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Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung Dresden (IFW) e.V.
Institut für Festkörperforschung
Helmholtzstraße 20
01069 Dresden
01069 Dresden
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Coordination and Workshops - High Temperature Superconductivity in Iron Pnictides
Büchner, Bernd
Ferromagnetism and Superconductivity in LiFeAs
Büchner, Bernd
Investigation of low-energy excitations of iron-based superconductors by NMR and transport
Grafe, Hans-Joachim
Preparation and crystal growth of superconducting and magnetic rare earth-transition metal oxypnictides and alkali / earth alkali iron arsenides
Büchner, Bernd
Raman study of the interrelation of electron dynamics and phase transitions iron-based compounds
Hackl, Rudolf
Spins und Ladungen in eindimensionalen Antiferromagneten: Transport und Ordnungsphänomene
Büchner, Bernd
SPP 1458: High Temperature Superconductivity in Iron Pnictides
Büchner, Bernd
Studies of complex supramolecular spin clusters and spin chains in high magnetic fields
Kataev, Vladislav
Klauss, Hans-Henning
Synthesis and crystal growth of new and well-established iron pnictide superconductors
Büchner, Bernd
Research Grants
Current projects
Crafting Crystalline Materials with Unconventional Electronic and Magnetic Properties Based on Metallofullerenes with Metal-Metal Bonds
Dmitrieva, Evgenia
Crystal growth and magnetism of novel low-dimensional van der Waals materials
Büchner, Bernd
Kataev, Vladislav
Electronic structure of transition metal-trihalide based van der Waals heterostructures
Koitzsch, Andreas
Impact of the non-trivial band structure topology on the properties of superconductors
Büchner, Bernd
Interplay of fluctuations, ordering phenomena, and emergent phases
Hackl, Rudolf
Lithium-rich antiperovskites with high specific capacity as novel cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries
Gräßler, Nico
Klingeler, Rüdiger
Magnetic anisotropy and exchange interactions in lanthanide dimetallofullerenes with lanthanide-lanthanide bonds
Avdoshenko, Ph.D., Stanislav
Popov, Alexey A.
Molecular and spin dynamics in dimetallofullerenes with single-electron metal-metal bond
Popov, Alexey A.
Novel rare-earth-based intermetallics as candidates for realization of the Shastry-Sutherland lattice
Romaka, Ph.D., Vitaliy
Resistive switching devices based on electrocemically produced layers of prussian blue and prussian blue analog compounds
Müller, Christian
Wolf, Daniel
Search for kagome Weyl type III semimetals.
Büchner, Bernd
Wurmehl, Sabine
Completed projects
Anion Ordering to Induce Polar Metal Coordinations and Single Ion Anisotropies.
Hampel, Silke
Aufklärung des mikroskopischen Schaltverhaltens von ferroelektrischen Schichten für hochdichte nichtflüchtige Halbleiterspeicher mit Mitteln der Elektrischen Rasterkraftmikroskopie
Weihnacht, Manfred
Design of a computational platform and study of superconductivity in novel rolled-up nanostructures
Fomin, Vladimir
Design of new anionic, anion-radical and coordination compounds of endometallo- and endometallonitrides of fullerenes with perspective magnetic and conducting properties
Popov, Alexey A.
Dimensionality confined magnetism in the RuCl3 based correlated 2D materials with geometrically frustrated lattices
Roslova, Maria
Efficient thermally-activated delayed fluorescence in endohedral metallofullerenes
Popov, Alexey A.
Einkristallzüchtung niederdimensionaler und leitfähiger Cuprate unter hohem Sauerstoffdruck
Büchner, Bernd
Electrical conductivity and magnetism at organic single crystal charge transfer interfaces
Krupskaya, Ph.D., Yulia
Electronic and magnetic properties in monolayer/substrate interfaces of metallofullerene single molecule magnet Tb2@C79N featuring single-electron Tb-Tb bond
Popov, Alexey A.
Electronic structure of cuprate superconductors close to their ground state.
Borisenko, Sergey
Büchner, Bernd
Elektronische Struktur der Niedrigtemperaturphasen von Schwerfermionensupraleitern des Typs Ce-TIn5
Koitzsch, Andreas
Experimentelle Bestimmung grundlegender elektronischer und optischer Eigenschaften neuartiger Supraleiter
Knupfer, Martin
Field supported in-situ growth and transport properties of functionalised carbon nanotubes
Pichler, Thomas
Funktionalisierte Kohlenstoffnanoröhren als Sonden für die lokale Temperaturmessung mittels NMR in der Biomedizin
Wolter-Giraud, Ph.D., Anja
Halbmetallischer Transport in chemisch komplexen Systemen
Wurmehl, Sabine
Interaction between spin, lattice, and charge in non-centro\-symmetric correlated metals
Hackl, Rudolf
Interplay between the charge densitiy waves and superconductivity in transition metal chalcogenides
Borisenko, Sergey
Linking dynamics and kinetics of defect-doped spin chains and ladders
Büchner, Bernd
Hemker-Heß, Christian
Manipulation of the charge and spin state of metal atoms and clusters inside fullerenes
Knupfer, Martin
Popov, Alexey A.
