology, provenance, and the tectonic record of the Pamir
Gaupp, Reinhard
Schneider, Jörg W.
Development and model-based test of a SQUID-based high-resolution superconducting gravimeter (HR-1D-SG)
Jahr, Thomas
Löffler, Frank H.W.
Stolz, Ronny
Die Funktion quartärer Talsedimente für den Austrag von Schwermetallen/Radionukliden nach der Flutung des Ronneburger Reviers
Büchel, Georg
Dynamics of active and recent accretion in the cascadia subduction zone
Klaeschen, Dirk
Dynamische Modellierung der Andenorogenesek eingebettet in ein 3D Kugelschalenmodell des Erdmantels
Kley, Jonas
Earth´s earliest mappable ecosystem
Heubeck, Christoph
Elastische Energietransfertheorie zur Modellierung von Seismogrammeinhüllenden für Raum- und Oberflächenwellen
Korn, Michael
Entmischungstextur von Orthopyroxenen - Schlüsselfaktor für die Mg, Fe2+-Platzverteilung?
Langenhorst, Falko
Evolution of a thick-skinned thrust system and associated basins, Northern Tien Shan, Kzakhstan
Kley, Jonas
Experimental determination of mantle rheology
Frost, Daniel J.
Experimental simulation of silica melting and amorphization under extreme shock conditions
Langenhorst, Falko
Exploiting a very-high-resolution Archean surface record
Heubeck, Christoph
First occurrence of stromatolites in the Early Archean Moodies Group (3.22 Ga), Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
Heubeck, Christoph
Formation and dynamics of organo-mineral associations in redoximorphic soils
Eusterhues, Karin
Müller, Carsten Werner
Rennert, Thilo
Geodynamische Modellierung des rezenten Spannungs- und Deformationsfeldes zur Seismotektonik sowie der wesentlichen Phasen der geologischen Entwicklung im Vogtland mit der Finiten-Element-Methode (FEM)
Jahr, Thomas
Geodynamische Signale in der Schwere im Periodenbereich zwischen 3 h und 2 Jahren
Kroner, Corinna
Gravimetrische Modellierungen und Untersuchungen zum Schwerefeld des Vogtlandes und seiner Umgebung
Jahr, Thomas
Gravimetrische und geodynamische Untersuchungen von hydrologischen Einflüssen in Schwerefeldbeobachtungen und deren Reduktion
Hofmann, Yvonne
Gravimetrische und geodynamische Untersuchungen zu hydrologischen Einflüssen
Jahr, Thomas
Holocene climatic events in Northern Arabia - Environmental changes and human response
Engel, Max
Frenzel, Peter
Plessen, Birgit
Laboratory-scale NEXAFS spectroscopy for the investigation of Fe oxides and organic matter in soil
Eusterhues, Karin
Mann, Klaus R.
Long-term impact of CO2 on the stability of mineral assemblages in porous reservoir sandstones - Analogue study in natural CO2 reservoirs form Central Europe
Gaupp, Reinhard
Magnetic properties and microfabrics of shocked minerals and their influence on the magnetic anomalies in the Ries, Vredefort and Manicouagan impact structures
Gilder, Stuart Alan
Trepmann, Claudia
Mikrostrukturelle und mikrochemische Untersuchungen an Ca,Al-reichen Einschlüsse (CAIs) und interstellaren Körnern in primitiven Meteoriten
Bischoff, Addi
Modellierung des Einflusses von Lithologie und strukturgeologischen Merkmalen auf Deformationen der Erdkruste
Kroner, Corinna
Monitoring spatio-temporal variation in the Earth's crust using seismic coda and ambient noise
Wegler, Ulrich
Oxidationszustand und Verteilung der Übergangsmodelle Ti und Cr im unteren Erdmantel: Hochdruckexperimente - Elektronen-Energieverlust-Spektroskopie - Modellierung
Langenhorst, Falko
Quellen und Übertragungsmechanismen des seismischen Rauschens im Frequenzbereich von 0.01 bis 10 mHz
Kroner, Corinna
Quellen und Übertragungsmechanismen des seismischen Rauschens im Frequenzbereich von 0.01 bis 10 mHz
Westerhaus, Malte
Rekonstruktion greenscher Funktionen durch Unruhe-Korrelationen am Gräfenberg-Array und dem deutschen seismologischen Regionalnetz
Wegler, Ulrich
