Philipps-Universität Marburg
Wissenschaftliches Zentrum für Materialwissenschaften
35043 Marburg
This institution in GERiT
35043 Marburg
Research Grants
Completed projects
Effect of B and N isovalent impurities on the electronic transport of GaAs and GaP based alloys for silicon photonics and photovoltaics
Klar, Peter J.
Einfluss von Elementen mit kleinen kovalenten Radien auf die (Nano)Struktur von III/V Halbleitermaterialien
Volz, Kerstin
Herstellung und elektronische Eigenschaften von Halbleiternanostrukturen mit definierter Ordnung
Stolz, Wolfgang
Locally releasing devices for Paclitaxel based upon polymer-coated stents or nanoparticles for the prevention of Restenosis after PTA
Kissel, Thomas
Non-equilibrium metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy and optical spectroscopy of the band formation and band structure of metastable compound semiconductors
Stolz, Wolfgang
Research Units
Current projects
Electron microscopy and electron diffraction of molecular compounds
Volz, Kerstin
FOR 2824: Amorphous Molecular Materials with Extreme Non-Linear Optical Properties
Dehnen, Stefanie
Completed projects
FOR 483: Metastable Compound Semiconductor Systems and Heterostructures
Stolz, Wolfgang
Metastabile Verbindungshalbleitersysteme und Heterostrukturen
Stolz, Wolfgang
Non-equilibrium metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy of metastable compound semiconductor structures
Stolz, Wolfgang
Structure Formation Processes and Phase Transitions in Metastable Mixed III/V Semiconductors and Heterostructures
Volz, Kerstin
Heisenberg Professorships
Completed projects
Quantitative structural characterization of novel functional materials
Volz, Kerstin
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Wachstum und Zerfall von Mikrodomänen in ausgewählten Meliliten
Rager, Helmut
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Ar ion milling system for the selective preparation of TEM specimen
Atomic force microscopy
Multibeam Focussed Ion Beam Gerät (FIB/SEM)
Precession electron diffraction system
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Atomically Resolved Structure of Solid/Solid Interfaces
(Project Heads
Gries, Katharina Ines
Volz, Kerstin
Coordination Project
(Project Head
Volz, Kerstin
Inorganic, Interface-Dominated Heterostructures for Device Concepts
(Project Heads
Chatterjee, Sangam
Volz, Kerstin
Metal Organic Vapour Phase Deposition of Two-Dimensional Heterostructures
(Project Head
Volz, Kerstin
SFB 1083: Structure and Dynamics of Internal Interfaces
Höfer, Ulrich
Volz, Kerstin
Completed projects
Interface-Dominated Semiconductor Laser Structures
(Project Heads
Koch, Stephan W.
Stolz, Wolfgang
Metal Organic Vapour Phase Epitaxy of Semiconductor Heterostructures and Interfaces
(Project Head
Stolz, Wolfgang
Time-Resolved Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy at Semiconductor Interfaces
(Project Heads
Höfer, Ulrich
Mette, Gerson
Volz, Kerstin
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 790: Electron-Electron Interactions in Solids
Gebhard, Florian
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1782: Functionalisation of Semiconductors
Volz, Kerstin