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Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover
Institut für Geologie
Callinstraße 30
30167 Hannover
This institution in GERiT
30167 Hannover
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
Expansion and connection of Early Jurassic oceanic anoxia: A complementary approach based on coupled Mo-U isotopes of black shales and U isotope signatures of carbonates
Krencker, Francois-Nicolas
Weyer, Ph.D., Stefan
Completed projects
Biostratigraphie und Paläobiogeographie kretazischer Nannoplanktonfloren in den borealen, tethyalen und indopazifischen Ozeanen
Fischer, Rudolf
Diagenese pelagischer Sedimente bei erhöhtem Wärmefluß (DSDP-Legs 68-69, Sites 504 und 505; Panama Basin)
Fischer, Rudolf
Miozäne und pliozäne Foraminiferen-Faunen in der westlichen Arabischen See (ODP-Leg 117, Sites 721B, 722B)
Fischer, Rudolf
Research Grants
Current projects
Allogenic vs Autogenic processes: On the preservation and shredding of environmental signals in submarine fans (AvaFan)
Spychala, Ph.D., Yvonne
Winsemann, Jutta
Analysis of the near-surface structure of the Aller fault system (SAFETY)
Brandes, Christian
Tanner, David
Winsemann, Jutta
Deciphering the very early phase of angiosperm evolution using palynology
Heimhofer, Ulrich
Early Cretaceous lignites from inner-continental Asia as paleoclimate archive
Heimhofer, Ulrich
Littke, Ralf
Structural characterization and dating of an active strike-slip fault that passes from bedrock into unconsolidated sediments
Brandes, Christian
Igel, Jan
Tanner, David
Tsukamoto, Sumiko
Tectono-topographic response of convergent plate margins to changes in submarine margin relief – a combined analysis using analytical and numerical force-balance models
Dielforder, Armin
Hampel, Andrea
Completed projects
2-D Basin Modelling of the Limón Back-arc Basin, Costa Rica
Winsemann, Jutta
Assessing the temporal patterns of mid-Cretaceous floral change in Portugal - a palynological and chemostratigraphic approach
Heimhofer, Ulrich
Bezahnung von rezenten und fossilen Echsen (Lacertilia, Squamata) - Systematik, Funktionsmorphologie, Palökologie
Richter, Annette
Effect of global warming at the CTBE on mid-latitude vegetation: Insights from palynology and organic-geochemical proxies.
Heimhofer, Ulrich
Establishing a new and detailed mid-Cretaceous palaeoceanographic record for the SE Pacific domain from Peru - Phase 2
Bodin, Stephane
Immenhauser, Adrian
Evaluating the impact of the Toarcian oceanic anoxic event on neritic platform systems in NW-Africa
Bodin, Stephane
Exploring the controls of Early Aptian Tethyan and proto-Atlantic reefal palaeoecology turnover
Huck, Stefan
Immenhauser, Adrian
Formation of fossiliferous concretions in the Cretaceous Santana Formation - Assessing the role of microbial processes
Heimhofer, Ulrich
Geodynamische und sedimentpetrologische Rekonstruktion eines akkretionsdomierten aktiven Kontinentalrandes, östliches Zentral-Kamchatka, Russische Föderation
Holl, Heinz-Gerd
Geodynamische und sedimentpetrologische Rekonstruktion eines akkretionsdominierten aktiven Kontinentalrandes, östliches Zentral-Kamchatka, Russische Föderation
Echtler, Helmut
Gewebeansatzflecken auf pyritisierten Ammoniten-Steinkernen
Fischer, Rudolf
High resolution Sr-isotope stratigraphy of Early Cretaceous belemnites - an approach for correlating Boreal and Tethyan events
Mutterlose, Jörg
Katalog von Kieferzähnen und Schuppen von Selachiern aus dem Oberjura Europas
Thies, Detlev
Landscape evolution and exhumation history during active continental extension: the central Menderes Massif, western Turkey
Glotzbach, Christoph
Hetzel, Ralf
Reconstruction of Cenomanian shoal-water temperatures using integrated rudist shell sclerochemistry (oxygen isotopes, Mg/Ca, clumped isotopes)
Heimhofer, Ulrich
Huck, Stefan
Reconstruction of the silicate weathering feedback in the mid-Cretaceous high-CO2 world
Voigt, Silke
Revision of Dapedium LEACH, 1822 (Actinopterygii, Neopterygii, Halecostomi) from the Lower Jurassic Posidonia Shale of South Germany
Thies, Detlev
Tectonic and geomorphological evolution of forearcs during ridge subduction
Hampel, Andrea
Tectonic deformation and paleostress field evolution of the western Pearya terrane, Arctic Canada
Brandes, Christian
The impact of erosion and sediment deposition on the initiation and evolution of faults: an investigation using fully coupled three-dimensional numerical models
Maniatis, Georgios
The Valanginian "cold snap" and its impact on terrestrial environments - insights from plant biomarkers, stable isotopes and spore-pollen assemblages
Heimhofer, Ulrich
Understanding the Driving Factors of the Oceanic Anoxic Event 1A (Early Aptian) - The Continental and Neritic Perspective
Immenhauser, Adrian
What can trigger destabilizing of Atlantic passive margins?
Baes, Ph.D., Marzieh
What controls Coulomb stress changes on thrust and normal faults? Insights from three-dimensional finite-element models including pore fluid pressure changes and postseismic viscoelastic relaxation
Hampel, Andrea
Priority Programmes
Current projects
The Brenner base tunnel (BBT) natural laboratory – From cross-section construction over fabric and elastic anisotropy analysis to 4D structural modeling
Brandes, Christian
Kühn, Rebecca
Stipp, Michael
Tanner, David
The Last Pulse – dating the youngest deformation in the Alps with ESR thermochronometry
Brandes, Christian
von Hagke, Christoph
Tanner, David
Tsukamoto, Sumiko
Completed projects
Evaluating eustatic and tectonic control on Late Jurassic (Oxfordian to Kimmeridgian) sedimentary successions in the Lower Saxony Basin (NW Germany)
Schülke, Immo
Influence of Quaternary glaciations on the petroleum system of Schleswig-Holstein
Cramer, Bernhard
Influence of Quaternary glaciations on the petroleum system of Schleswig-Holstein
Winsemann, Jutta
Towards a correlation of basement structures and sedimentary basin tectonics - CORTEC -
Götze, Hans-Jürgen
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Lake deposits as high-resolution archives of mid-Cretaceous equatorial climate variability: A combined approach including organic geochemistry and palynology
Heimhofer, Ulrich
Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
The response of seismogenic faults to natural and human-induced changes in loads on Earth's surface - a numerical modelling approach
Hampel, Andrea
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Kinematisch-strukturelle Modellierung von Deformation im Altiplano-Plateau
(Project Heads
Gaedicke, Christoph
Kukowski, Nina
Rheological information from forward modelling of mesoscopic structures
(Project Head
Hampel, Andrea
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