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Columbia University
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
P.O. Box 1000
Palisades NY 10964-1000
Palisades NY 10964-1000
Emmy Noether International Fellowships
Completed projects
Comparing the Timing and Amplitude of glacial advances in New Zealand, Chile and Antarctica-Climate Synchroneity from the Southern Hemisphere perspective
Schäfer, Jörg
Research Grants
Completed projects
Carbon Dioxide in-situ Sequestration - An Environmental and Socio- economic Hazard?
Klose, Christian
Development of millennium-length density chronologies for eastern and southern Europe
Esper, Jan
Geochemische, petrologische und vulkanische Entwicklung des Izu-Bonin arc/backarc-Systems rekonstruiert anhand submariner Tephralagen
Straub, Susanne M.
Glacial – Interglacial Changes in Dust Supply to the Pacific Southern Ocean
Struve, Torben
Intensivlehrgang "Analysis and Management of Geological Risks"
Klose, Christian
Origin and early diversification of Plesiosauria and the influence of the end-Triassic extinction event: insights from the first unequivocal Triassic plesiosaurs
Sander, Martin
Rare earth elements and neodymium isotopes in the South Pacific: impact of hydrothermal activity, particle fluxes, and ocean circulation
Pahnke-May, Katharina
Retardation and mobilization of arsenic at redox fronts under advective flow conditions - a concerted multidisciplinary approach (AdvectAs)
Cirpka, Olaf A.
Kappler, Andreas
Neumann, Thomas
Shifting patterns? Understanding peatland resilience from shifts in small scale microform patterns (SPURT)
Mathijssen, Paul
Validierung des Borisotopen/Paläo-pH Proxies in benthischen Foraminiferen
Hönisch, Bärbel
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Geochemische und petrologische Untersuchung zur Evaluierung der Hauptelement-Flüsse in Vulkanbogen und die sich daraus ergebenden Konsequenzen für den globalen Stoffkreislauf
Straub, Susanne M.
Southern Ocean and atmospheric CO2 in a warm world - unravelling CO2 sinks in the Southern Ocean during the last interglacial climate state (Project acronym: SOCO)
Gottschalk, Julia
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
Climatically controlled sedimentation dynamics and export productivity at IODP Site U1537 in the Scotia Sea (Southern Ocean) over the past four glacial cycles
Eisenhauer, Anton
Gutjahr, Marcus
Lippold, Jörg
Impact of carbon cycle changes in the Pacific Southern Ocean on climate shifts during the past 3.5 million years (IMPAC3.5T)
Gottschalk, Julia
Gutjahr, Marcus
Lembke-Jene, Lester
Orbital and millennial-scale upper ocean dynamics in the Pacific Southern Ocean since the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
Arz, Helge W.
Lamy, Frank
The role of South Pacific dust provenance changes in Pliocene-Pleistocene climate variability (IODP Expedition 383)
Struve, Torben
Completed projects
Changing sediment provenance in the Indian Ocean-Atlantic Ocean gateway during the Pliocene in relation to current dynamics and variations in continental climate
Uenzelmann-Neben, Gabriele
Deciphering global cooling of the mid-latitude oceans and its implication for the ocean circulation and climate during the early Pliocene (~5-3.5 Ma)
Karas, Cyrus
Dynamics of Surface to Intermediate-Mode Water in the Pleistocene Subantarctic Pacific (DYNAPACC Expedition 383)
Lamy, Frank
Nürnberg, Dirk
High resolution analysis of sediments from the Dead Sea, Israel - Development of scientific standards for the proposed Dead Sea Deep Drilling Project (DSDDP)
Frank, Ute
Sr-Nd-Pb isotopengeochemische Untersuchungen an Sedimenten und Vulkaniten der Izu-Bonin-Mariana Konvergenzzone (NW-Pazifik) - Ein Beitrag zur stofflichen Entwicklung des Izu-Bonin Arc/Backarc Systems in Raum und Zeit
Hoernle, Kaj
Sr-Pb-Nd-O isotopengeochemische Untersuchungen von submarinen Tephralagen und Laven aus dem Izu-Bonin arc/backarc-System - ein Beitrag zur geochemischen, petrologischen und vulkanischen Entwicklung des miozänen bis quartären Izu-Bonin-arc backarc-Systems
Hoernle, Kaj
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Spliting continental lithosphere during rifting in the South Atlantic with emphasis on the role of magmatism.
Nagel, Thorsten
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