Fakultät für Psychologie
Institut für Psychologie der Entwicklung und Bildung
Liebiggasse 5
1010 Wien
1010 Wien
Research Grants
Current projects
Targeting Social Well-being to Improve Transitions to School
Malti, Tina
White, Lars
The formation of object representations in the infant brain
Köster, Moritz
Completed projects
"Do I belong?" - How negative stereotypes influence the social relationships of adolescents with migration background in school contexts
Froehlich, Laura
Effects of contingency learning on gaze following and attention direction in infancy
Höhl, Ph.D., Stefanie
How Rational is Rational Imitation? Investigating Cognitive Processes Underlying Rational Imitation in Preverbal Infants
Pauen, Sabina
The affective mechanism underlying joint attention and joint action in infancy and toddlerhood
Saalbach, Henrik
The role of social motivations for the imitation of non-functional actions in preschoolers
Höhl, Ph.D., Stefanie
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Keep the breath in mind: Respiratory interoception in the developing brain
Kayhan Wagner, Ph.D., Ezgi
Completed projects
Mind the Body: An Investigation Into the Role of Embodied Interactions in the Construction of Minimal Self in Infancy.
Kayhan Wagner, Ph.D., Ezgi