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Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Soziologie
Garystraße 55
14195 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
14195 Berlin
Research Grants
Current projects
Identifying and Evaluating the Impact of Policy Interventions for Increasing Citizenship Acquisition Rates in Germany
Teney, Céline
Longitudinal Study of Ukrainian Refugees in Germany (SUARE): Data infrastructure, Health and Discrimination
Liebig, Stefan
Zinn, Sabine
Migration and adaptation capabilities, aspirations and strategies of displaced Ukrainians in Berlin, Warsaw and Budapest: A longitudinal qualitative panel analysis
Teney, Céline
Completed projects
Das internationale entwicklungspolitische Engagement der DDR - Doktrin und Strategien zwischen Illusion und Wirklichkeit
Schulz, Manfred
Der faktorielle Survey als Instrument zur Einstellungsmessung in Umfragen
Hinz, Thomas
Liebig, Stefan
European Social Survey European citizens´ attitudes towards society, economy and politics: An international comparative empirical project
Liebig, Stefan
Latin and Ancient-Greek as foreign languages in school: A strategy of distinction for the upper classes?
Gerhards, Jürgen
Kohler, Ulrich
Messung und Analyse von Prozessen des sozialen Wandels anhand der Vergabe von Vornamen: Aufbereitung und Auswertung des SOEP
Gerhards, Jürgen
Multilevel Comparative Analysis of the Immigrant Gap in the Incidence of Job-Skill Mismatch among the Highly Skilled Working Population
Teney, Céline
Nonverbal islamophobic discrimination in public places: a field experimental study
von Scheve, Ph.D., Christian
Opinion Polarization on Identity Politics and Denationalization Issues: A Longitudinal Comparative Perspective
Teney, Céline
Risk practices in politics and the financial sector: A comparative analysis of their characteristics and of translational dynamics across social fields
Beyer, Jürgen
von Scheve, Ph.D., Christian
Senge, Konstanze
Structural Conditions of Justice Attitudes over the Lifespan
Liebig, Stefan
The European Union and the attribution of responsibility in the mass media
Gerhards, Jürgen
Transnational Human Capital and Social Inequality
Gerhards, Jürgen
Hans, Silke
Zur Legitimität der Gleichheit aller Bürger der Europäischen Union. Eine komparative Umfrage
Gerhards, Jürgen
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Travel lives. Isabelle Eberhardt, Reinhold Messner und Bruce Chatwin.
Boomers, Sabine
Research Units
Current projects
Internalized Ethnic and Cultural Reconfiguration: Natives’ Reactions to Increasingly Heterogeneous Immigrant Populations
Schmidt-Catran, Alexander
Completed projects
How strong is solidarity among European citizens and the member states of the European Union?
Gerhards, Jürgen
Kollektives Gedächtnis als Basis einer Identifikation mit Europa. Geschichtsbedeutung zwischen Globalisierung, Europäisierung, Renationalisierung und Hybridisierung
Gerhards, Jürgen
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
The factorial survey as a method for measuring attitudes in population surveys
Hinz, Thomas
Liebig, Stefan
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Central Project for Critical Reflection: Contested Knowledge. Perspectives and Challenges for Interdisciplinary Affect and Emotion Research
(Project Heads
Dilger, Hansjörg
Fleig, Anne
Ivanov, Paola
von Scheve, Ph.D., Christian
Slaby, Jan
Emotions in dispute? Negotiating and establishing emotionial repertoires in Germany’s literary and political public sphere
(Project Heads
Brokoff, Jürgen
von Scheve, Ph.D., Christian
Expectations of Efficacy of Artistic Intervention: A Study of Self-Conceptions, Practices, and Receptions
(Project Head
von Scheve, Ph.D., Christian
Completed projects
Central Tasks
(Project Heads
Diewald, Martin
Faist, Ph.D., Thomas
Liebig, Stefan
Firms and Inequality: Inequality Effects of Temporary Layoffs
(Project Head
Liebig, Stefan
Lost between Cultures? Emotional Ambivalences in Name Giving Practices of Migrants
(Project Head
Gerhards, Jürgen
Sächsische Geschichte als Instrument der Identitätsbildung. Kulturgeschichte und Historiographiegeschichte des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts
(Project Heads
Gerhards, Jürgen
Middell, Matthias
The Legitimation of Inequalities: Structural Conditions of Justice Attitudes over the Lifespan
(Project Head
Liebig, Stefan
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
ENTAILab - Research Infrastructure and Innovation Lab
Kleinert, Corinna
Liebig, Stefan
Mehler, Alexander
Pollak, Reinhard
Zinn, Sabine
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 55: Graduate School of North American Studies
Kelleter, Frank
GSC 243: Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (BGSS)
Immergut, Ph.D., Ellen M.
GSC 268: Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology
Welskopp, Thomas
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2055: Contestations of the Liberal Script (SCRIPTS)
Börzel, Tanja A.
Zürn, Michael
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 302: Languages of Emotion
Kappelhoff, Hermann
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
KonsortSWD – Consortium for the Social, Behavioural, Educational, and Economic Sciences
Wolf, Christof
Additional Information
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