Sedimentary and tectonic response to the exhumation of the Harz mountains
Gaupp, Reinhard
Sedimentary Environments and Biodiversity of Ichnofaunas at the pC/C-Boundary of the Yangtze Platform: Palaoecologic and Biostratigraphic Significance
Heubeck, Christoph
Stochastic modeling of seismic wave propagation beneath island-arcs and volcanoes
Korn, Michael
The marine sector of the North German Basin and the Tornquist Zone: Structural evolution and fluid flow
Hübscher, Christian
Noack, Vera
Untersuchung der Ausbreitung von Oberflächenwellen mittels mode matching, partitioned waveform inversion und Born-Inversion
Malischewsky, Peter
Untersuchung kleinräumiger Inhomogenitäten der Erdkruste unter Deutschland mit lokalen und teleseismischen Ereignissen unter Verwendung der Energietransfertheorie
Wegler, Ulrich
Vergleichende gravimetrische, geomagnetische und geologische Untersuchungen im Bereich des Diatrems von Ebersbrunn und der Triasscholle bei Greiz
Jahr, Thomas
Kämpf, Horst
Vergleichende sedimentologische und paläolimnologische Untersuchungen an oligozänen Seeablagerungen im rheinischen Schiefergebirge
Gaupp, Reinhard
Verwitterung organischer Komponenten in paläozoischen Sedimenten als Quelle wasserlöslicher organischer Substanzen und deren Rolle beim Transport von Schwermetallen
Heide, Klaus
Wasserabgabe- und Kristallisationsverhalten von Silicatgläsern und -schmelzen
Heide, Klaus
Weltweiter Vergleich von Schwarmbeben-Gebieten hinsichtlich seismologischer Besonderheiten und geophysikalischer Mechanismen: Gemeinsamkeiten - Widersprüche
Jahr, Thomas
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Local pathways to the Fluvial Anthroposphere at Echaz (Rhine) and Eger (Danube). A comparative analysis from c. AD 1100 to 1800
Frenzel, Peter
Hirbodian, Sigrid
Kühn, Peter
Schenk, Gerrit Jasper
Werban, Ulrike
Werther, Lukas
Zielhofer, Christoph
Completed projects
Crystal chemistry of hibonite as indicator for oxygen fugacities during solar nebula condensation
Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana
Langenhorst, Falko
Diagenesis of red bed clastic reservoirs in the Central European Basin: how important is organic maturation and migration?
Gaupp, Reinhard
Formation mechanisms of high-pressure phases in Martian meteorites
Bläß, Ulrich W.
Integrated MOdelling of Satellite and Airborne Gravity data of Active plate margins
Götze, Hans-Jürgen
Jentzsch, Gerhard
Pail, Roland
Mechanisms of metal-silicate segregation during formation of the Martian core
Rubie, David
Metal-related mineral assemblages as probes into protoplanetary gas-solid interactions
Harries, Dennis
Microfossils as indicators of aquatic ecosystem evolution and monsoon dynamics
Frenzel, Peter
Mischke, Steffen
Schwalb, Antje
Microfossils as indicators of aquatic ecosystem evolution and monsoon dynamics
Frenzel, Peter
Mischke, Steffen
Schwalb, Antje
Oxygen solubility in Fe-Ni-S alloy at high pressure and implications for the formation and compositions of planetary cores
Langenhorst, Falko
Rubie, David
Reactions of petroleum compounds with hematite grain-coatings and their effects on diagenesis and pore structure of clastic reservoir rocks
Gaupp, Reinhard
Krooß, Bernhard M.
Reactions of petroleum compounds with hematite grain-coatings and their effects on diagenesis and pore structure of clastic reservoir rocks
Krooß, Bernhard M.
Rock-fluid interactions in deep overpressured basinal settings of the Central Graben, North Sea: organic and inorganic considerations
di Primio, Rolando
Rock-fluid interactions in deep overpressured basinal settings of the Central Graben, North Sea: Organic and inorganic considerations
Gaupp, Reinhard
Stability and structures of hydrous minerals in the transition zone of the Martian mantle
Frost, Daniel J.
