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Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Institut für Angewandte Mathematik
Endenicher Allee 60
53115 Bonn
This institution in GERiT
53115 Bonn
Research Grants
Current projects
Derivation and analysis of effective suspension models
Cobb, Dimitri
Höfer, Richard
Schubert, Richard
Completed projects
Chaos: Stochastische und stabile Phänomene für Hamilton Systeme und deren Quantisierung
Albeverio, Sergio
CISM-Kurs "Liquid Films - Theory, Experiment and Industrial Applications"
Becker, Jürgen
Invariant measures for stochastic partial differential equations and asymptotics
Albeverio, Sergio
Konstruktion von Polymermassen durch Selbstdurchschneidungsfunktionale von Irrfahrten und Brownschen Pfaden, Dynamisierung von Polymermassen
Albeverio, Sergio
Martingaltheorie auf Vektorbündeln und die Geometrie bündelwertiger Diffusionen
Sturm, Karl-Theodor
Multiobjective topology optimization of anode structures for lithium-ion batteries
Weinberg, Kerstin
Multiscale version of the Logvinenko-Sereda Theorem
Veselic, Ivan
Probabilistische Verfahren zur Vorhersage raumzeitlicher Strukturen des Autobahnverkehrs
Albeverio, Sergio
Quantum Entanglement and Related Mathematics
Albeverio, Sergio
Random Schrödinger operators arising in the study of reinforced random processes
Disertori, Margherita
Stochastic Partial Differential Equations with non Gaussian White Noise and Corresponding Generators
Albeverio, Sergio
Stochastische Analysis und Systeme mit unendlich vielen Freiheitsgraden
Albeverio, Sergio
Subspace perturbation problems for linear operators
Albeverio, Sergio
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Emergence of macroscopic phenomena in the non-linear hyperbolic supersymmetric sigma model - second phase
Disertori, Margherita
Merkl, Franz
Rolles, Silke
Multiscale Modelling of Ultrasound Neuromodulation in the Human Brain – From Neuron to Brain
Keip, Marc-André
Keplinger, Christoph
Ortiz, Ph.D., Michael
Random Riemannian Geometry
Kopfer, Eva
Sturm, Karl-Theodor
Regularity and Scaling of Wild Microstructures in the Modelling of Shape-Memory Alloys
Rüland, Angkana
Completed projects
Analyse von Gibbsmaßen via partieller Integration und Quasi-Invarianz
Röckner, Michael
Analyse von Gibbsmaßen via partieller Integration und Quasi-Invarianz
Albeverio, Sergio
Domain structures and dynamics in Ferromagnetic shape memory materials: Theory and Experiment - Continuum models of magnetic shape memory materials: mathematics
Müller, Stefan
Otto, Felix
Fitness landscapes and adaptive dynamics
Bovier, Anton
Krug, Joachim
Homogenization of many particle systems
Niethammer, Barbara
Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Microstructured Magnetic-Shape-Memory Devices
Conti, Sergio
Multiple scales in phase separating systems with elastic misfit
Niethammer, Barbara
Multiscale folding patterns in thin elastic sheets
Conti, Sergio
Multi-Scale Shape Optimization under Uncertainty
Conti, Sergio
Rumpf, Martin
Schultz, Rüdiger
Neue mathematische Methoden zur Verknüpfung und Vervollständigung von in Raum und Zeit unregelmäßig aufgenommenen Straßenverkehrsdaten
Albeverio, Sergio
Ricci flows for non-smooth spaces, monotonic quantities, and rigidity
Erbar, Matthias
Sturm, Karl-Theodor
Soft Ferromagnetic Films
Müller, Stefan
Stochastische Analysis und Riemannsche Geometrie
Sturm, Karl-Theodor
Untersuchung von Tieftemperaturphasen ungeordneter Modelle mit langreichweitiger Wechselwirkung
Bovier, Anton
Research Units
Completed projects
Analytical and numerical aspects of relaxation and regularization in models of crystal plasticity
Conti, Sergio
Dolzmann, Georg
Discrete and phase field models of dislocations and their macroscopic limits
Dondl, Patrick
Effective interface models with gradient interactions and the Cauchy-Born rule at positive temperature
Deuschel, Jean-Dominique
Luckhaus, Stephan
Equilibrium and ageing in glassy systems
Bovier, Anton
Herleitung effektiver Theorien für atomistisch dünne Röhren und Schichten
Müller, Stefan
Intermittency phenomena in random media
Gärtner, Jürgen
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Sreening and correlation effects in Ostwald Ripening; Elastic effects in phase transitions; grain growth in polycrystalline films
Niethammer, Barbara
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Data driven approach to fatigue crack growth modeling
Carrara, Ph.D., Pietro
Derivation of Euler Equations
Finco, Domenico
