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Universität Bern
Institut für Geologie
Baltzerstraße 1+3
3012 Bern
3012 Bern
Research Grants
Current projects
Drilling Overdeepened Alpine Valleys (DOVE): The Tannwald core
Preusser, Frank
Reconstructing the Late Quaternary eruption history of the Chaîne des Puys, France, using modern luminescence dating approaches
Fischer, Lennart
Preusser, Frank
Zircon formation and stability under hydrothermal conditions
Bergemann, Christian
Completed projects
Chemostratigraphie einer paläoproterozoischen BIF-MnF Abfolge - die Hotazel Formation, Südafrika
Strauß, Harald
Chemostratigraphy of a Paleoproterozoic BIF-MnF succession - the Voelwater Subgroup, Transvaal Supergroup, South Africa
Strauß, Harald
Control of the M-S-H Crystallization for Building a Green Future
Ruiz Agudo, Ph.D., Cristina
Das geochemische Budget von High-Field-Strength Elementen in Subduktionsmagmen
Mezger, Klaus
Die Hf Isotopie von Zirkonen als neuer Tracer für Krustendifferentiationsprozesse und Provenanzstudien
Münker, Carsten
Entwicklung hochpräziser Isotopen- und Spurenelementanalytik für terrestrische und extraterrestrische Gesteine
Mezger, Klaus
Gas-solid reactions in hot, reduced planetary environments
Renggli, Ph.D., Christian
Geochronologische Untersuchungen im Orlica-Snieznik-Kristallin (Sudeten, Polen):Das Alter der Ausgangsgesteine und der zeitliche Ablauf der Metamorphose
Bröcker, Michael
Geometry, chronology and dynamics of the last Pleistocene glaciation of the Black Forest
Preusser, Frank
Holocene development of reefs and lagoons of Bora Bora, Darwin's type barrier reef (French Polynesia): the influence of sea level, antecedent topography, and subsidence
Gischler, Eberhard
Influence of Heterogeneities on the Initiation of Shear Zones in the Ductile Regime
Grafulha Morales, Luiz Fernando
Reconstructing paleoclimatic/paleoenvironmental evolution and volcanic ash dispersal during the late Pleistocene in the Western Tropical Pacific using lacustrine terrestrial records from the Malili Lake System, Sulawesi, Indonesia
Vogel, Hendrik
Rekonstruktion der Redoxbedingungen während der Ablagerung der ca. 2,6 - 2,2 Millarden Jahre alten Griqualand West und Transvaal Beckensedimente, Südafrika, anhand von Cr- und Mo-Isotopenvariationen in Karbonaten und Schwarzschiefern
Schönberg, Ph.D., Ronny
Relikte eklogit- und granulitfazieller Überprägung im Menderes Kristallin; ihre Bedeutung für die Entwicklung des Massivs
Oberhänsli, Roland
Sedimentary peels from pyroclastic density current deposits: revealing basal flow-boundary processes.
Küppers, Ulrich
The evolution of free oxygen in the early Earth atmos- and hydrosphere; a paleoredox study of 3.46 - 2.48 Ga old euxinic sediments from Pibara, Australia
Wille, Martin
The four major Isotopes of Dolomite (C, O, Mg, Ca): Closing the Calcium Isotope (d44/42Ca) Gap
Immenhauser, Adrian
Liebetrau, Volker
The late Holocene, high-resolution storm and climate archive of the Blue Hole, Lighthouse Reef, Belize (Central America)
Gischler, Eberhard
The Topographic History of the Alps and its Tectonic and Climatic Drivers (TOPOALPS)
von Blanckenburg, Friedhelm
Hinderer, Matthias
Mulch, Andreas
Timescales of sediment dynamics, climate and topographic change in mountain landscapes (SedyMONT)
Hinderer, Matthias
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
Investigating Early-Stage Quaternary Overdeepening in Oberschwaben (EQuOs)
Gegg, Lukas
Paleomagnetic investigations to better understand the earth’s magnetic field and its interaction with biological communities on the Tibetan Plateau and to validate and refine the chronology of sediment sequences recovered in the ICDP project NamCore (MagNam)
Haberzettl, Torsten
Seismic crosshole tomography as contribution to understand sedimentation processes in glacially-overdeepened valleys
Gabriel, Gerald
Köhn, Daniel
Completed projects
Geochemische Kartierung der Kerguelen Large Igneous Province mit Hilfe der Edelmetalle und Os-Isotopie (ODP Leg 183)
Mezger, Klaus
Geomorphology of the Belize Barrier Reef margin: a survey for IODP drilling
Gischler, Eberhard
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Coordination Funds
Trieloff, Mario
Early evolution of meteorite parent bodies - Hf-W and U-Pb ages of zircons, baddeleyites, and phosphates
Bischoff, Addi
Hf-W chronology of early solar system processes
Scherer, Erik
Kalibration des jüngeren Paläozoikum (Devon, Unterkarbon) auf der Grundlage von biostratigraphischen Untersuchungen und isotopischen Altersbestimmungen
Mezger, Klaus
Lu-Hf systematics of early solar system materials
Scherer, Erik
Planetary and nebular fractionation in the early solar system: Evidence from isotopes and trace elements in metal
Mezger, Klaus
SPP 1385: The first 10 Million Years of the Solar System - A Planetary Materials Approach
Mezger, Klaus
Trieloff, Mario
The Influence of Phase Separation on the Ca isotope Composition and Fluxes in Hydrothermal Systems
Eisenhauer, Anton
Uranium and V isotope variations in Archean sediments: Evidence for metal mobilization and enzymatic reduction in an overall anoxic world?
Schuth, Stephan
Weyer, Ph.D., Stefan
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Quantification of SiOH-defects in authigenic quartz by cathodoluminescence: A tracer of the growth dynamics
Götte, Thomas
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