Universität Hamburg
Fachbereich Sozialwissenschaften
Fachgebiet Soziologie
Von-Melle-Park 5
20146 Hamburg
This institution in GERiT
20146 Hamburg
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Agieren in sozialen Kontexten - ein sozionischer Ansatz zur Modellerstellung und Theoriebewertung
von Lüde, Rolf
Communication-Oriented Modeling (COM): Modellierung und Simulation gesellschaftlicher Kommunikationsprozesse
Malsch, Thomas
Does the macro-level matter? A comparative analysis of institutional frameworks and gigwork platforms across EU-28 countries
Beyer, Jürgen
Kirchner, Stefan
Emergence in dynamic processes: Dirigism and symbolic politics (DISPO). The example of governance structures in universities
von Lüde, Rolf
SPP 1077: Sozionik: Erforschung und Modellierung künstlicher Sozialität
Malsch, Thomas
Research Grants
Current projects
Caring for the Future: Architectural Heritage, Vulnerability and Collectivities
Krasmann, Susanne
Scientific Reputation revisited: a cross-disciplinary Comparison of Academic Travel and Conference Interaction (CAT)
Rödder, Simone
Social selectivity of residential choice with regard to green spaces and their impact on quality of life
Kley, Stefanie
Sociology of construction sites. Transformative processes in everyday life
Neubert, Christine
Completed projects
Achievement principle in the market society: Erosion of a pattern of interpretation?
Neckel, Sighard
Aktiengesellschaften zwischen gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung und Profitorientierung Zur Bewältigung von institutionellem Inkomplementariäten in Organisationen
Beyer, Jürgen
Senge, Konstanze
Biometrie als "soft surveillance". Die Akzeptanz von Fingerabdrücken im Alltag
Krasmann, Susanne
CyberCash - Konsumpraktiken in der virtuellen Alltagsökonomie
Neckel, Sighard
Dis/connectivity. Imaginaries, Media Technologies, Politics
Beyes, Timon
Stäheli, Urs
Eine international vergleichende Untersuchung institutioneller Einflüsse auf das ökonomische Handeln von Unternehmen (am Beispiel des Emissionshandels)
Engels, Anita
Global Financial Markets and Global Financial Class
Sachweh, Patrick
Popular Views on Inequality and Justice in Germany
Sachweh, Patrick
Processes of Commensuration in Financial Markets
Kuchler, Barbara
Risk practices in politics and the financial sector: A comparative analysis of their characteristics and of translational dynamics across social fields
Beyer, Jürgen
von Scheve, Ph.D., Christian
Senge, Konstanze
Robust interdisciplinarity. Theories of social change and societal transformations in the disciplines of sociology, political science, economics, communication studies, and ethnology
Engels, Anita
“Situational Awareness”: Sensing Security in the City
Hentschel, Christine
Krasmann, Susanne
Sozialmetaphern in der Verteilten Künstlichen Intelligenz (VIK) - Eine empirische Untersuchung zum Innovationspfad der `Metaphernmigration`
Malsch, Thomas
Transnational Palestinian families in the West Bank, Israel, and Germany. A trilateral study of changing gender relations, marriage patterns, and honor semantics
Malsch, Thomas
Varieties of Capitalism und die Inkomplementarität von Institutionen: Finanzmarktorientierte Corporate Governance Reformen im internationalen Vergleich
Beyer, Jürgen
Verfestigte institutionelle Vielfalt? Die komparativen Vorteile koordinierter Ökonomien und die Internationalisierung von Unternehmen
Beyer, Jürgen
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Krieg und gesellschaftliche Differenzierung
Kuchler, Barbara
The global environment - common and divided. Inequality, conflict and ecological risks from a world society perspective
Engels, Anita
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5234: Multiple Competition in Higher Education. Internationalization and International Comparisons
Bünstorf, Guido
Multiple Competition from a Field Perspective: Structural Equivalence and its Consequences
Oberg, Achim
Completed projects
FOR 2252: Media and Participation. Between demand and entitlement
Ochsner, Beate
Media Cultures of Streaming: Temporality, Infrastructure and Valuation
Stäheli, Urs
Mimetic Modes of Existence
Balke, Friedrich
Muhle, Maria
Advanced Studies Centres in SSH
Current projects
FOR 2769: Futures of Sustainability: Modernization, Transformation, Control
Adloff, Frank
Futures of Sustainability: Modernization, Transformation, Control
Adloff, Frank
Aykut, Stefan Cihan
Hentschel, Christine
Completed projects
Zukünfte der Nachhaltigkeit: Modernisierung, Transformation, Kontrolle
Adloff, Frank
Neckel, Sighard
Zukünfte der Nachhaltigkeit: Modernisierung, Transformation, Kontrolle
Neckel, Sighard
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Formen des symbolischen Tausches als soziale Mechanismen gesellschaftlicher Strukturdynamiken. Zur Praxistheorie des Tausches in einer Soziologie der Wirtschaft
Hillebrandt, Frank
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Jugendliche afrikanischer Herkunft in Hamburg: Selbstverortung und Bildungsorientierung in transnationalen sozialen Kontexten
(Project Heads
Neumann, Ursula
Ouane, Adama
Pieper, Marianne
The Fabrication of Emotion Repertoires. On the Affective Subjectification of Mindfulness, Empowerment, Inclusion and Awareness
(Project Head
Neckel, Sighard
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2725: Urban future-making: Professional agency across time and scale
Grubbauer, Monika
Completed projects
GRK 891: Transnational Media Events from Early Modern Times to the Present
Bösch, Frank
van Laak, Dirk
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 177: Integrated Climate System Analysis and Prediction (CliSAP)
Claußen, Martin
Engels, Anita
Stammer, Detlef
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2037: Climate, Climatic Change, and Society (CLICCS)
Baehr, Johanna
Engels, Anita
Marotzke, Jochem
Oberg, Achim
Stammer, Detlef