Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Department Maschinenbau
Lehrstuhl für Photonische Technologien (LPT)
Konrad-Zuse-Straße 3-5
91052 Erlangen
This institution in GERiT
91052 Erlangen
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Dispersion effects of nanocomposites to improve melting and resolidification behavior during PBF-LB/P with near-infrared diode lasers
Barcikowski, Stephan
Schmidt, Michael
Eutectic Al alloys with tailored solidification path to probe fundamental aspects of solidification in laser-based AM II
Apel, Markus
Schmidt, Michael
Mesoscale burner array for hydrogen-rich fuels - achieving high power density, fuel flexibility, and low emissions through additive manufacturing
Schmidt, Michael
Scholtissek, Arne
Will, Stefan
Completed projects
Basic research on enhancing the process of laser beam welding of plastics
Schmidt, Michael
Lubricant free forming with tailored tribological conditions
Merklein, Marion
Schmidt, Michael
Tremmel, Stephan
Lubricant free forming with tailored tribological conditions
Merklein, Marion
Schmidt, Michael
Tremmel, Stephan
Nanostrukturierung durch ultrakurze Laserpulse und optische Nahfelder an Mikropartikeln mit Positionierung durch eine Optische Pinzette
Schmidt, Michael
Stelzle, Florian Dominik
Selbstlernende Mehrgrößendiagnostik und - regelung von Lasermaterialbearbeitungsprozessen
Otto, Andreas
SPP 1676: Dry Metal Forming - Sustainable Production through Dry Processing in Metal Forming
Vollertsen, Frank
Research Grants
Current projects
Beam shaping in the ultraviolet spectral range with the spatial light modulator
Schmidt, Michael
Calibration-free Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) for the elemental analysis of tissue
Schmidt, Michael
Ceramic protective coatings on C-fiber-reinforced and unreinforced plastics through laser pyrolysis of filled silazanes
Motz, Günter
Schmidt, Michael
Contact-free photoacustic imaging of tissue for endoscopic applications by speckle vibration analysis
Klämpfl, Florian
Detection and correction of complex system properties in wave front shaping using neural networks
Schmidt, Michael
Experimental and model-based analysis of light propagation and temperature distribution in laser-based directed energy deposition of thermoplastics
Schmidt, Michael
Hyperspectral depth reconstruction by an iso-point approach for understanding of the light matter interaction on a macroscopic scale in turbid media.
Hohmann, Martin
Influencing Meltdynamics in Laser Remote Fusion Cutting
Schmidt, Michael
In-situ Microstructure Modification of Duplex Stainless Steels by means of Powder Bed Fusion using Laser Beam Melting of Metals (PBF-LB/M)
Schmidt, Michael
Investigations on the combination of DED-LB/M and forming
Merklein, Marion
Schmidt, Michael
Localised Electron-induced Laser absorption (LEILA)
Cvecek, Kristian
Preparation, characterization and powder-bed laser sintering of biodegradable composite powders
Schmidt, Michael
Vogel, Nicolas
Tailor Alloyed Blanks - Manufacturing of high-strength process-adapted semi-finished parts by a local laser-based adaption of the alloying system
Merklein, Marion
Schmidt, Michael
Temperature determination in laser materials processing based upon a hyperspectral imaging method of high spectral reconstruction quality
Schmidt, Michael
Understanding the role of beam shape in laser materials processing, considering thermal field evolution
Chechik, Ph.D., Lova
Completed projects
3D diffractive elements through fs-laser direct writing
Schmidt, Michael
Analysis of the interactions between the morphology and the properties of weld seams during laser transmission welding of plastics by a three-dimensional, spatially re-solved determination of the crystallinity of the weld seam by means of Raman microscopy
Schmidt, Michael
Will, Stefan
Arc-based ultra-short laser pulse assisted workpiece machining
Schmidt, Michael
Beam shaping of ultrashort laser pulses by means of acousto-optic deflection and refraction
Schmidt, Michael
Einbettende Stereolithogrphie - Prozessentwicklung zur Integration von Funktionselementen in mechatronischen Baugruppen
Schmidt, Michael
Exploration of new concepts for sensor based tissue specific laser surgery
Schmidt, Michael
Stelzle, Florian Dominik
Laserstrahlschweißen von Kunststoffen mit bauteilangepassten quasi-stationären Temperaturfeldern
Haferkamp, Heinz
Schmidt, Michael
Multi-Physics Modeling of Laser Beam Drilling with Temporally Shaped Pulses
Schmidt, Michael
Prozessuntersuchung und -optimierung zum Laserstrahlschweißen von feueraluminierten höchstfesten Stählen zur Bestimmung der jeweiligen Einsatzgrenzen
Schmidt, Michael
