Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg
Institut für Medizinische Biometrie
Im Neuenheimer Feld 130.3
69120 Heidelberg
This institution in GERiT
69120 Heidelberg
Research Grants
Current projects
Consideration of missing values in sample size calculation and re-calculation for clinical trials (COMIVA)
Kirchner, Marietta
Identification and validation of circulating sncRNAs causally associated with gallbladder cancer and development of a multifactorial risk prediction score
Lorenzo Bermejo, Justo
Waldenberger, Melanie
Multiple IMputation In CLInical Prediction modelling (MIMICLIP)
Feißt, Manuel
STatistical Methods for OPtimal Basket Trial Designs fOR Precision Medicine – a General, Customizable TOolbox (STOP OR GO)
Kieser, Ph.D., Meinhard
Rauch, Ph.D., Geraldine
The age-dependent influence of the microbiome, metabolome and oral health on the outcome of assisted reproductive treatment (AROMA)
Keß, Sabine
Completed projects
Development of two optimized scores for patient-individual measurement of the aesthetic and functional result after breast conserving therapy of breast cancer with the aim to optimize therapy evaluation: an interdisciplinary project of gynecology and medical biometry
Heil, Jörg
Kieser, Ph.D., Meinhard
Integrated Planning of Drug Development Programs
Kieser, Ph.D., Meinhard
Integrated planning of pilot studies and confirmatory studies in clinical research
Kieser, Ph.D., Meinhard
Methoden zur adaptiven Fallzahlplanung in klinischen Studien
Victor, Norbert
Methods for planning and analysis of clinical phase II trials in oncology
Kieser, Ph.D., Meinhard
ORACLE II – Optimal Rules for Adaptive Designs with reCalculation of sampLE size
Kieser, Ph.D., Meinhard
Rauch, Ph.D., Geraldine
Planning and ANalyzing OPTImal Clinical trials with Adaptive Design
Kieser, Ph.D., Meinhard
Completed projects
Integrated information platform and cross-project biostatistical analyses
(Project Head
Kieser, Ph.D., Meinhard
WBP Fellowship
Current projects
Identification of Circulating Metabolites Causally Linked to Gallbladder Cancer Development
Boekstegers, Felix
Clinical Trials
Current projects
INDIGO – individualized, model-guided optimization of proton beam treatment planning in patients with low grade glioma
Harrabi, Ph.D., Semi