Multiscale Modeling of Damage in Micro-Heterogeneous Materials based on incremental variational formulations
Balzani, Daniel
Stochastische Teilchenapproximationen für geometrische Evolutionsgleichungen, insbesondere für den Yamabe- und den Ricci-Fluss
Philipowski, Robert
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Polynomial Techniques in Extremal Combinatorics
Sauermann, Ph.D., Lisa
WBP Position
Current projects
Stability and robustness issues for linear and nonlinear time delay systems
Aleksandrova, Ph.D., Irina
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Ageing and slow dynamics
(Project Head
Bovier, Anton
Analysis of multicomponent flows
(Project Heads
Conti, Sergio
Frehse, Jens
Analysis on collapsing manifolds and singular spaces
(Project Heads
Müller, Werner
Sturm, Karl-Theodor
Central Tasks of the Collaborative Research Center
(Project Head
Müller, Stefan
Chaos: Stochastische und stabile Phänomene für Hamilton Systeme und deren Quantisierung
(Project Head
Albeverio, Sergio
Classical and quantum kinetic equations
(Project Head
Velázquez, Juan José López
Convergence of multi particle Monte Carlo methods for sampling and filtering
(Project Heads
Albeverio, Sergio
Eberle, Andreas
Discrete Riemannian calculus on shape space
(Project Heads
Rumpf, Martin
Sturm, Karl-Theodor
Dynamics of coagulation-fragmentation equations
(Project Heads
Niethammer, Barbara
Velázquez, Juan José López
Flows of probability measures and nonlinear stochastic evolutions
(Project Head
Sturm, Karl-Theodor
From pair potentials to macroscopic plasticity
(Project Heads
Conti, Sergio
Müller, Stefan
Ortiz, Ph.D., Michael
Hysteresis and microstructure in shape memory alloys
(Project Heads
Conti, Sergio
Knüpfer, Hans
Zwicknagl, Barbara
Macroscopic limits of reinforced random walks
(Project Head
Velázquez, Juan José López
(Project Heads
Bovier, Anton
Müller, Stefan
Metastability in stochastic dynamics
(Project Head
Bovier, Anton
Microskopic effects at fluid interfaces
(Project Heads
Alt, Hans Wilhelm
Griebel, Michael
Nonlinear sigma models
(Project Head
Disertori, Margherita
Numerical optimization of shape microstructures
(Project Heads
Conti, Sergio
Rumpf, Martin
Optimal transport and random measures
(Project Heads
Huesmann, Martin
Sturm, Karl-Theodor
Pattern formation in magnetic materials
(Project Heads
Kurzke, Matthias
Otto, Felix
Random matrices and random surfaces
(Project Heads
Ferrari, Patrik L.
Peltola, Eveliina
Scaling limits of particle systems and stochastic interface dynamics
(Project Heads
Albeverio, Sergio
Alt, Hans Wilhelm
Eberle, Andreas
Screening and long-range interactions in problems in materials science
(Project Heads
Niethammer, Barbara
Velázquez, Juan José López
SFB 1060: The Mathematics of Emergent Effects
Müller, Stefan
Singulary perturbed variational problems from nonlinea elasticity
(Project Head
Conti, Sergio
Skalenbildung singuläres Verhalten von Diffusionsprzessen
(Project Heads
Frehse, Jens
Hamenstädt, Ursula
Statistical mechanics for lattice models of elasticity
(Project Heads
Bovier, Anton
Müller, Stefan
Stochastic Processes with Variable Scaling Parameters
(Project Heads
Kaßmann, Rolf Moritz
Sturm, Karl-Theodor
Stochastische Analysis und Systeme mit unendlich vielen Freiheitsgraden
(Project Head
Albeverio, Sergio
Stochastische Prozesse auf komplexen Strukturen, Homogenisierung und stochastische partielle Differentialgleichungen
(Project Heads
Albeverio, Sergio
Sturm, Karl-Theodor
Surface dynamics driven by embedded substances
(Project Heads
Alt, Wolfgang
Alt, Hans Wilhelm
Wasserstein geometry, Ricci curvature and geometric analysis
(Project Heads
Erbar, Matthias
Kopfer, Eva
Maas, Jan
Sturm, Karl-Theodor
Wavelet Methods for Systems of Operator Equations
(Project Heads
Griebel, Michael
Kunoth, Angela
Scherer, Karl
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 251: Stochastic Processes and Probabilistic Analysis
Scheutzow, Michael
GRK 597: Analysis, Geometry and their Connection with the Natural Sciences
Rademacher, Hans-Bert
GRK 1128: Analysis, Numerics, and Optimisation of Multiphase Problems
Griewank, Andreas
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 59: Mathematics: Foundations, Models, Applications
Sturm, Karl-Theodor
EXC 1023: ImmunoSensation: The Immune Sensory System
Hartmann, Gunther
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2047: Hausdorff Center for Mathematics (HCM)
Blomer, Valentin
Lück, Wolfgang
Rumpf, Martin
Schwede, Stefan
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