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Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Abteilung Molekulare Immunologie und Zellbiologie
Carl-Troll-Straße 31
53115 Bonn
This institution in GERiT
53115 Bonn
Research Grants
Current projects
Amoeboid migration in the presence of multiple centrosomes
Kiermaier, Eva
Elucidating the role of genome instability in dendritic cells
Kiermaier, Eva
Paeschke, Katrin
Reversal of endotoxin tolerance through Liver-X-receptor dependent immunomodulation
Netea, Mihai G.
Placek, Ph.D., Katarzyna
Sohrabi, Ph.D., Yahya
Completed projects
Hormnal mechanism involved in the adaption tohypoxia in the lobster (Homarius americanus)
Keller, Rainer
Identification, structure elucidation and biological activities of the androgenic hormone of decapode crabs
Peter-Katalinic, Jasna
Identifizierung, Strukturaufklärung und biologische Aktivitäten des Androgenen Hormons der dekapoden Krebse
Keller, Rainer
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
A functional genomics approach to understand inflammation in obesity
(Project Heads
Netea, Mihai G.
Placek, Ph.D., Katarzyna
NaCl-mediated programming of macrophage core functions
(Project Heads
Kolanus, Waldemar
Mass, Elvira
Completed projects
Arf-like GTPases and their GEFs in local T cell signaling, metabolism and adhesion
(Project Heads
Diehl, Ph.D., Linda
Kolanus, Waldemar
Biochemische und funktionale Analysen zur Interaktion von CD4 mit einem neuartigen cytoplasmatischen Protein (Cap4) und dessen Bedeutung für T-Zellsignaltransduktion und HIV-Infektion
(Project Head
Kolanus, Waldemar
Central Tasks
(Project Head
Kolanus, Waldemar
Core facility transgenic animal generation and husbandry
(Project Heads
Knolle, Percy Alexander
Kolanus, Waldemar
Kurts, Christian
In vivo Regulation der Zelladhäsion im Immunsystem
(Project Head
Kolanus, Waldemar
Membrane-proximal signaling events in migrating immune cells
(Project Heads
Kolanus, Waldemar
Quast, Thomas
Molecular mechanisms of dendritic cell signal transduction subsequent to cellular infection by Vaccinia Virus or L. monocytogenes
(Project Head
Kolanus, Waldemar
Molekulare Mechanismen der Granolocytenadhäsion und -migration
(Project Head
Kolanus, Waldemar
Regulation of cell differentiation programming and signaling by the stem cell protein TRIM71 and by cytohesin exchange factors in epithelial tumors and in melanomas
(Project Heads
Kolanus, Waldemar
Tüting, Thomas
SFB 704: Molecular Mechanisms and Chemical Modulation of Local Immune Regulation
Kolanus, Waldemar
Research Units
Current projects
Deciphering the interrelation between Kupffer cells and hepatocyte polyploidization integration
Kiermaier, Eva
Mass, Elvira
FOR 5775: Macrophage Niche Network Dynamics - Defining macrophages as choreographers of tissue development and function
Mass, Elvira
Completed projects
Regulation of small GTPase signalling networks and chaperone-assisted selective autophagy through mechanical forces in leukocytes and cardiomyocytes
Kolanus, Waldemar
Wachten, Dagmar
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Spinning disk confocal microscope
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Untersuchungen der Pathophysiologie des Atopischen Ekzems
Novak, Natalija
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Completed projects
Fast imaging of integrin-dependent cytoplasmic signaling in adhesion regulation and actin cytoskeletal remodelling events contributing to immune cell migration (HighLight 2004)
Kolanus, Waldemar
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 804: Analysis of Cellular Functions by Combinatorial Chemistry and Biochemistry
Famulok, Michael
International Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2168: Myeloid antigen presenting cells and the induction of adaptive immunity
Kurts, Christian
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 1023: ImmunoSensation: The Immune Sensory System
Hartmann, Gunther
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2151: ImmunoSensation2 - the immune sensory system
Hartmann, Gunther
Kolanus, Waldemar
Latz, Eicke
Schultze, Joachim L.
Additional Information
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