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Universitätsklinikum Essen
Klinik für Dermatologie
Hufelandstraße 55
45147 Essen
This institution in GERiT
45147 Essen
Research Grants
Current projects
Chronic/latent viral infections modulate the function of cytotoxic T cells and natural killer cells with antitumor activity
Dittmer, Ulf
Paschen, Annette
Dissecting DNA methylation changes arising during transition of melanocytes to various melanocytic lesions of the skin and uvea.
Griewank, Klaus Georg
Zeschnigk, Michael
Genetic analysis of cutaneous adnexal tumors
Griewank, Klaus Georg
Utikal, Jochen
Promoting Excellence in Medicine: The University Medicine Essen Clinician Scientist Academy (UMEA)
Führer-Sakel, Dagmar
Completed projects
Analysis and therapeutic targeting of the metabolic and proliferative tumor heterogeneity in malignant melanoma
Roesch, Alexander
Chemoresistenzmechanismen beim humanen malignen Melanom
Schadendorf, Dirk
Entwicklung neuer Behandlungsstrategien zur Therapie des Melanom
Schadendorf, Dirk
Functional analysis of genetic alterations occuring in uveal melanoma
Griewank, Klaus Georg
Genetic variants associated with melanoma susceptibility and overall survival
Schadendorf, Dirk
Identification and characterization of receptor- and transport proteins for uptake and intracellular migration of plasmid DNA in keratinocytes
Hengge, Ulrich R.
Identifikation tumorspezifischer Antigene des kutanen T-Zell-Lymphoms mit Hilfe der SEREX-Methode
Eichmüller, Stefan
Role of Regulatory T cells for the pathogenesis of Autoimmune Blistering Diseases
Enk, Alexander
Hadaschik, Eva
Wissens- und datenbasierte Personalisierung von Medizin am Point of Care
Böckmann, Britta
Clinical Research Units
Current projects
Building health intelligence with complex data on tumor cell states and therapy resistance
Horn, Susanne
Schadendorf, Dirk
Coordination Funds
Roesch, Alexander
Dissecting and targeting HLA class II-positive melanoma cell states in therapy resistance
Paschen, Annette
Epigenetic maintenance of the redox balance in therapy-persisting tumor cell states
Roesch, Alexander
KFO 337: Phenotypic Therapy and Immune Escape in Cancer (PhenoTImE): pre-clinical and translational advance of the CRU 337
Schadendorf, Dirk
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Discovering novel metabolic vulnerabilities in melanoma metastasis
Tasdogan, Alpaslan
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Analyse der zur Entartung führenden Signaltransduktionswege in G alpha q (GNAQ) Genmutation tragenden Aderhaut-Melanomen
Griewank, Klaus Georg
Regulation of Histone Deacetylases and long noncoding RNAs in malignant melanoma and their functional relevance in mediating resistance mechanisms induced by BRAF inhibitor treatment
Heinemann, Anja
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
IFNy-induced cell state transition in melanoma
(Project Head
Paschen, Annette
Molecular regulation of differentiation and cell cycle in tumor-repopulating melanoma cells
(Project Head
Roesch, Alexander
Current projects
Role of T cell subsets in the pathogenesis of autoimmune blistering disease
(Project Heads
Enk, Alexander
Hadaschik, Eva
Treatment expectation in clinical and experimental inflammatory skin conditions
(Project Heads
Benson, Sven
Schedlowski, Manfred
Sondermann, Wiebke
Clinical Trials
Current projects
Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Sentinel Lymph Node Excision (SLNE) with or without preoperative hybrid "single-photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography" (SPECT/CT) in Melanoma. (SNEPS-Trial)
Klode, Joachim
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2535: Knowledge- and data-driven personalization of medicine at the point of care
Nensa, Felix
Additional Information
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