Materials World Network: Scanned Probe Studies of FMR Driven Spin Injection in Individual Fe-filled Carbon Nanotubes
Mühl, Thomas
Nematic phase of Iron Based Superconductors probed by Nernst effect
Caglieris, Ph.D., Federico
Neue piezoelektrische Einkristalle der CGG-Gruppe für mikroakustische Bauelemente
Götze, Jens
Weihnacht, Manfred
New unusual magnetic complexes: synthesis, electronic and magnetic properties
Knupfer, Martin
Nitride Cluster Fullerene Spin Shuttle: the role of cluster composition for single molecule magnet behavior
Büchner, Bernd
Dunsch, Lothar
Nuclear magnetic resonance investigation of nematicity, superconductivity, and their interplay in FeSe
Baek, Ph.D., Seung-Ho
Nuclear magnetic resonance investigation of strain-tuned iron-based superconductors
Dioguardi, Adam P.
Präparation und Einkristallzüchtung supraleitender und magnetischer Seltenerd-Übergangsmetall Oxipnictide und Erdalkali Eisenarsenide
Büchner, Bernd
Search for a quantum spin liquid in the Kitaev honeycomb lattice, alpha-RuCl3
Baek, Ph.D., Seung-Ho
Spectroscopic characterization of multishell micro- and nanoarchitectures for nanophononics
Fomin, Vladimir
Spin and charge in electrochemically doped oxides
Klingeler, Rüdiger
Spin-lattice coupling in magnetic 2D van der Waals and topological materials
Corredor Bohórquez, Laura Teresa
Synthesis and electronic and magnetic properties of new endohedral fullerenes with hybrid lanthanidetransition metal clusters
Popov, Alexey A.
Tetragonal distorted Mn3-xGa Heusler compounds: Novel hardmagnetic materials without 4f electrons
Wurmehl, Sabine
Theoretical fundamentals of the emerging electronic phenomena in CUrved SupercONDuctor nanoArchitectures (CUSONDA)
Fomin, Vladimir
Thermal transport in low dimensional quantum spin systems: scattering processes for magnetic excitations
Hemker-Heß, Christian
The superconducting spin valve and triplet superconductivity
Leksin, Pavel Vladimirovich
Untersuchung des Wechselwirkungspotentials in Kuprat-Supraleitern durch Vergleich verschiedener spektroskopischer Methoden
Hackl, Rudolf
Wechselwirkung zwischen Spin-, Gitter- und Ladungsfreiheitsgraden in korrelierten Metallen ohne Inversionszentrum
Hackl, Rudolf
Weyl and Dirac semimetals and beyond– prediction, synthesis and characterization of new semimetals
Aswartham, Ph.D., Saicharan
Büchner, Bernd
Efremov, Dmitri
Research Units
Completed projects
Einkomponentige Multiferroika: Synthese und physikalische Eigenschaften
Hemker-Heß, Christian
Electron spin resonance and magnetic studies
Kataev, Vladislav
FOR 538: Doping Dependence of Phase Transitions and Ordering Phenomena in Cuprate Superconductors
Hackl, Rudolf
Low Energy Charge and Spin Excitations probed by NMR and Transport
Büchner, Bernd
Magnetic resonance in semiconductors
Kataev, Vladislav
Raman study of competing ordering phenomena in the cuprates
Hackl, Rudolf
Spin and heat transport in one-dimensional quantum magnets
Hemker-Heß, Christian
Klauss, Hans-Henning
Hackl, Rudolf
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Near-field cryogenic terahertz microscopy/spectroscopy of correlated electron systems
Charnukha, Ph.D., Aliaksei
WBP Position
Current projects
SolvenT-free, scalable dEposition of metaL haLide perovskites by mAgnetron sputteRing for high-efficiency solar cells
Galstian, Ph.D., Iryna
Completed projects
Spatially and Momentum Resolved Raman Studies of Correlated Systems
(Project Head
Hackl, Rudolf
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Investigation of interfaces between organic and metal-organic charge transfer materials by means of electronic transport measurements
Krupskaya, Ph.D., Yulia
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Electron spectroscopy and holography
(Project Heads
Büchner, Bernd
Lubk, Axel
SFB 1143: Correlated Magnetism: From Frustration to Topology
Vojta, Matthias
Spin and entropy transport
(Project Head
Büchner, Bernd
Completed projects
Einkristallzüchtung intermetallischer Verbindungen
(Project Heads
Behr, Günther
Büchner, Bernd
Löser, Wolfgang
Schultz, Ludwig
Elektrochemische Abscheidung von magnetischen Schichten im Magnetfeld
(Project Heads
Gebert, Annett
Uhlemann, Margitta
Energielücken und Renormierungseffekte in Seltenerdmetall-Supraleitern
(Project Heads
Büchner, Bernd
Knupfer, Martin
Magnetfeldkontrollierte Floating-Zone-Einkristallzüchtung und Erstarrung intermetallischer Verbindungen
(Project Heads
Behr, Günther
Gerbeth, Gunter
SFB 609: Electromagnetic Flow Control in Metallurgy, Crystal Growth and Electro Chemistry
Odenbach, Stefan
DIP Programme
Current projects
Chiral superconductivity in the van-der-Waals heterostructure 4Hb-TaS2
Büchner, Bernd
Kalisky, Beena
New Instrumentation for Research
Current projects
Development of a high-energy-, high-spatial-, and high-momentum-resolution electron energy loss spectrometer with liquid-Helium cooling stage (HR3-EEL spectrometer)
Gemming, Thomas
Knupfer, Martin
Lubk, Axel
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1621: Itinerant Magnetism and Superconductivity in Intermetallic Compounds
Klauss, Hans-Henning
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2147: Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter (CT.QMAT)
Claessen, Ralph
Vojta, Matthias
Additional Information
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