Self-organized structures in ultrashort pulsed laser processing
Huber, Heinz Paul
Schmidt, Michael
Spatially resolved detection of the scattering coefficient and the capillary network of tissue by using a random laser
Schmidt, Michael
Stress-related process know-how and process optimasiton of plastic welding unsing the example of laser transmission welding
Schmidt, Michael
Schöppner, Volker
Thermisches Prozessieren von dünnen, freitragenden, flächig ausgedehnten Siliziumfilmen (Akronym: ExSilon)
Kunz, Thomas
Schmidt, Michael
Thermomechanische und fluiddynamische Wechselwirkungen beim Laserstrahtiefschweißen
Schmidt, Michael
Three dimensional mapping of turbid media by hyper spectral imaging
Schmidt, Michael
Tomography of femtosecond laser structured objects inscribed in glass
Höche, Thomas
de Ligny, Dominique
Schmidt, Michael
Transient Multi-Phase Modelling of Process Dynamics in Ultrafast Laser Ablation of Metals
Schmidt, Michael
Ultrafast laser machining of embedded glass stress/fatigue sensors based on whispering gallery mode resonators
Schmidt, Michael
Research Units
Current projects
Coordination Funds
Schmidt, Michael
FOR 5134: Solidification Cracks during Laser Beam Welding: High Performance Computing for High Performance Processing
Schmidt, Michael
Thermo-Fluiddynamical Investigation of the Melt Pool Area
Schmidt, Michael
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
35fs-ultrafast-laser with high pulse energy
Anlage für das Laser Pulverauftragsschweißen
Anlage für das Laserschweißen und -schneiden von Metallen
Anlage zur additiven Fertigung durch Laserstrahlschmelzen von Metallen im Pulverbett mit großem Bauraum
Anlage zur additiven Fertigung durch Laserstrahlschmelzen von Metallen im Pulverbett mit kleinem Bauraum
Femtosecond laser pulse amplification system
High power picosecond laser system
Machine for laser beam melting using continuous and ultra short pulsed laser irradiation
System for the investigation on the material processing using a blue emitting laser source
Ultra-short pulsed laser at 1064 nm
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Tailored properties of PBF-LB/M components by local in situ alloy formation
(Project Heads
Roth, Stephan
Schmidt, Michael
Two-color thermography for increased process robustness
(Project Head
Schmidt, Michael
Completed projects
Additive and formative manufacturing of hybrid parts with locally adapted, tailored properties
(Project Heads
Merklein, Marion
Schmidt, Michael
Singer, Robert F.
Efficient additive manufacturing of multi-material-parts
(Project Heads
Frick, Thomas
Roth, Stephan
Schmidt, Michael
Embedding Stereolithography - Prozessentwicklung zur Integration von Funktionselementen in mikromechatronischen Baugruppen
(Project Heads
Otto, Andreas
Schmidt, Michael
Laserbasierte Fügeverfahren für die flexible Fertigung integrierter Systeme
(Project Heads
Geiger, Manfred
Schmidt, Michael
New process strategies for laser beam melting of polymers
(Project Heads
Drummer, Dietmar
Schmidt, Michael
Process-adapted material characterization for laser beam melting
(Project Heads
Drummer, Dietmar
Peukert, Wolfgang
Schmidt, Michael
Wirth, Karl-Ernst
Prozessregelung für das fehlerfreie Laserstrahlschweißen kontaminierter Bleche
(Project Heads
Otto, Andreas
Schmidt, Michael
Selective laser beam melting of composite material for lightweight structures
(Project Head
Schmidt, Michael
CRC/Transfer Units
Completed projects
Selektives und simultanes Laserstrahllöten in der Elektronik
(Project Heads
Geiger, Manfred
Schmidt, Michael
Completed projects
Development of a laser-assisted drop-on demand brazing process to extend the process limits of conventional wire bonding processes for electronics assembly and packaging
(Project Heads
Roth, Stephan
Schmidt, Michael
Laser based electrical and mechanical contacting of composite materials with integrated active elements
(Project Heads
Roth, Stephan
Schmidt, Michael
New Instrumentation for Research
Current projects
Endoscopic laser-based 3D imaging for clinical real-time analysis of the human larynx
Döllinger, Michael
Schmidt, Michael
Stamminger, Marc
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Completed projects
High-throughput Direct Energy Deposition (DED-LB\M) for the generation of tailored metallic alloys and composites using in-situ alloying approaches and quasi-simultaneous beam shaping (H-T DED)
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1161: Disperse Systems for Electronic Applications
Peukert, Wolfgang
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 80: Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (SOAT)
Schmidt, Michael