Technische Universität Dortmund
Fakultät Maschinenbau
Institut für Spanende Fertigung
Baroper Straße 303
44227 Dortmund
This institution in GERiT
44227 Dortmund
Research Grants
Current projects
Analysis of the cold gas spraying for the production of cBN-metal-composite coatings and their qualification for application as grinding tools
Biermann, Dirk
Tillmann, Wolfgang
Approaches to materials and manufacturing technology for effective machining of high-strength austenitic CrMn steels
Biermann, Dirk
Weber, Sebastian
Basic investigation of the reduction of the regenerative effect by a targeted simulation-based design of the cutting edge macro-shape for the local adaption of the process forces to the compliance of milling tools
Biermann, Dirk
Characterisation and modelling of the wear behaviour of coated cemented carbide tools used for turning a hard to machine steel
Biermann, Dirk
Determination of the microscopic wear mechanisms and operational suitability of diamond and cBN for the precision machining of hardened steel under variation of the thermomechanical load using multiscale measurement methods
Biermann, Dirk
Debus, Jörg
Development of a methodology for the extension and deflection-based calibration of an axis-position sensitive process force model
Biermann, Dirk
Wiederkehr, Petra
Development of a novel chip formation model for the prediction of the friction-dependent chip breaking behaviour
Biermann, Dirk
Menzel, Andreas
Fundamental characterization and analysis of the lubricating effect of quasicrystalline powders as an intermediate medium in the chip formation zone
Biermann, Dirk
Fundamental investigation on the use of cryogenically generated additive support structures and damping elements for the stabilisation of the milling process when machining thin-walled components
Biermann, Dirk
Fundamental investigations on disturbing the regenerative effect in milling processes through the targeted design of tools with asymmetric dynamic properties
Biermann, Dirk
Wiederkehr, Petra
Fundamental investigations on powder kinematics during magnetabrasive polishing of para- and diamagnetic materials
Biermann, Dirk
Wirtz, Andreas
Fundamental investigations on stabilizing damping effects in milling processes by using functionally structured peripheral cutting edges
Biermann, Dirk
Wiederkehr, Petra
In-situ alloy variation in laser powder bed fusion processes
Tönjes, Anastasiya
Woizeschke, Peer
Learning based clustering of streamed process data for the efficient modelling and prediction of characteristics in milling processes based on the integration of domain knowledge – ClusterSim
Biermann, Dirk
Wiederkehr, Petra
Modelling of the coolant lubrication distribution during single-lip deep hole drilling under consideration of the chip transport by means of CFD and SPH/DEM simulations for tool and process optimization
Biermann, Dirk
Eberhard, Peter
Multi-scale analysis of the material separation mechanisms in grinding of unreinforced thermoplastics
Biermann, Dirk
Process and tool development for micromilling of cemented carbides
Biermann, Dirk
Tillmann, Wolfgang
Production of high-precision, thin-walled components with complex geometry from high-strength and ultrahigh-strength steel materials using a hybrid combination process of friction spinning and turning
Biermann, Dirk
Homberg, Werner
Qualification of burnishing of additively manufactured components for the production of functional surfaces
Biermann, Dirk
Restriction of the chip thickness deviations for stabilizing the chip formation of high strength metals
Biermann, Dirk
Simulation-based design and production of graded cutting edges on cutting tools
Biermann, Dirk
Wiederkehr, Petra
Simulation-Based Development and Experimental Validation of Tool-Integrated Rotary Particle Dampers
Biermann, Dirk
Eberhard, Peter
Simulation, manufacturing and experimental investigation of surface structures to reduce clearance mass flow rates in rarefied gases
Biermann, Dirk
Brümmer, Andreas
Smooth seam surfaces in laser deep penetration welding by producing a weld pool cavity
Woizeschke, Peer
Stabilization of the vapor capillary by additional intensity maxima along the beam axis
Woizeschke, Peer
Substitution of solid carbide saw teeth by the use of WC-CoCr coated HSS saw teeth
Biermann, Dirk
Tillmann, Wolfgang
Thin-film sensor systems for guide pads to measure forces, temperatures and wear in cutting processes
Biermann, Dirk
Vibration reduction during turning and milling of high-performance materials with tool holders produced by selective laser melting
Biermann, Dirk
Completed projects
Analyse der Wirkzusammenhänge von Temperaturfeldern und der erreichbaren Bauteilqualität beim Planfräsen duktiler Werkstoffe
