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Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Fachbereich Veterinärmedizin
Institut für Veterinär-Anatomie, -Histologie und Embryologie
Frankfurter Straße 98
35392 Gießen
This institution in GERiT
35392 Gießen
Research Grants
Current projects
The role of Cx43 and stem cell derived exosomes for the regeneration of cartilage lesioned due to osteoarthritic processes
Arnhold, Stefan
Wenisch, Sabine
Virtual simulation of equine mastication: How does tooth wear affect physiological and pathological tooth surface geometry and what treatment and prevention strategies can be derived? (EquiSim)
Schulz-Kornas, Ellen
Staszyk, Carsten
Sterkenburgh, Tomas
Completed projects
Auswirkungen einer Sertoli Zell-spezifischen Deletion des Connexin43-Gens auf die Regulation der Spermatogenese in transgenen Mäusen unter Verwendung des Cre/LoxP-Rekombinasesystems
Brehm, Ralph
Bedeutung von Gonadotropinen und testikulären Steroiden für die Spermatogenese beim Schwein
Bergmann, Martin
Entwicklung und Charakterisierung offenporiger metallischer Implantatstrukturen mit biologischer Reaktionsschicht
Berger, Georg
Bührig-Polaczek, Andreas
Christ, Hans Jürgen
Krupp, Ulrich
Schnettler, Reinhard
Monitoring of osteoclast formation and activity on different scaffolds for bone replacement by means of microscopy
Hanke, Thomas
Morphofunktionelle und biomechanische Bewertung des Heilungsverlaufs an Sehnenläsionen von Pferden unter Anwendung einer Stammzelltherapie
Arnhold, Stefan
Christ, Hans Jürgen
Nucleosome preservation in mammalian sperm: an epigenetic program ensuring the healthy male reproduction
Schagdarsurengin, Undraga
Sertoli Zellen dedifferenzieren sich in Ko-Kultur mit Seminomzellen. Ein neues Zellkulturmodell zur Pathogenese testikulärer Keimzelltumore.
Brehm, Ralph
Fink, Cornelia
Simulation of stress distribution and deformation in equine cheek teeth using the finite element method (FEM)
Lüpke, Matthias
Staszyk, Carsten
The role of histone acetylation for histone-protamine-exchange during human and murine spermiogenesis
Steger, Klaus
Untersuchung von Isoformen von cAMP response element modulator (CREM) während der normalen und gestörten Spermatogenese von Mensch und Pferd
Steger, Klaus
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5644: The role of immune cells in the function of the normal and diseased testis and epididymis (‘INFINITE’)
Meinhardt, Andreas
Role of regulatory T cells and type 17 T cells in testicular germ cell cancer and testicular inflammation
Fietz, Daniela
Huber, Magdalena
Schuppe, Hans-Christian
Completed projects
FOR 1369: Sulfated Steroids in Reproduction
Bergmann, Martin
Membrane transporters for sulfated steroid hormones in the testisand their role for spermatogenesis and fertility
Fietz, Daniela
Geyer, Joachim
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Effects of a Sertoli cell specific knockout of the connexin43-gene on the regulation of spermatogenesis in transgenis mice using the Cre/IoxP-recombination system
Brehm, Ralph
Completed projects
Characterization of callus tissue within systemically altered bone
(Project Heads
Hose, Dirk
Wenisch, Sabine
Influence of multiphase-bone replacement materials and surface-modified titanium alloys on the differentiation of osteoblasts/MSC
(Project Heads
Arnhold, Stefan
Hempel, Ute
Modification of cell-cell and cell-matrix communication within bone tissue by new materials
(Project Heads
Cavalcanti-Adam, Elisabetta Ada
Hackstein, Holger
Hose, Katja Anette
Lips, Katrin Susanne
Wenisch, Sabine
Structural and cellular characterization of bone marrow interfaces under the influence of adi-pogen factors in bone replacement material testing
(Project Heads
Müller-Ladner, Ulf
Neumann, Elena
Rohnke, Marcus
Schnettler, Reinhard
Wenisch, Sabine
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 455: Molecular Veterinary Medicine
Petzinger, Ernst
GRK 533: Cell-Cell Interaction in Reproduction
Hinsch, Elvira
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1871: Molecular Pathogenesis of Male Reproductive Disorders
Meinhardt, Andreas
Additional Information
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