Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Institut für Biochemie
Lehrstuhl für Biochemie I
Universitätsstraße 1
40225 Düsseldorf
This institution in GERiT
40225 Düsseldorf
Research Grants
Current projects
Cardiolipins: elucidating their diversity, biosynthesis and role in the membrane adaptation of pathogens towards environmental stress.
Exterkate, Marten
Cross-talk between energy supply and drug translocation in the ABC transporter Pdr5
Schmitt, Lutz
Wagner, Richard
Structure and dynamics of the Pel exopolysaccharide secretion machinery of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Kedrov, Alexej A.
Completed projects
Analyse der molekularen Dynamik der Nukleotid-bindenden Domäne des ABC-Transporters HlyB mittels NMR
Dötsch, Volker
Schmitt, Lutz
Auswirkungen mitochondrialer Dysfunktion in hämatopoietischen Zellen: Störung des Energie- und Eisenstoffwechsels und Entstehung genetischer Instabilität
Gattermann, Norbert
Funktion des scERV1 und des homologen huALR Gens für die Aktivität und Biogenese der Mitochondrien in Hefe und menschlichen Zellen
Hofhaus, Götz
Inhibitoren der Peptidyl-Prolyl-cis/trans-lsomerase auf der Basis von Übergangszustandsanaloga
Braun, Manfred
Maturation and secretion of nisin A from Lactococcus lactis
Schmitt, Lutz
Maturation and secretion of nisin A from Lactococcus lactis
Schmitt, Lutz
Membrane protein folding in the crowded environment
Kedrov, Alexej A.
Molekulare Mechanismen tierischer Anpassung
Grieshaber, Manfred K.
Molekulare Struktur des mitochondrialen Atmungsketten-Komplex I
Weiss, Hanns
Neurospora Genomprojekt
Schulte, Ulrich
Photoaktivierbare Proteine
Schmitt, Lutz
Single-molecule functional analysis of the yeast ABC-transporter Pdr5p
Schmitt, Lutz
Volkmer, Andreas
Structural and functional principles of low potassium signaling and the integration of nutrient sensing and adaptation in Arabidopsis
Kudla, Jörg
Schmitt, Lutz
Struktur und Evolution der Opindehydrogenasen
Grieshaber, Manfred K.
Systemische und molekulare Mechanismen tierischer Anpassung
Grieshaber, Manfred K.
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Struktur, Dynamik und Funktion von ABC-Transportern
Schmitt, Lutz
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Molecular interaction and high-resolution X-ray structures of the subunits of the osmoregulated ABC-transporter OpuA from B. subtillis
Schmitt, Lutz
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Schmitt, Lutz
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Quantitative Struktur-Aktivitätsanalysen hepatobiliärer Transport-Systeme und deren pharmakologische Relevanz
Schmitt, Lutz
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Links between mitochondrial energy metabolism and intracellular stress response pathways
(Project Heads
Reichert, Andreas
Schmitt, Lutz
Sensors for monitoring microbial metabolism and its regulation: structural and imaging approaches
(Project Heads
Frommer, Wolf-Bernd
Smits, Sander
Weidtkamp-Peters, Stefanie
Completed projects
Bedeutung des ALR-Proteins bei der Leberregeneration
(Project Heads
Hofhaus, Götz
Lisowsky, Thomas
Central Tasks
(Project Head
Schmitt, Lutz
Interaction network and regulation of the human ABC transporter MDR3
(Project Head
Schmitt, Lutz
In vitro characterization of ABC-transporters in human liver
(Project Head
Schmitt, Lutz
Membrane translocation and chaperone-dependent folding of the lipase A of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
(Project Head
Kedrov, Alexej A.
Protein Transport Across Biological Membranes - the HlyB/HlyA System from E.coli
(Project Head
Schmitt, Lutz
SFB 1208: Identity and Dynamics of Membrane Systems - from Molecules to Cellular Functions
Schmitt, Lutz
The hemolysin A secretion machinery from E. coli
(Project Head
Schmitt, Lutz
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Nanopipettingrobot and Crystalisationhotel with UV-/VIS Camera
Core Facilities
Current projects
Center for Structural Studies
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Completed projects
DNP-enhanced solid-state NMR spectroscopy
Heise, Henrike
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2158: Natural products and natural product analogs against therapy-resistant tumors and microorganisms: new lead structures and modes of action
Gohlke, Holger
Completed projects
GRK 57: Molecular Physiology: Metabolism and Energy Transformation
Grieshaber, Manfred K.
GRK 320: Pathological Processes of the Nervous System: From Gene to Behavior
Reifenberger, Ph.D., Guido
GRK 541: Protein Function at the Atomic Level
Buckel, Wolfgang
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 1028: Cluster of Excellence on Plant Sciences (CEPLAS) - From Complex Traits towards Synthetic Modules
Weber, Andreas P.M.