Biermann, Dirk
Analyse des Einflusses einer kryogenen Prozesskühlung auf das Einsatzverhalten von Bohrwerkzeugen
Biermann, Dirk
Analysis of interactions and effects of new preparation methods and resulting drill hole qualities in single lip deep hole drilling
Biermann, Dirk
Basic Experimental and Simulation-Supported Analysis of Surface Structuring for Short- and Long-Stroke Honing
Biermann, Dirk
Wiederkehr, Petra
Basic technological investigation of a new high-performance process for the production of internal threads and microstructure-based characterization of their performance
Biermann, Dirk
Walther, Frank
Development of an adaptive magnetorheological Damper System for the Deep Hole Drilling
Biermann, Dirk
Development of a simulation based method for a load dependent optimisation of cemented carbide tools for nickel-base alloys - Variable micro geometry along the cutting edge
Biermann, Dirk
Development of a simulative model for analysis of the effect of cooling lubricants in deep hole drilling with small diameters with respect to chip formation
Biermann, Dirk
Development of tribological optimized guide pads for deep hole drilling processes
Biermann, Dirk
Effects and interactions for interface and cutting-edge conditioning in hard micromachining
Biermann, Dirk
Tillmann, Wolfgang
Efficient Modelling of Chip Formation in Orthogonal Cutting Based on Isogeometric Analysis and Modern Methods for Material Characterization
Elgeti, Stefanie
Zabel, Andreas
Energy-efficient high-performance deep hole drilling using twist drills
Biermann, Dirk
Entkoppelte Oszillatormodelle als effizientes Ersatzsystem zur Bestimmung von Stabilitätsdiagrammen für die NC-Fräsbearbeitung dünnwandiger Bauteile
Biermann, Dirk
Entwicklung und Validierung eines Simulationsansatzes zum Entgraten mikrostrukturierter Formgedächtnisbauteile durch Abrasivwasserstrahlen
Biermann, Dirk
Turek, Stefan
Entwicklung von Augmented-Reality-basierten Methoden zur interaktiven, simulationsgestützten Prozessplanung beim 5-Achsen-Fräsen
Zabel, Andreas
Entwicklung von Bohrwerkzeugen mit eingelöteter Keramikschneide
Bach, Friedrich-Wilhelm
Biermann, Dirk
Fundamental analysis of surface finishing using flexible foams coated with diamonds
Biermann, Dirk
Fundamental analysis of the machining process of a composite material made of concrete and CFRP with diamond grinding tools
Biermann, Dirk
Fundamental investigations on micro single-lip deep hole drilling of challenging drilling situations
Biermann, Dirk
Fundamental investigations on the development of a single-phase CO2-lubricant solution to support deep-hole drilling processes for difficult to cut materials by using a cryogenic CO2 snow-lubricant-jet
Biermann, Dirk
Petermann, Marcus
Fundamental investigations on the effect of structured functional surfaces of milling tools regarding process dynamics
Biermann, Dirk
Fundamental Investigations on the frictional contact in the working zone in machining processes
Biermann, Dirk
Fundamental investigations on the hole accuracy and surface quality when single-lip deep-hole drilling of thermoplastic resin by adjusting the tool shape
Biermann, Dirk
Geometrically defined surface structuring for the form-locked bonding of thermal sprayed coatings
Biermann, Dirk
Möhwald, Kai
Grundlagenuntersuchungen mikroskaliger Wirkzusammenhänge bei Herstellung, Beschichtung und Einsatz von Werkzeugen der Blechumformung
Biermann, Dirk
Maier, Hans Jürgen
Tekkaya, A. Erman
Tillmann, Wolfgang
Herstellung endbearbeiteter, beschichteter Druckgussbauteile im Verbundgussverfahren durch prozessintegrierte Applikation thermisch gespritzter Schichten in Gussformen
Biermann, Dirk
Möhwald, Kai
High speed analysis of the chip formation in small diameter deep hole drilling of high-strength and difficult-to-machine materials
Biermann, Dirk
Holistic development and characterization of an efficient manufacturing of detachable joints for aluminium and magnesium lightweight materials
Biermann, Dirk
Walther, Frank
Improvement of the dynamic strength of thermally sprayed coatings by means of machining surface conditioning
Biermann, Dirk
Tillmann, Wolfgang
Influence of absorption mechanisms on the temperature distribution on the keyhole wall during laser deep penetration welding
Woizeschke, Peer
Investigations on optimization of the cutting edge of twist drills for the machining of the high temperature resistant nickel-based alloy Inconel 718
Biermann, Dirk
Investigations on the influence of machining and sulphur content on the fatigue strength of the quenched and tempered steel 42CrMo4+QT
Biermann, Dirk
Walther, Frank
