Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Institut für Philosophie
Universitätsstraße 1
40225 Düsseldorf
This institution in GERiT
40225 Düsseldorf
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Kritische Edition von Heinrich Rickerts Werk "Der Gegenstand der Erkenntnis"
Bast, Rainer A.
The concept of matter in Aristotle
Schriefl, Anna
Publication Grants
Completed projects
`Fußnoten zu Platon`. Philosophiegeschichte bei A.N. Whitehead
Kann, Christoph
Mereologie. Ein Beitrag zur Ontologie und Erkenntnistheorie
Ridder, Lothar
Problem, Geschichte, Form. Das Verhältnis von Philosophie und Geschichte bei Ernst Cassirer im historischen Kontext
Bast, Rainer A.
Reflective eqilibrium
Hahn, Susanne
Research Units
Current projects
Coordination Funds
Schurz, Gerhard
FOR 2495: Inductive Metaphysics
Schurz, Gerhard
Completed projects
A2: Creative Abductive Inference and its Role for Inductive Metaphysics (IM)
Schrenk, Markus
Schurz, Gerhard
A frame-theoretic investigation of the dynamics of scientific theories, their conceptual systems and their realistic reference
Schurz, Gerhard
B10: Metaphysics of Evolution: Justification and Ontology of Generalized Evolution Theory
Schurz, Gerhard
B5: Statistical Causation, Intervention, and Freedom
Schurz, Gerhard
Die kausale und explanatorische Relevanz von Abwesenheiten
Schurz, Gerhard
Formal modeling of frames and functional concepts
Löbner, Sebastian
Historisch-systematische Untersuchung zentraler Termini der Substanzmetaphysik anhand der Dichotomie von sortalen und funktionalen Begriffen.
Kann, Christoph
Möglichkeiten und Methoden der Wissenschaftsmetaphysik
Scholz, Oliver R.
Neuroframes: A Neuro-Cognitive Model of Situated Conceptualization
Schurz, Gerhard
Theorie der Kausalität und ihre empirischen Anwendungen
Schurz, Gerhard
Research Grants
Current projects
Albert Camus's early philosophical work - new sources and perspectives
Kann, Christoph
Victor, Oliver
Cognitive-Rational Reconstruction
Löwenstein, David
Vosgerau, Gottfried
Frequency Information as an Evidential Basis for Knowledge, Suspicion, and the Attribution of Guilt
Bucher, Leandra
Thorn, Paul
In a Roundabout Way. Theory and Practice of Indirect Communication
Zakkou, Julia
Presuppositions of Frame Theory in the History of Philosophy
Hommen, David
Kann, Christoph
Trust and Trustworthiness and Their Implications for Testimony and Epistemic Authority
Müller, Nastasia
Completed projects
Die Grenzen des Verhandelbaren. Über die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen moralischer Kompromisse in interkulturellen Kooperationsbeziehungen
Friele, Minou
Ein Rahmen für die Wirtschaftsethik: Methodische Grundlagen und Regeln
Hahn, Susanne
"Masse" und "Kraft" zwischen Mittelalter und Neuzeit: Terminologisierung und theoriengeschichtliche Bedeutung in Metaphysik und Physik
Kann, Christoph
Parameterised frames and conceptual spaces
Schurz, Gerhard
Vosgerau, Gottfried
The Logic of Causal and Probabilistic Reasoning in Uncertain Environments (LcpR)
Schurz, Gerhard
The Optimality of Meta-Induction. A New Approach to Hume's Problem Based on Learning and Game Theory
Schurz, Gerhard
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Understanding and the A Priori
Balcerak Jackson, Brendan
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Coordination Project of the Priority Program "New Frameworks of Rationality"
Knauff, Markus
The Role of Meta-Induction in Human Reasoning
Schurz, Gerhard
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Semantic Structure and the Structure of Rationality
Balcerak Jackson, Brendan
Scientific Networks
Completed projects
Argumentation at School
Löwenstein, David
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Open texture as a source of semantic creativity
(Project Heads
Nimtz, Christian
Zakkou, Julia
Completed projects
A frame-theoretic investigation of unification and reduction in scientific theories
(Project Head
Schurz, Gerhard
Bridging the gap between individual psychology and public meaning with frames
(Project Head
Vosgerau, Gottfried
Frames in psychiatric classification
(Project Heads
Vosgerau, Gottfried
Zielasek, Jürgen
Grounded cognition: Causal indexicals and affordances in frames
(Project Head
Vosgerau, Gottfried
Logic and ontology of the cognitive representation of theories: Frames, sentences and models in comparison
(Project Head
Schurz, Gerhard
Parameterized frame representation and conceptual spaces
(Project Head
Schurz, Gerhard
Presuppositions of frame theory in the history of philosophy
(Project Heads
Hommen, David
Kann, Christoph
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 807: Images of the Past in Europe
Laudage, Johannes