Langenhorst, Falko
Sub-seismic deformation on different scales in the North German Basin
Gaupp, Reinhard
Kukla, Ph.D., Peter
Oncken, Onno
Systematics of the post-spinel tranisition in Fe-bearing compositions
Frost, Daniel J.
Langenhorst, Falko
Woodland, Alan Butler
Temporal And Spatial Multiscale Assessment of mass transport by combination of Gravity Observations from GRACE and terrestrial stations
Förste, Christoph
Güntner, Andreas
Ihde, Johannes
Jentzsch, Gerhard
Thermochemical Evolution of Mars and Earth
Walzer, Uwe
The role of early Archean Terrestrial Environments in Weathering, Sediment Transport, and the Colonization of Land
Heubeck, Christoph
The role of Partial Convective Overturn in the Barberton Greenstone Belt: Linking deep crustal-mantle and surface processes through integrated sedimentary and structural analysis of the syntectonic Moodies Group
Heubeck, Christoph
Research Units
Completed projects
Ecological and environmental change recorded through stratigraphy and sedimentology at selected Ediacaran-Cambrian boundary sections in East and Central Asia
Heubeck, Christoph
FOR 736: The Precambrian-Cambrian Biosphere (R)evolution: Insights from Chinese Microcontinents
Heubeck, Christoph
FOR 1451: Exploring Mechanisms Underlying the Relationship between Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning
Eisenhauer, Nico
FOR 2285: Debris Disks in Planetary Systems
Krivov, Alexander
Linking biological drivers and water transport to understand biodiversity effects on C and N storage in soils
Gleixner, Gerd
Hildebrandt, Ph.D., Anke
Microscale shock processes in sandstone
Langenhorst, Falko
Reimold, Wolf Uwe
Project P7: Impact experiments at high speeds and fragment distributions
Langenhorst, Falko
Structure and formation of shatter cones in experimental and natural impact craters
Kenkmann, Thomas
Langenhorst, Falko
Wünnemann, Kai
The interaction between plant functional diversity and soil hydrological conditions - an ecohydrological process model approach
Hildebrandt, Ph.D., Anke
Schröder-Esselbach, Boris
The Precambrian-Cambrian Biosphere (R)evolution: Insights from Chinese Microcontinents
Heubeck, Christoph
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Evolution of Water and Matter Cycles Within the Earth’s Critical Zone
(Project Heads
Hildebrandt, Ph.D., Anke
Reichstein, Markus
Integrated Research Training Group AquaDiva
(Project Heads
Hildebrandt, Ph.D., Anke
Küsel, Kirsten
Totsche, Kai Uwe
Trumbore, Susan
Completed projects
3 D patterns of mass transfer and deformation resulting from oblique vonvergence along the Chilean forearc
(Project Heads
Dresen, Georg
Götze, Hans-Jürgen
Janssen, Christoph
Kukowski, Nina
Oncken, Onno
Coordination an Management and Integration of geological, geophysical and remote sensing data towards a synoptic digital model of the Central andes
(Project Heads
Burger, Heinz
Heubeck, Christoph
Munier, Kerstin
Wigger, Peter J.
Errosiver und akkretionärer Massentransfer und die Deformation des Forearcs
(Project Heads
Kukowski, Nina
Oncken, Onno
Interaction of magmatism and deformation in the southern Altiplano and northwestern Puna
(Project Heads
Heubeck, Christoph
Scheuber, Ekkehard
Kinematisch-strukturelle Modellierung von Deformation im Altiplano-Plateau
(Project Heads
Gaedicke, Christoph
Kukowski, Nina
Neogene evolution of the Chaco foreland basin, Bolivia and Argentina
(Project Heads
Heubeck, Christoph
Scheuber, Ekkehard
Scientific Networks
Completed projects
Young scientist network on hydrological and meteorological data assimilation (HyMeDAs network)
Hildebrandt, Ph.D., Anke
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1257: Alteration and Element Mobility at the Microbe-mineral Interface
Kothe, Erika
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 214: Jena School for Microbial Communication (JSMC)
Brakhage, Axel
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2051: Balance of the Microverse
Brakhage, Axel
Küsel, Kirsten