Lightweight and vibration reduced hybrid FRP-metal drill tubes with structure-integrated sensor technology for BTA deep hole drilling processes
Biermann, Dirk
Stommel, Markus
Manufacturing of micro-structured functional magnesium components by transplantation of thermal sprayed coatings using lost cores during pressure die casting
Biermann, Dirk
Möhwald, Kai
Micromachining of Stainless Steel
Biermann, Dirk
Modellierung der thermomechanischen Belastungen und des Verschleißverhaltens zur gezielten Optimierung der Gestalt von VHM-Bohrwerkzeugen
Biermann, Dirk
Modelling and simulation of the NC grinding process for the controlled generation of workpiece surfaces under consideration of tool topography and wear
Biermann, Dirk
Wiederkehr, Petra
Process and tool development of single lip drills due to an optimisation of the circumferential shape and surface topography
Biermann, Dirk
Process parameters correlated characterization of the corrosion fatigue behavior of post-treated ZnAl-coated arc-sprayed systems
Biermann, Dirk
Tillmann, Wolfgang
Walther, Frank
Prozess- und Werkzeugentwicklung für die Bohrbearbeitung faserverstärkter Polymere mittels Schleifstiften unter minimiertem KSS-Einsatz
Biermann, Dirk
Simulation-based design of high performance internal grinding processes
Biermann, Dirk
Menzel, Andreas
Simulation-based tool and process design for microfinishing with metal-bonded honing tools
Biermann, Dirk
Wiederkehr, Petra
Tribologische Optimierung der Gestalt und Beschichtung von Führungsleisten für das BTA-Tiefbohren von hochlegierten Stählen
Biermann, Dirk
Umformtechnische Wiederverwertung von Aluminiumspänen
Biermann, Dirk
Tekkaya, A. Erman
Understanding the effect of interlayers on the interfacial temperature during laser brazing for the use of higher melting braze materials
Woizeschke, Peer
Untersuchung der Prozesskette zur Herstellung einer ß-Titan Hohlwelle - Drehbearbeitung -
Weinert, Klaus D.
Untersuchung des thermomechanischen Belastungskollektivs in der Kontaktzone beim Längs-Umfangs-Planschleifen
Biermann, Dirk
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Coordination Funds
Biermann, Dirk
Fully coupled fluid-structure-contact simulations to understand the processes in the contact zones during lubricated orthogonal cutting
Elgeti, Stefanie
Zabel, Andreas
Greybox model-based prediction of wear evolution of coated tools through experimental and model-driven identification of relevant loads
Walther, Frank
Zabel, Andreas
Greybox-modeling the run-in behavior of coated tools in the milling process as dynamic load profile based on operando, in situ and ex situ analyses
Biermann, Dirk
Debus, Jörg
Tillmann, Wolfgang
Process-integrated measuring and control system for the determination and reliable generation of functionally relevant properties in surface edge zones during BTA deep-hole-drilling
Biermann, Dirk
Walther, Frank
Zabel, Andreas
Simulation and optimization of the coolant flow to reduce the thermal tool load during discontinuous drilling of Inconel 718
Biermann, Dirk
Turek, Stefan
SPP 2231: Efficient cooling, lubrication and transportation – coupled mechanical and fluid-dynamical simulation methods for efficient production processes (FLUSIMPRO)
Biermann, Dirk
Tool and Process Optimization for efficient Ejector Deep-Hole Drilling-Processes using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH)
Biermann, Dirk
Eberhard, Peter
Completed projects
Coordination Funds
Biermann, Dirk
Experimental and FEM-based Analysis of the thermal loads in deep-hole drilling process using twist drills and MQL
Biermann, Dirk
Ganzheitliche Betrachtung des Spindel-Werkstück-Systems beim NC-Formschleifen von Freiformflächen durch simulative Vorhersage des Prozessverhaltens auf Basis numerischer Verfahren
Biermann, Dirk
Blum, Heribert
Modellierung, Simulation und Kompensation von thermischen Bearbeitungseinflüssen für komplexe Zerspanprozesse
Biermann, Dirk
Modelling and simulation of internal traverse grinding - from micro-thermo-mechanical mechanisms to process models
Biermann, Dirk
Menzel, Andreas
Numerical analysis and efficient implementation of complex FE-models for mechanical production processes using the example of deep hole drilling
Blum, Heribert
Simulation of Thermomechanically Caused Workpiece Deformations for the NC Milling Process
Schröder, Andreas
Zabel, Andreas
SPP 1480: Modelling, Simulation and Compensation of Thermal Effects for Complex Machining Processes
Biermann, Dirk
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Entwicklung optimierter Prozess-Strategien zur fünfachsigen Fräsbearbeitung mit Hilfe evolutionärer Algorithmen
(Project Heads
Weinert, Klaus D.
