Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Institut für Evolution und Ökologie
Lehrbereich für Evolutionäre Ökologie der Pflanzen
Auf der Morgenstelle 5
72076 Tübingen
This institution in GERiT
72076 Tübingen
Research Grants
Completed projects
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal diversity in an Ethiopian montane forest with special emphasis on nurse-tree effect
Oberwinkler, Franz
Climate change and escaping ornamentals: Predicting the next generation of European plant invaders
Bossdorf, Oliver
van Kleunen, Mark
Diversity and function of basidiomycetes as symbiotes of orchids and ericaceous plants in the tropical mountain forrest of southern ecuador
Kottke, Ingrid
Diversity and potentialapplication of the mycorrhiza of trees in the tropical mountain forrest of southern Ecuador.
Kottke, Ingrid
Ecological and evolutionary plant epigenetics
Schmid, Karl
Endophytes and invasive plants: How do endophytic fungi affect the growth, environmental tolerance and competitive success of invasive knotweed?
Bossdorf, Oliver
Evolutionary building lots on Ustilaginomycotina
Bossdorf, Oliver
Evolutionary responses of plants to environmental changes through the lens of ecological theories: an experimental test using the model species Arabidopsis thaliana
Scheepens, Johannes Fredericus
Evolution of plant defenses during a plant invasion
Bossdorf, Oliver
Richards, Ph.D., Christina
Exotic plant invasion under increased environmental variability
Parepa, Ph.D., Madalin
Koevolution zwischen Brandpilzen und ihren Wirten
Oberwinkler, Franz
Maintenance of biodiversity through mutualistic networks between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plants: robustness against human disturbance and climate change
Haug, Ingeborg
Molekulare Systematik der Rostpilze (Uredinales)
Oberwinkler, Franz
Mykoparasitische Basidiomyceten
Bauer, Robert
Phylogenie, Wirtsspezifität und Kospeziation der Gattung Microbotryum
Begerow, Dominik
Regeneration, Erhalt und nachhaltige Nutzung naturnaher Wälder Äthiopiens - Geländestation
Guggenberger, Georg
Regeneration, maintenance, and sustainable use of pristine forests in Ethiopia - field station
Guggenberger, Georg
Sebacinales distribution patterns in plant communities
Oberwinkler, Franz
Symbiose von Borken- und Ambrosiakäfern mit Mikropilzen: Diversität und Systematik der beteiligten Pilzpartner
Oberwinkler, Franz
Towards the global phylogeny of the ectomycorrhizal genus Cortinarius (Basidiomycetes, Agaricales)
Oberwinkler, Franz
Ultrastrukturelle und molekulare Marker für die Systematik der Heterobasidiomyceten
Oberwinkler, Franz
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Ecology of the core microbiome in natural Lotus corniculatus populations
Bossdorf, Oliver
Kemen, Eric
Effects of other microbes and the host on the interaction and ecological function of Pseudomonas and Sphingomonas isolates with plants
Bossdorf, Oliver
Weigel, Ph.D., Detlef
Completed projects
Co-evolution between ambrosia fungi and abrosia beetles of the genus Xyleborus
Oberwinkler, Franz
Radiation, biological diversity and host-parasite interactions in wildroses, rust fungi and insects
Brandl, Roland
Oberwinkler, Franz
Wissemann, Volker
Radiation, biological diversity and host-parasite interactions in wildroses, rust fungi and insects
Oberwinkler, Franz
Research Units
Completed projects
Arbuscular mycorrhizal communities in different stages of succession after loss of pristine forest
Haug, Ingeborg
Diversity and application of mycorrhiza of a tropical cloud forest
Kottke, Ingrid
Diversity and function of basidiomycetes as symbiotes of orchids and ericaceous plants in the tropical mountain forrest of southern ecuador
Kottke, Ingrid
Fungal symbiosis in horn- and liverworts in the tropic mountain rainforest in dependence of habitat and systematic position
Nebel, Martin
Tropische Aphyllophorales (Nichtblätterpilze) in Ecuador; unbekannte Diversität, quantitatives Auftreten, qualitative Funktion, phylogenetische Schlüsseltaxa
Langer, Ewald
Workshops for Early Career Investigators
Completed projects
Nachwuchsakademie: Systematik der Pflanzen und Pilze
Oberwinkler, Franz
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Epigenetic diversity of grassland plants in the Biodiversity Exploratories
Bossdorf, Oliver
Durka, Walter
EvoPlast - Evolution of plant phenotypic plasticity in response to grassland management
Scheepens, Johannes Fredericus
ForGenDiv: The influence of forest management on genetic diversity of plant and animal species: a cross-species study
Bossdorf, Oliver
Thomassen, Henri A.
Tracking long-term phenology and genetic diversity changes in the Biodiversity Exploratories: a comparison of contemporary plants and historical specimen
Bossdorf, Oliver
Burbano, Ph.D., Hernán