Zabel, Andreas
Evolutionäres Design von Temperierbohrungsstrategien für Druckguss- und Spritzgusswerkzeuge
(Project Head
Mehnen, Jörn
Five-Axis Milling and Simulation System for the Manufacturing of Free-Formed Dies
(Project Head
Zabel, Andreas
Information technology, measuring, and reverse engineering for the optimization of process chains
(Project Heads
Biermann, Dirk
Buchheim, Christoph
Surmann, Tobias
Machining and micro-machining of NiTi shape memory alloys
(Project Heads
Biermann, Dirk
Weinert, Klaus D.
Mehrkriteriell optimierter Entwurf von Temperierbohrungssystemen für Druckgusswerkzeuge in der Praxis
(Project Heads
Biermann, Dirk
Weinert, Klaus D.
Nicht starre Registrierungsmethoden für die Analyse und Kompensation der Rückfederung durch die Optimierung von Blechumformwerkzeugen
(Project Heads
Biermann, Dirk
Buchheim, Christoph
Simulation supported NC-shape grinding as a finishing operation of thermally coated deep drawing tools
(Project Heads
Biermann, Dirk
Blum, Heribert
Statistical process modeling for machining of inhomogeneous mineral subsoil
(Project Heads
Biermann, Dirk
Müller, Christine H.
Tillmann, Wolfgang
Weihs, Claus
Completed projects
Erweiterung der Frässimulation zur Bearbeitung von Leichtbaukomponenten unter Berücksichtigung von Werkzeug- und Maschineneigenschaften
(Project Heads
Biermann, Dirk
Surmann, Tobias
Experimental and simulative analysis of the machining of inhomogeneous workpieces
(Project Heads
Biermann, Dirk
Zabel, Andreas
FEM-Analyse der Bauteilbeeinflussung durch spanende Bearbeitung
(Project Heads
Biermann, Dirk
Weinert, Klaus D.
Generation of predetermined surface structures by simulation-based process and tool engineering
(Project Heads
Biermann, Dirk
Surmann, Tobias
Machining of Lightweight Frame Structures
(Project Heads
Biermann, Dirk
Zabel, Andreas
Machining of molds with filigree structures for sheet-bulk metal forming
(Project Heads
Biermann, Dirk
Wiederkehr, Petra
Simulation of the five-axis milling process
(Project Heads
Mehnen, Jörn
Zabel, Andreas
Synthesis and multi-objective model-based optimisation of process chains for manufacturing parts with functionally graded properties
(Project Heads
Gräßler, Iris
Wagner, Tobias
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
5-axes grinding machine
CNC gesteuerte Abrichtmaschine für Schleifwerkzeuge mit optischer Überwachung
Form- und Oberflächenmessgerät
Maschine zum selektiven Laserschmelzen
Micro Waterjet Cutting System
Werkzeugschleifmaschine, insbesondere für Mikrowerkzeuge
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2193: Adaption Intelligence of Factories in a Dynamic and Complex Environment
Rehof, Jakob
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Completed projects
Computertomographic investigation and FE simulation of the impact of manufacturing process parameters and service conditions on the microstructure and the properties of selected material systems
Tillmann, Wolfgang